Follows a Jewish boxer sent to Auschwitz who is forced to fight for the entertainment of the Nazi soldiers. But if he loses, he'll be experimented upon...
The Hellbound Saints of Brooklyn Parish are a team of foul-mouthed, lewd and lecherous priests who you'll need on your side if you want to survive an exorcism, in this outrageous horror comedy b...
Two couples in their thirties, heated discussions on the essentials of life unfolding between Madrid and the neighbouring countryside. Directorial star of Spanish film Jonas Trueba (The August Virgi...
Aurora has known all her life from her mother that the superhuman abilities they have also make them dangerous. Now, Aurora will discover if her mother was speaking the truth on one fateful and fatal ...
CYST is an old school monster movie in which an enthusiastic plastic surgeon will stop at nothing to patent his latest cyst-removal machine. What started out as Patricia (Eva Habermann) the nurse’s ...
Tony, a visiting Italian, meets Oscar in a Copenhagen bar. What seems like a one-night stand becomes more complicated and the two men form a fragile friendship based on mutual loneliness...