Love is not negotiable. Love is a guessing game. And that's the beauty of it. There's no guarantees. It's like, diving into a pool of water without knowing if it's shallow or deep. And sure yeah, if it's shallow you end up hurt and paralyzed from neck down. But if it's deep, you know, it's a leap of faith. It's like, throwing yourself out there without any guarantees. That's what life is about. Ok, you know those carnival games? And you know some of them are really hard to win and some of them are super easy and everyone wins? It's just, that's the difference between love and sex. Sex is the game where everyone wins a little prize and no one goes home a loser, and love is the game that's really hard to win. But if you do, and you get to take home that life-size stuffed rhinoceros. It feels a whole lot better than taking home a shitty little plastic key chain.
提防、猜疑、试探、防范、进攻、射闪、计谋、策略、犹豫、迷惑。这是爱情战争的主要形式,恋爱的结果并不重要,游戏过程便是一切。 爱情变的尴尬而微妙起来。 以前的爱情,基本上是男女双方与社会环境作战,现在,爱情的主战场转到男人与女人之间。 一个人套起盔甲,正面站着,像是有些坚硬,这是粗粝的人生所要求于他的,而待其慢慢转过身子,背后还是露出了荏弱的部分。但就是这么一些相悖的东西,构成了一个完整的人。这是没有办法的事情。 所以,还是温柔的转身,说出来,“i love you”,等着你的,会是动容的“i love you,too”。
"Doesn't work like that, Christopher. Love is not negotiable."
"Oh baby. Everything is negotiable."
"No, not love. Not love. Love is a guessing game. And that's the beauty of it. There's no guarantee. It's like, diving into a pool of water without knowing if it's shallow or deep. And sure yeah, if shallow you may end up hurt and paralyze from the neck down. But if it's deep, you know, it's a loop of faith. It's like, throwing yourself out there without any guarantees. Dude, that's what life is about. Ok, you know those carnival games? And you know some of them are really hard to win and some of them are super easy and everyone wins?"
"That's the difference between love and sex. Sex is the game where everyone wins a little prize and no one goes home a loser. And love is the game that it's really hard to win. But if you do, and you get to take home that life-size stuffed rhinoceros. It feels a whole lot better than taking home a cheap plastic key chain."
所以,还是温柔的转身,说出来,“i love you”,等着你的,会是动容的“i love you,too”。
"Doesn't work like that, Christopher. Love is not negotiable."
"Oh baby. Everything is negotiable."
"No, not love. Not love. Love is a guessing game. And that's the beauty of it. There's no guarantee. It's like, diving into a pool of water without knowing if it's shallow or deep. And sure yeah, if shallow you may end up hurt and paralyze from the neck down. But if it's deep, you know, it's a loop of faith. It's like, throwing yourself out there without any guarantees. Dude, that's what life is about. Ok, you know those carnival games? And you know some of them are really hard to win and some of them are super easy and everyone wins?"
"That's the difference between love and sex. Sex is the game where everyone wins a little prize and no one goes home a loser. And love is the game that it's really hard to win. But if you do, and you get to take home that life-size stuffed rhinoceros. It feels a whole lot better than taking home a cheap plastic key chain."