罗伯特·德尼罗、Machine Gun Kelly、约翰·马尔科维奇将主演新动作惊悚片《河水冲洗我》(Wash Me in the River,暂译),Migos的Quavo也在商谈,有望出演。据称这是一部《老无所依》风格的片子,讲述一个鸦片药物成瘾者正在戒断中,并想找致使自己未婚妻死亡的药贩子复仇,而两个警察紧跟在他身后 资深制片人Randall Emmett执导,这是他的第二部导演长片作...
It tells the story of Jem who can only think of her handsome youth pastor. When they start an affair, her chaste life is thrown into turmoil, jeopardizing her place in her family and the only world ...
Follows Iraqi war veteran Tes, as she prepares to strike back after a group of home invaders attack during her sister's bachelorette party, and she discovers that they are hellbent on not leavin...
入選多倫多影展以及紐約影展官方選片的 Apple TV+ 紀錄片電影《此生如鴿:間諜小說大師勒卡雷》,由榮獲奧斯卡最佳紀錄長片《戰爭迷霧》的導演埃洛莫里斯自編自導,描繪「英國間諜小說大師」約翰勒卡雷 (John le Carré) 不為人知的傳奇人生,並將於電影中獨家公開他生前最後的訪談以及最坦率的自白...