Sight Unseen, in partnership with Bell Media’s CTV, follows Tess Avery (Dolly Lewis, The Dutchman’s Pipe), a top homicide detective who is forced to quit the job she loves after nearly killing her p...
Vera and André are a couple who get the chance to pitch their business at a prestigious competition. Before the competition, Vera tries hypnotherapy to quit smoking, with an unexpected side effect: ...
A poor young girl living in Chile with her wheelchair-confined father and four siblings tries to save up enough money to watch movies at her local cinema...
After an alien spacecraft destroys Washington, D.C., the residents of a small town must fight off a unit of alien soldiers on the hunt for the President of the United States and the mysterious devic...
正值青春期的少女艾玛(苏菲·瓦瓦希尔 Sophie Vavasseur 饰)因小事与父母发生争吵,继而用玻璃碎片割破自己的手掌。在此之后,父母子女的关系虽有所松动,但是新的危机已悄悄展开。艾玛是不是会做出些奇怪的举止,这令父母异常担心,于是只得将艾玛留在家中接受教育。期间他们尝试带女儿去看具有催眠本领的心理医生,谁知医生最终猝死艾玛的膝上。艾玛自感自己已被魔鬼附体,因此不顾崇尚科学的父母的反对...