该剧是根据2010年俄罗斯间谍网曝光事件改编,主创本人曾于1990-94年担任中情局特工 美苏冷战期间,里根刚刚当选美国总统后不久,一对前苏联克格勃间谍奉上级指令潜伏在美国首都华盛顿郊区伺机收集军政情报。伪装成一个美国式家庭——丈夫Philip(马修·瑞斯 Matthew Rhys 饰),妻子Elizabeth (凯丽·拉塞尔 Keri Russell 实),与一对不知道自己身事的子女13岁的女儿Paige(霍利·泰勒 Holly Taylor)和10岁的儿子Henry一起生活。FBI探员Stan(诺亚·艾默里奇 Noah Emmerich 饰)乔装成平民搬到他们隔壁对其展开调查。而同时,他们的关系随着时间的推进越来越亲密和真诚,但是冷战的升级和间谍组织对他们保持的关注和监视也在考验着他们之间的情感。更关键的是Phillip越来越适应美国的生活价值观和思维方式。
I spent almost a month on this TV series. I have to say I'm getting addicted to it! This series just hits my heart, pushes me to think about the ideology behind it, and shocks me on the inner struggle and conflict in their daily life. All the motivations drive me to write this essay.
Love, betray, and live together
This part is for Philip and Elizabeth Jennings. They were "arranged" couple from 1960s to early 1980s. Although they rise a girl and a boy, which is typical American life, they still cannot get in to each other. The fertility is more like a mission for them to cover, rather than their real love. We can see more on this in the first episode "Pilot".
This kind of faked "love" makes Philip frustrated. He do believe that Elizabeth cannot accept him in her heart. Then he shows "strong" on Martha Hanson, his informant. Elizabeth asks once then, but neither of them feel good. The "real marriage" is the critical issue for them, until they finally get married in season 5. When they finally get settled in their home country, their marriage may have settled as well.
It's hard to blame all on Elizabeth. Elizabeth is most loyal agent in the organization, and she has decided to devote all her life to this career. Philip feels her "cold", Paige yowls her "whore" once, and Henry is not close to her. All the family issues cannot change her mind to complete those missions. She may be the only one who follows order without thinking. For such kind of person, deception is the most terrible thing. Philip makes a "mistake" in season 1, and get punished for a long time. Claudia plays her in the last season, and the mission terminate their undercover mission.
Their marriage is the vital part in this series. Just like Mathew Rhys says, "You have two people who have led the most incredibly strange life together with incredibly high stakes, in this scene of domesticity that is an absolute lie, and at the end of the pilot they're finding each other for the very first time."
Family issues
This part is for Paige and Henry. Paige and Henry are different, they have distinct personalities. The first episode "Pilot" shows an ice cream battle, which is interesting to show their difference.
Paige prefers waiting, until she's ready to take the critical strike. That is her way. She is smart. She's trying to find her way. She tries to find herself in church, in her parents' organization, in her relationship with others. She hasn't seek the answer yet. But she is brave as well. She makes her final decision to stay and hide. It's so hard to analyze her next move. It's an open ending.
On the other hand, Henry prefers moving, grabbing every opportunity. Henry knows what could be best for him. He is a typical American boy, paying passion in sports and video games. He cares for relatives around, but not as sensitive as Paige. He is just laid-back. This kind of personality helps him, but impedes him to understand the truth about his parents.
It's so hard to make arbitrary decision on Paige or Henry's life behind. Their life is not a tragedy. It is the historical process that makes their family separated. Those defining moments, before or after, happened or is happening.
What is a friend?
This part is for Stan Beeman. Stan is a good officer. He values high on his occupation. But he has changed a lot from the first season to the last one.
His mistress Nina Krilova gives him a shelter for his shaky marriage. The relationship between them is more than a agent-informant relation. Stan cannot find love from Sandra, his former wife, nor his cold family. The safe house for Nina and him truly becomes their "love nest". Even warmth from the little home only lasts for two seasons. Stan's chooses for loyalty ends their relationship, and reveals the fate for Nina.
Oleg Burov is another figure that changes Stan. The cooperation between Stan and Oleg Burov helps each other, but ruins them as well. Oleg is an idealist, who behaves impulsively on act of will. Stan, on the contrary, is cold-blood in most cases. Their last conversation in the holding cell pushes Stan a lot. It may be a explanation for his choose to let Jennings leave.
Chris Amador and Frank Gaad are close to Stan. They are not just colleagues for him. The death of Amador irritates Stan, but he never find the murderer. The death of Gaad shocks Stan, but he never find the source as well.
The man behind is Philip Jennings. How ironic is that. When Stan points his gun to Philip, he shouts "you were my best friend". They are too close to each other. They go to EST organization together, play squash together, drink together, and have dinner together. Stan is a de facto member of Jennings' family. Henry may be his stepson.
Their friendship saves Philip and Elizabeth's life. Their friendship saves Stan as well.
With Or Without You
And it ends with With Or Without You by U2, just like Friends end with Walk On. Why my favorite shows always end with the same band, my favorite music band? The couple is just flying for their lives. Both of Paige and Henry are living with them in their lifelong memory. They are without them in reality, and are leaving alone. Paige's decision of "stay" shocked me a lot. Philip and Elizabeth just watched her, even had no time to say good-bye. I do believe this set will keep in my heart for a long time.
I cried sadly when I heard this song in the last episode. It recalled my left from the same country in June 2014. At that time, I drove a rental car, playing my iPod with shuffle mode. This song just came and hit my heart, again and again. I have to stop the car on the side, to get myself calm.
The nineteen-eighths is fascinating in our age, like the "golden era". The rise of free market economics leads to booming enterprises. The emergence of new technologies and media revolutionized communication, entertainment, and business. The growth of pop culture and consumerism, music, movies, fashion, and sports, are the fundamental elements for the next decades. I really enjoy the "taste" deriving from this series, bringing more sentimental emotions back to 1980s.
叹为观止,将KGB描绘得出神入化。KGB的强大是建立在他们的特工是由特殊材质构成的,他们不能是人,因为人是有情感的,有七情六欲,有弱点的。一旦特工变成了人,那么他不可能如此强大。人有夫妻之情,家庭父母儿女亲情,这些,都几不利于工作。所以,必须斩断一切,只效忠于“Soviet Union”,你才能成为特工。
Elizabeth和Philip Gregory的三角恋情贯穿季,一方面Elizabeth和Philip是工作关系,夫妻只是名义上的,而Gregory是她爱上的第一个男人。不过,日久生情,Elizabeth和Philip要说完全没有感情,显然是扯淡。他们之间的情感非常复杂,复杂到他们自己都说不清。而Elizabeth在Philip和Gregory之间来回游走,非常精彩,再一次显示出Elizabeth的人性未泯,也险些因此坏了大事。
之前看美国恐怖故事,fx每天就开始不挺的在中间播放预告,这种让苏联人当正面主角的电视电影其实在美国并不多见,也许fx就是打了这个算盘希望能接下 美国恐怖故事 的好收视,留住大部分观众。
晚上加班 赶回家刚好赶上首播。
前五分钟可能是因为没适应配乐外带直接开始巷内追人的戏码让我有点出戏。 不过后面开始就觉得越来越精彩了。
尤其喜欢男主,很多人可能觉得 你特工特工一定要跟电影里一样年轻帅气,能文能武,男主外形可能称不上完美,但是其在剧中人物性格的塑造恰恰让他变成了一个有魅力的男人,而且绝对会让你上瘾。
第一集里 感觉编剧在感情转折上还是下了功夫的。 matthew饰演的父亲看自己女儿被调戏后 因为担曝露身份而没当面打人,离开时憋气的跟女儿说,我不应该打架之类的借口都难掩他作为人父的爱女之心。而后来找准机会跑进调戏女儿的男人家里 狠狠的揍了那男人一顿,让人大呼过瘾。
中间偷听 “老婆”为获取情报而和fbi员工上床的录音时,那嫉妒心全部写在了脸上。
另外一场戏在于 matthew想把俄国叛徒送到新搬来的邻居家(邻居是fbi)来换取奖金被女主发现,便直接告白自己想和一家人一起远离间谍生活心意,这场近似于直接向女主角告白的戏把第一季冲向高潮。最后却因为了解叛徒与女主的个人恩怨改变了他的招降计划,当女主角的面手刃了叛徒 从而引发两人抛掉尸体后的 车震。
matthew 你除了你熟练的特工技巧,你完全就是个新好男人嘛!
这里足以看出 男主角 对孩子和 “妻子”的爱早已超越了对于 国家的爱。谁说不是,间谍也是普通人,一个正常人都希望有一个幸福美满的生活,而国家仅仅是幸福生活的一个载体。
1。美国苏联冷战时期特有的 时代文化 (服饰,配乐)
2。有别于一般特工电视电影,主角的亦正亦邪导致敌人众多,有感觉 剧情发展下去 苏联政府也会变相成为其敌人,而并不是美国政府一方,另一方面美国反而会在某些方面帮他俩个为主角
4。Matthew哎 你真的是 什么都能演啊, 之前演了那么深入人心的同志角色,但这次看这个电视剧,完全不觉得突兀。
5。亲情加间谍 这两个主题融合的好的话 还是很有吸引力的。
ps:女主演的其实也不错,那种效忠于祖国情感在被男主点点滴滴维护宽容下而慢慢瓦解, 演的都很自然。
I spent almost a month on this TV series. I have to say I'm getting addicted to it! This series just hits my heart, pushes me to think about the ideology behind it, and shocks me on the inner struggle and conflict in their daily life. All the motivations drive me to write this essay.
Love, betray, and live together
This part is for Philip and Elizabeth Jennings. They were "arranged" couple from 1960s to early 1980s. Although they rise a girl and a boy, which is typical American life, they still cannot get in to each other. The fertility is more like a mission for them to cover, rather than their real love. We can see more on this in the first episode "Pilot".
This kind of faked "love" makes Philip frustrated. He do believe that Elizabeth cannot accept him in her heart. Then he shows "strong" on Martha Hanson, his informant. Elizabeth asks once then, but neither of them feel good. The "real marriage" is the critical issue for them, until they finally get married in season 5. When they finally get settled in their home country, their marriage may have settled as well.
It's hard to blame all on Elizabeth. Elizabeth is most loyal agent in the organization, and she has decided to devote all her life to this career. Philip feels her "cold", Paige yowls her "whore" once, and Henry is not close to her. All the family issues cannot change her mind to complete those missions. She may be the only one who follows order without thinking. For such kind of person, deception is the most terrible thing. Philip makes a "mistake" in season 1, and get punished for a long time. Claudia plays her in the last season, and the mission terminate their undercover mission.
Their marriage is the vital part in this series. Just like Mathew Rhys says, "You have two people who have led the most incredibly strange life together with incredibly high stakes, in this scene of domesticity that is an absolute lie, and at the end of the pilot they're finding each other for the very first time."
Family issues
This part is for Paige and Henry. Paige and Henry are different, they have distinct personalities. The first episode "Pilot" shows an ice cream battle, which is interesting to show their difference.
Paige prefers waiting, until she's ready to take the critical strike. That is her way. She is smart. She's trying to find her way. She tries to find herself in church, in her parents' organization, in her relationship with others. She hasn't seek the answer yet. But she is brave as well. She makes her final decision to stay and hide. It's so hard to analyze her next move. It's an open ending.
On the other hand, Henry prefers moving, grabbing every opportunity. Henry knows what could be best for him. He is a typical American boy, paying passion in sports and video games. He cares for relatives around, but not as sensitive as Paige. He is just laid-back. This kind of personality helps him, but impedes him to understand the truth about his parents.
It's so hard to make arbitrary decision on Paige or Henry's life behind. Their life is not a tragedy. It is the historical process that makes their family separated. Those defining moments, before or after, happened or is happening.
What is a friend?
This part is for Stan Beeman. Stan is a good officer. He values high on his occupation. But he has changed a lot from the first season to the last one.
His mistress Nina Krilova gives him a shelter for his shaky marriage. The relationship between them is more than a agent-informant relation. Stan cannot find love from Sandra, his former wife, nor his cold family. The safe house for Nina and him truly becomes their "love nest". Even warmth from the little home only lasts for two seasons. Stan's chooses for loyalty ends their relationship, and reveals the fate for Nina.
Oleg Burov is another figure that changes Stan. The cooperation between Stan and Oleg Burov helps each other, but ruins them as well. Oleg is an idealist, who behaves impulsively on act of will. Stan, on the contrary, is cold-blood in most cases. Their last conversation in the holding cell pushes Stan a lot. It may be a explanation for his choose to let Jennings leave.
Chris Amador and Frank Gaad are close to Stan. They are not just colleagues for him. The death of Amador irritates Stan, but he never find the murderer. The death of Gaad shocks Stan, but he never find the source as well.
The man behind is Philip Jennings. How ironic is that. When Stan points his gun to Philip, he shouts "you were my best friend". They are too close to each other. They go to EST organization together, play squash together, drink together, and have dinner together. Stan is a de facto member of Jennings' family. Henry may be his stepson.
Their friendship saves Philip and Elizabeth's life. Their friendship saves Stan as well.
With Or Without You
And it ends with With Or Without You by U2, just like Friends end with Walk On. Why my favorite shows always end with the same band, my favorite music band? The couple is just flying for their lives. Both of Paige and Henry are living with them in their lifelong memory. They are without them in reality, and are leaving alone. Paige's decision of "stay" shocked me a lot. Philip and Elizabeth just watched her, even had no time to say good-bye. I do believe this set will keep in my heart for a long time.
I cried sadly when I heard this song in the last episode. It recalled my left from the same country in June 2014. At that time, I drove a rental car, playing my iPod with shuffle mode. This song just came and hit my heart, again and again. I have to stop the car on the side, to get myself calm.
The nineteen-eighths is fascinating in our age, like the "golden era". The rise of free market economics leads to booming enterprises. The emergence of new technologies and media revolutionized communication, entertainment, and business. The growth of pop culture and consumerism, music, movies, fashion, and sports, are the fundamental elements for the next decades. I really enjoy the "taste" deriving from this series, bringing more sentimental emotions back to 1980s.
It's time to say goodbye to the Jennings' family.
This TV series is on my top 5 list.