供职于投行的初级分析员韩裔青年哈罗德(约翰•赵 John Cho 饰)性格谨慎羞涩,本该放松的周末晚上却被同事塞了一堆工作。这边厢,哈罗德的好友卡玛(卡尔•潘 Kal Penn 饰)又主动搞砸了一次医院面试,这个出身医生世家的印裔青年因为不愿放弃毫无拘束的学生生活一直逃 避从医。当晚,哈罗德与卡玛在吸了一通大麻后倍感饥肠辘辘,电视中来自“白色城堡”的汉堡广告引发了二人极大的兴趣,他们驱车前往,...
The definitive biography of the group's fall from grace after they made it to SHEA Stadium USA and were on their way being a smashing success in the worl...
When Nicole Atkins returns to graduate school, a previous affair with a married professor is the last thing on her mind. However, someone else on campus has his eye on Nicole, someone who knows all ...
克洛弗市是一个不起眼的小城,高中生卡森(克里斯·柯尔弗 Chris Colfer 饰)生长在离异家庭,母亲对他不闻不问,祖母患有老年痴呆。对卡森来说,走出克洛弗市是人生最大的动力。为实现自己进入西北大学新闻学院的梦想,卡森决定勒索整个学校来美化他的简历——他挖出学校里那些受欢迎同学的把柄,威胁拉拉队长、橄榄球明星、富家子弟们给他写稿,帮助他创办一份文学杂志。“然而命运击中你的身体,以任何可能的...
When a woman's husband disappears during a kayaking trip, everyone assumes that he drowned. When she catches a glimpse of a man who looks exactly like him, it sets off a chain of events that unravels ...