Fed up with being censored in their post-Trailer Park Boys lives, the out of work stars/world-renowned 'swearists', Mike Smith, Robb Wells and John Paul Tremblay decide to start their own un...
故事发生在1940年,德军的铁蹄踏上了法国的土地,让这个美丽的国家满目疮痍。一间屋子里,老人(让·马力·罗宾 Jean-Marie Robain 饰)和他的侄女(妮科尔·斯黛芬 Nicole Stéphane 饰)相依为命,战火并没有扰乱他们平静的生活 某日,一位名叫凡尔奈(霍华德·沃侬 Howard Vernon 饰)的德国军官同老人和侄女住到了一起,出于自尊和立场,老人和侄女始终对其保持...
A struggling social media influencer discovers the house he shares is haunted. The ghost brings him and his friends fame and fortune, but with deadly consequences...
Since the 1940s, alien beings known as "GRAYS" have been sighted around the globe with the thought that they visit our planet to study our species and civilization before they eventually i...