The film tells the story of how, in post-war Spain, Narcisa (played by Aria Bedmar), a novice with supernatural powers, arrives at a former convent, now a school for girls, to become a teacher. As t...
一个巨大的陨石进入地球轨道并开始逐渐瓦解,它的碎片像淋浴一样洒向地球 In this End Times thriller, a gigantic meteors enters Earth's orbit and begins to disintegrate, showering the entire planet with debris.....
New York sportswriter Mack who spent years devising successful hook-up "plays" with best friend Adam and crew, unexpectedly falls for one of the targets and learns what it takes to go from...
In rural Southern Spain Antonia, a fifteen-year-old mother, disappears in the middle of the night. 50 years later and much further North, Carmen, an introverted casting director, is looking for peop...
An overweight teen is bullied by a clique of cool girls poolside while holidaying in her village. The long walk home will change the rest of her life...