Synopsis: One of Gustav Machaty's (Ecstasy) major achievements, From Saturday to Sunday is marked by a gentle romanticism. Two secretaries go out on a double date, but the inexperienced Mary fle...
Thomas and Marianne, a feuding couple whose relationship has hit a wall, decide to spend a weekend at Thomas’s uncle’s lakeside cottage. This is their last chance to save their relationship, which h...
Brazil’s Fab Five use their knowledge of well-being, style, grooming, design and culture to transform everyday heroes’ lives in this uplifting series...
不幸的童年经历让十六岁的少年于贝尔(泽维尔·多兰 Xavier Dolan 饰)早早过上了同母亲(安妮·杜尔瓦勒 Anne Dorval 饰)相依为命的生活,然而,随着年龄的增长和叛逆期的到来,于贝尔渐渐发现,自己和母亲之间开始变得越来越难以沟通,两人之间的距离渐行渐远 内心充满了痛苦和矛盾,于贝尔开始了艰难的尝试,企图重塑他和母亲之间破裂的亲情与信任,可是,就在于贝尔的努力逐渐产生成效之...
不幸的童年经历让十六岁的少年于贝尔(泽维尔·多兰 Xavier Dolan 饰)早早过上了同母亲(安妮·杜尔瓦勒 Anne Dorval 饰)相依为命的生活,然而,随着年龄的增长和叛逆期的到来,于贝尔渐渐发现,自己和母亲之间开始变得越来越难以沟通,两人之间的距离渐行渐远 内心充满了痛苦和矛盾,于贝尔开始了艰难的尝试,企图重塑他和母亲之间破裂的亲情与信任,可是,就在于贝尔的努力逐渐产生成效之...