An 8-part drama set in a fictional performing arts school climaxing with a ninety minute episode in which the students perform in their end of term showcase. Preceeded by two documentary episodes sh...
四集的电视系列, 它将被设置在1986年墨西哥世界杯,Chris de Burgh 是音乐排行榜的第一和3.4亿人失业的英国 注视小孩Shaun的成长和环境 This is England '86 is a follow up to Shane Meadows' Bafta award-winning movie, This is England. Shaun, is no...
The main story is set in a British Military Intelligence Office in Whitehall during 1956, where a small group of foreign affairs analysts find their quiet existence disrupted by the Suez Crisis. Ewa...