Steiger is a psychotic master of disguise who stalks and kills various women in this suspenseful cat-and-mouse game. Segal, as the detective assigned to the case, uncovers clues, falls in love, and di...
The second season begins with Sean and Christian both turning 40, and Christian playing father for Wilbur, who Gina is letting him take care of, until Wilbur's real father fights him for custody. Sean...
《恐怖狗狗》(Spooky Buddies)是迪士尼"狗狗"系列在2011年推出的作品,也是一部以直接发行影音产品方式首度推出的作品,最早宣传初期的英文片名原本还有一个副标题《Spooky Buddies: The Curse of the Halloween Hound》,但后来正式产品封面曝光时,迪士尼把原本片名的副标给拿掉了。...