1951年10月2日,在英国英格兰Northumberland郡的Wallsend市的Sumner家出生了一名男婴,他被取名叫做Gordon,Gordon Matthew Sumner,他就是后来大名鼎鼎的流行乐巨星Sting。自从1977年在英国伦敦,Sting和Stewart Copeland一起组建了成就辉煌的警察乐队(The Police)以来,他们迅速成为了英国最成功的乐队之一,St...
According to Giorgio Vasari, the first art historian, the Renaissance was centred on a revival of interest in classical art that began and flourished in Italy. Waldemar disagrees, and accuses Vasari...
CNN纪录 The Lost Tomb of Jesus is a documentary which makes a case that the 2,000-year-old "Tomb of the Ten Ossuaries" belonged to the family of Jesus of Nazareth....
Jinake Saman is the university moon in the engineering faculty, known across the whole campus as the hottest moon. There was the saying among the campus “Nothing and no one was hotter than Mr. Jin!”...