Mickey and Pluto take a trip to the beach, and as the formula goes, the dog gets into mishaps that he is unable to explain to Mickey. In this instance, it's a testy clam. Then Mickey goes fishing, but...
本片用迷幻的影像和摇滚乐讲述了一个非典型乐队主唱的成长史儿时,平克(鲍勃•吉尔道夫 Bob Geldof 饰)的父亲在二战中身亡,母亲与家庭医生关系暧昧,这让他幼小心灵备受创伤。在学校,他对呆板的填鸭教育深恶痛绝,时刻准备着绝地反击。成年后,他在泡吧时结识了风骚的舞女,并与之发生了关系。然而,性欲的满足感并没有维持太久,他就厌倦了这种不靠谱的感情,特别是他对于女人的怀疑和嫉妒达到了无以复加的地步...
A rich brother and sister are crazed killers. She lures men into her bed, and he attacks them and murders them. A detective is assigned to find the killers and bring them in....
Set in the 16th century, a sheriff working on a series of murders has to choose between his conscience and protecting his family when he's tied to the crimes....