A boy is haunted by terrifying nightmares where a monster lurks inside the closet. To his relief, his father appears in the middle of the night helping him to face his fears. But the boy will begin to...
The series is a mysterious crime series with a horror twist and is based on the international bestseller by Bavo Dhooge. Styx is a corrupt policeman whose body washes up on the beach. He opens his e...
A pair of misfit oddballs strike a deal too big to pass up — and maybe too good to be true — as they set out on a road trip and redemption story in this dark comedy neo-noir....
A funny, touching exploration of fidelity, strength, and the lengths we go to honour our commitments When Gemma’s (BAFTA winner Aisling Bea) American fiancé (Emmy nominee Colin Hanks) dies shortly ...
American Charlotte Dobler is a master chocolatier in Vienna, she having taken over historic Dobler Chocolates from her now deceased grandmother. She is facing an eviction of sorts from that historic s...
When Dakota tries to break off her toxic relationship with Axel, it starts transforming him into a monstrous creature. He gradually succumbs to the poison of the decaying relationship, becoming a crea...
威尼斯电影节地平线拓展单元 Tacho, a farmer, tends to his plot of land as life passes him by. When he receives news of his daughter's death, he travels to the city to bring her body home, and he discovers a ...