Aimlessly cruising through his first post-Stanford University summer, 22 year old David Braddock finds himself in China where he meets Mei, an ambitious young girl who urges him to find his life'...
This children's fantasy tells the story of a 12-year-old boy who discovers a complex underwater world where young children are held prisoner by an evil shark and an eel...
2003年文德斯参加了马丁斯科塞斯Martin Scorsese发起的为蓝调音乐寻根的Mini影集《The Blues》,拍摄了其中名为《一个人的灵魂》(The Soul of a Man)的一集。(参与这个影集的还有克林特 伊斯特伍德(《杀无赦》)和迈克 菲吉斯(Mike Figgis,《远离赌城》)等人 Martin Scorsese本人导的单元Feel Like Going Hom...