Set in 1990, a lonely bachelor named David (Brian Landis Folkins) searches for an escape from the day-to-day drudgery of caring for his aging mother (Kathleen Brady). While seeking a partner through...
Follows a variety of New York characters as they navigate personal relationships and unexpected problems over the course of one day 入围圣丹斯电影节 主竞赛单元之一的NEXT单元...
Reggie examines the career and legacy of Major League Baseball Hall of Famer and activist Reggie Jackson Jackson sits down to recount his experiences breaking barriers within the MLB, starting in B...
The host of a failing children's science TV show attempts to fulfill his childhood dream of being an astronaut by building a rocket ship in his garage, all while trying to makes sense of surreal...
一个变态杀手的出现让城市陷入了恐慌之中,杰克(丹尼斯·法里纳 Dennis Farina 饰)和他的心理学家朋友威尔(威廉·彼德森 William L. Petersen 饰)展开了对案件的调查。很显然,凶手的智商极高,因为在案发现场他没有留下任何线索。陷入了僵局中的杰克和威尔决定像汉尼拔(布莱恩·考克斯 Brian Cox 饰)寻求帮助 汉尼拔是一个臭名昭著的罪犯,目前被警方关押,在汉尼拔...
PANIC is a new Amazon Prime Video one-hour drama series, written and created by Lauren Oliver (based on her bestselling novel). It takes place in a small Texas town, where every summer the graduatin...