Zack and Casey’s relationship is in a slump, but things are about to change this summer at Dick Dickey’s Drama Camp! When Zack meets Benji there is an instant connection. But not wanting to interfere with Zack’s current relationship, Benji pretends to be straight. When Benji and Zack get cast as lovers in an updated, sexed-up version of The Taming of the Shrew, their self-restraint is put to the test. And when the sparks start to fly, Casey’s trusted friend Penny takes matters into her own hands by setting a poison oak trap for Benji so that Casey can step in as Benji’s understudy. But when Beau (Ronnie Kroell, Make Me a Supermodel) starts crushing on Casey, Casey wonders if he and Zack are really meant to be together after all. Meanwhile, Jason, the straight director who likes to film gay guys to impress the straight chicks, starts falling for Lilly (Harmony Santana, Gun Hill Road, also playing at QFest this year), the transgendered girl. As if all that’s not enough, Aunt Helen (Mink Stole) has tapped into her inner couger and takes on a new boy toy, Andy. Introducing a diverse ensemble of characters, Eating Out: Drama Camp is an over-the-top raunchy comedy with the innocence of summer love.
◎年代: 2011
◎地区: USA
◎语言: 英语
◎字幕: QAF中文站制作中
◎时长: 104分钟
◎类别: 喜剧
Zack and Casey’s relationship is in a slump, but things are about to change this summer at Dick Dickey’s Drama Camp! When Zack meets Benji there is an instant connection. But not wanting to interfere with Zack’s current relationship, Benji pretends to be straight. When Benji and Zack get cast as lovers in an updated, sexed-up version of The Taming of the Shrew, their self-restraint is put to the test. And when the sparks start to fly, Casey’s trusted friend Penny takes matters into her own hands by setting a poison oak trap for Benji so that Casey can step in as Benji’s understudy. But when Beau (Ronnie Kroell, Make Me a Supermodel) starts crushing on Casey, Casey wonders if he and Zack are really meant to be together after all. Meanwhile, Jason, the straight director who likes to film gay guys to impress the straight chicks, starts falling for Lilly (Harmony Santana, Gun Hill Road, also playing at QFest this year), the transgendered girl. As if all that’s not enough, Aunt Helen (Mink Stole) has tapped into her inner couger and takes on a new boy toy, Andy. Introducing a diverse ensemble of characters, Eating Out: Drama Camp is an over-the-top raunchy comedy with the innocence of summer love.
Eating Out这个系列的不变的宗旨就是straight在那儿使着劲的装gay,gay们在那儿使着劲的装straight,其目的都是为了把意中人搞上床(或者eating out这词儿带有性意味的意思),然后上演一出大闹剧。主角也有开始的大部分为straight actors担当,到现在的几乎清一色的gay actors担当,当然也有那些演技拙劣,找不到工作,只能在日间肥皂剧的混的straight actors来客串,当然必须的是他们的主要工作也就是在那里露肉(或者鸟)。
故事接着上集的couple来,这回又来到了drama camp,参加演员导演培训,当然剧情一贯的胡扯,表演一贯的夸张做作,但是谁也没叫你把这当教父来看,对白写得很有趣,笑点来的时间合适,再加上演员时不时露一把,就这么欢乐的把它给看完了。本来闹剧就是这样,只要别太拿自己当回事儿,观众别为了Politically Correct太较真,片子还是可以看一看的。
有两个客串的演员我注意到了,一个是make me a supermodel第一季的Ronnie Kroell ,你看怎样,就你的条件做专业model还是差点儿的,果然向影视业转移了,果然他除了露肉之外还是那么“傻气”十足,应了那句老话“Models don't talk”:另一个是reality-star-turn-porn-star的Steven Daigle ,本来在big brother的时候,虽然他很早被淘汰,但我还是挺喜欢这个sensitive的gay cowboy的,到后来他转去做porn star,一时间gay porn industry里到处都是他的身影,估计做牛仔没有来拍porn去拿fast cash挣得多,sensitive maybe,but he is a real queen,果然他在片子主要负责露鸟和冒傻气。
End scene!
Gay cinema有两大趋势:大“喜”大悲。“喜”的是有点太flaming,好像大家必须都要是drag queen,没事儿就要snap finger,sister-sister的叫着,天天sex party着才是gay,否则就是你就是对自己的sexuality不够confident,wtf?其实你是否娘娘腔没什么大关系,关键的你要对人真诚,不要表现的那么肤浅和刻薄。悲的是反正片子里就要死人,不是自杀就是被人打死,吸毒过量或是爱滋死掉,我的天,难道作gay就真没活路了?难怪gay teenagers自杀率这么高。每个人成长都需要role model,自己的幸福要靠自己来争取,Logo还有here!你们这两家针对LGBT的电视台这种靠露肉维生的滥俗剧也拍够了吧,咱们也要来点儿正儿八经的东西,也别学什么美国的network,为了讨好GLAAD,安排个gay的人物可又不给情节。我看Logo的coming out系列就不错,真人真事真感情,只是我希望我能看到多一些的drama系列。