A heartfelt adventure about a milquetoast accountant, Medor, whose perfect life is ruined when he discovers his wife having an affair with his boss. Having lost everything, he finds refuge in his es...
In this unique take on the infamous Manson murders we follow two generations of chilling real life events which occur at 10050 Cielo Drive, one of America's most notorious addresses...
Live Broadway cast production of Heidi Schreck's play presenting multiple facets, historical perspectives and personal experiences with the U.S. Constitution...
孩子眼中的世界在这部电影里美妙的展开,父母双亡的小玛丽(凯特·马伯里 Kate Maberly饰)来到苏格兰的亲戚家住了下来。这是个美丽而又有点神秘的庄园,尤其是秘密花园更是玛丽心中的一个大谜团。原来,玛丽的姨母曾经在自己这个花园的千秋上丧命,姨父便从此紧锁了花园大门 无意中发现了钥匙的玛丽打开了花园的大门。从此,花园成为了玛丽与大自然水乳交融的圣地。玛丽还带上了长期坐在轮椅上的表弟科林(海...