As a youngster John Wyatt saw his parents killed and his brother kidnapped. On a wagon train heading West he meets his brother who is now a spy for the gang which originally did the dirty work. He and...
Back to the Secret Garden is a great family fantasy film. Made in sequel to the original film "The Secret Garden." It has some of the original characters, Lady Mary amongst other favourites....
Back to the Secret Garden is a great family fantasy film. Made in sequel to the original film "The Secret Garden." It has some of the original characters, Lady Mary amongst other favourites....
1983年,盘桓在英国北约克郡上空的阴霾久久不曾散去。这一天,一名有着天使般面庞的小女孩失踪,这起事件让人们淡忘将近十年的噩梦再次苏醒。1974年,名叫克莱尔•坎普雷的小女孩失踪,最终遭到杀害。不久,有着病态般苍白面颊的麦克认罪伏法。一切似乎就此完结,而如今这起类似的案件发生,让人们意识到那起沉疴多年旧案的异常。一方面,律师约翰·皮格特(马克·艾迪 Mark Addy 饰)出任麦克的律师,准备提起...
露丝·威尔森将主演新片[关于我的真相](True Things About Me,暂译)。裘德·洛与合伙人通过旗下公司Riff Raff Entertainment挑选了剧本和女主威尔森。威尔森也将与裘德·洛等一同参与制片。本片由哈莉·伍特里夫([只有你])自编自导,改编自黛博拉·凯·戴维斯的同名小说,讲述了一个生活在社会边缘的年轻女子被一个陌生人颠覆平静生活的故事。影片将于2020年初开拍。...
Science fiction has long anticipated the rise of machine intelligence. Today, a new generation of self-learning computers is reshaping every aspect of our lives. Incomprehensible amounts of data are...