Hidden camera footage augments this perilous, high-stakes journey as we embed with families attempting to escape oppression, ultimately revealing a world most of us have never seen
A dream from 2022.5.11, I dreamt that I was in a god’s view on a high speed train in Korea, two trains were running vertically parallel, the left one belongs to North Korea, the right belongs to South Korea, between the two trains, it’s the borderline.
Suddenly I saw a couple tried to escape from North Korea train, they jumped from the NK train to the SK train to pass the border line. Undoubtedly, there were some traps waiting for them, on the top and inside of the train and even on the ground, so many cops and dogs were waiting for those defectors, later I saw them successfully crossed the borderline, but all of a sudden, they were found by the dogs, shot by the SK side and died miserably and helplessly, everyone were just watching, the police, the passengers, nobody helped them.
I felt extremely helpless and suffocated in the dream, even after I woke up, tears in my eyes, crying for them and maybe also for myself. I don’t understand why I dreamt about this, maybe I was somehow in a similar dilemma.
A dream from 2022.5.11, I dreamt that I was in a god’s view on a high speed train in Korea, two trains were running vertically parallel, the left one belongs to North Korea, the right belongs to South Korea, between the two trains, it’s the borderline.
Suddenly I saw a couple tried to escape from North Korea train, they jumped from the NK train to the SK train to pass the border line. Undoubtedly, there were some traps waiting for them, on the top and inside of the train and even on the ground, so many cops and dogs were waiting for those defectors, later I saw them successfully crossed the borderline, but all of a sudden, they were found by the dogs, shot by the SK side and died miserably and helplessly, everyone were just watching, the police, the passengers, nobody helped them.
I felt extremely helpless and suffocated in the dream, even after I woke up, tears in my eyes, crying for them and maybe also for myself. I don’t understand why I dreamt about this, maybe I was somehow in a similar dilemma.
毫无疑问,这部记录一家四口逃离北朝鲜,穿越中国、越南、老挝和泰国的艰苦旅程的纪录片拥有五星级纪录片的原始素材。他们驶向自由的危险旅程的原始影像,不加修饰,未经剪辑,具有完全吸引观众的潜力,让观众沉浸在这个家庭的磨难经历中。然而,这部纪录片的装配并不完美,充其量只能打上三星,因为它的表现形式就像一集美国真人秀节目。导演决定穿插大量对脱北者和朝鲜专家的采访,无情地强调 "朝鲜很坏 "这一众所周知的概念,这扰乱了一家人寻求自由的有机叙事流程。值得注意的是,大量无关紧要、毫无目的的细枝末节被塞了进来,让我不解的是,朝鲜家庭被迫交出排泄物作为肥料,这对叙事流程有何益处。此外,影片还精心制作,有选择性地加入了中国、越南和老挝等共产主义国家的画面,人为地放大了叛逃家庭所面临的持续危险感。这种电影手法使这部纪录片更具有戏剧化的真人秀美感。在原始片段的震撼力中,人为提高强度的尝试变得多余,因为片段本身就足以吸引观众的注意力。n