- They sell $100 non-racist yoga pants, I think I speak for the entire audience tonight when I say most people in this crowd would prefer a pair of $20 racist yoga pants. That’s yoga pants whistle ni**a as you walk.
- By the way, speaking of commercials, when didSnoop Doggbecome Morgan Freeman?
- They say we are addicted to opioids, but opioids are not the biggest addiction in America, not even close, man, the biggest addiction in America is attention.
- And right now, we live in a world where the emergency room is filled up with motherfuckers with paper cuts.
- That’s right. I’m on your side. I believe you should have the right to kill as many babies as you want. Kill ’em all, I don’t give a fuck. But let’s not get it twisted, it is killing a baby. ‘Cause whenever I pay for an abortion, I request a dead baby. Sometimes, I call up the doctor like a hit man. “Is it done?”
- And people argue first trimester, second trimester. First trimester, second trimester. I think women should have the right to kill a baby until it’s four years old. That’s right, fuck trimester. Semester. I think you should be able to kill a baby till you get that first report card. [exclaims] “He ain’t never getting a scholarship.” “Okay, you can finish watchingStranger Things, but when it’s over, we going to the clinic.” “Hurry up, I’m trying to get a smoothie.”
- Yes. Robert Kardashian helped to free O.J. Simpson. That’s right. And from that day on, from the day that he helped to free O.J. Simpson, from the time O.J. Simpson left that court… From that day on, Robert Kardashian was cursed. That’s right. The judge said, “Not guilty.” O.J. left the court, got in his Bronco, drove away. And soon as O.J. drove away, God appeared. And God walked up to Robert Kardashian and God said, “Robert Kardashian!” “For the sin of helping to free O.J. Simpson, a Black, football-playing murderer, from this day forth, for the rest of eternity, till the end of time, your daughters will fuck nothing but n*ggas!“And not just any n*ggas, crazy n*ggas.” “The craziest n*ggas to ever live.”
- Them Rock girls are fucking spoiled. I remember my youngest,Zahra, when she was in kindergarten, one day, the teacher said, “Today, we’re gonna learn about the four seasons.” And Zahra said, “That’s my favorite hotel.”