Season 2 is the second season of Helluva Boss. On November 13, 2021, a second season was confirmed to be in production The season premiered on July 30th, 2022, and will have a more consistent updat...
After their teenage son is killed in a car crash, Paul (Andrew Sensenig) and Anne (Barbara Crampton) move to the quiet New England countryside to try to start a new life for themselves. But the grie...
身怀绝技的青年阿天(托尼·贾 Tony Jaa 饰)生活在泰国一座平静的村落——巴都村,他自幼跟随师傅学习泰拳。某晚,村中不成器的青年巴端打伤阿天的师傅,并将村民们虔诚以待的佛像之首盗走。肩负村民的嘱托和众望,阿天踏上寻找巴端和佛首的道路。几经辗转,他找到在曼谷混事的同乡阿含莱,岂料对方只是一个见钱眼开的小混混,根本无心帮忙,反而利用阿天的身手在黑市拳台大赚钱财。阿天在黑市拳台名震一方,不过他...
莱·拉索-扬(《忽然七日》《诸事不顺》)将执导新片《太阳也是星星》(The Sun Is Also a Star),雅拉·莎希迪(《喜新不厌旧》《特工绍特》)主演。根据Nicola Yoon所著同名畅销小说改编,影片讲述生活在纽约的女孩Natasha在家庭被驱逐出境、回到家乡牙买加的前夕恋爱了,她的实用主义将面临挑战。Tracy Oliver(《嗨翻姐妹行》)改编剧本,华纳和米高梅联合出品,北...