1.Teacher:The raised hand.One man,one vote.When you imagine those raised hands,class,you have to remember,everyone of them held a spear.That's what "majority rule"means.nn2.Barry:Define "party".nMan woman:Adorable.nn3.Barry:Collage is not about learning.It's about training to want what you don't need,to leave who you are at the door.nWilly:But we're supposed to leave who we are at the door.That's the point.nBarry:Well,some people can't leave who they are at the door.nn4.Barry:Why are we watching?nCharlotte:It's our civic duty. nn5.Barry:I just don't believe in the.nCharlotte:If you say the system,I'm going to scream.nBarry:The system.nCharlotte:You're one of them.nBarry:What?A socialist?nCharlotte:A poet.nBarry:I am a poet,actually.nn6.Charlotte:No way.She's trying way too hard.Zero self-esteem.
7.Charlotte:Umm.Ground control to Barry.nn8.Charlotte's mom:That could take a while.nCharlotte:And some alcohol.nn9.Barry:I fit in nowhere.nn10.Ms.Dennis:Eight floor.nn11.Charlotte:You look like you're going into battle.nn12.The writer:That makes you America.nThe writer:You take the baton from the ones who've come before,and you carry it as far as you can.And then you hand it off.nThe wify:That's life.It's a beautiful struggle.nn13.Barry:I got an H.
14.Barry:I'm from many places.But I live here now.
利用午休看完了Barry,原以为只是一般的传记电影,但看完后却有着颇多感触。首先,这是一部以年轻奥巴马为原型的电影,地点是81年的NY,作为一个有多重背景的“美国人”,Barry一直担心自己无法融入任何一个圈子,事实证明了他的想法。Barry的父亲是肯尼亚人,母亲是美国白人,因此他既不能融入当地黑人的圈子,当然更不可能融入白人的圈子。黑人的圈子充斥着暴力、毒品和犯罪,还有对白人的厌恶,对政府的不满,虽然Barry对白人和政府也有不满,但是他会更加理性地去看待这些问题,而不是简单地排斥,所以黑人的圈子他进不去,也不想进。对于多数白人而言,Barry先是黑人,然后才是哥伦比亚大学的学生,所以警卫才会只查他的ID,而不去管白人学生。无论是黑的还是白的,都认为Barry不属于他们中的一员,加之自己父母的过早分离,造就了他敏感的性格。 “我是谁?”这个问题一直困扰着Barry,其实这个问题是所有人都要解开的问题,因为人或多或少都在追寻归属感。在电影的前半段,Barry就像一个被遗弃的孩子,不知道自己该怎么办,因此不仅仅是白人排斥黑人,其实在某个层面上来说,黑人更排斥白人,不仅是在80、90年代的美国,20、30年后的今天其实亦是如此,时间或许可以冲淡历史,但是抹不掉历史留下的痕迹和它带来的根深蒂固的观念。所以,Barry选择了一条自己特有的路,在电影的最后给出了自己的答案“I live here.”,他要改变自己的命运,而不是让别人来改变他的。
1.Teacher:The raised hand.One man,one vote.When you imagine those raised hands,class,you have to remember,everyone of them held a spear.That's what "majority rule"means.nn2.Barry:Define "party".nMan woman:Adorable.nn3.Barry:Collage is not about learning.It's about training to want what you don't need,to leave who you are at the door.nWilly:But we're supposed to leave who we are at the door.That's the point.nBarry:Well,some people can't leave who they are at the door.nn4.Barry:Why are we watching?nCharlotte:It's our civic duty. nn5.Barry:I just don't believe in the.nCharlotte:If you say the system,I'm going to scream.nBarry:The system.nCharlotte:You're one of them.nBarry:What?A socialist?nCharlotte:A poet.nBarry:I am a poet,actually.nn6.Charlotte:No way.She's trying way too hard.Zero self-esteem.
7.Charlotte:Umm.Ground control to Barry.nn8.Charlotte's mom:That could take a while.nCharlotte:And some alcohol.nn9.Barry:I fit in nowhere.nn10.Ms.Dennis:Eight floor.nn11.Charlotte:You look like you're going into battle.nn12.The writer:That makes you America.nThe writer:You take the baton from the ones who've come before,and you carry it as far as you can.And then you hand it off.nThe wify:That's life.It's a beautiful struggle.nn13.Barry:I got an H.
14.Barry:I'm from many places.But I live here now.
“我是谁?”这个问题一直困扰着Barry,其实这个问题是所有人都要解开的问题,因为人或多或少都在追寻归属感。在电影的前半段,Barry就像一个被遗弃的孩子,不知道自己该怎么办,因此不仅仅是白人排斥黑人,其实在某个层面上来说,黑人更排斥白人,不仅是在80、90年代的美国,20、30年后的今天其实亦是如此,时间或许可以冲淡历史,但是抹不掉历史留下的痕迹和它带来的根深蒂固的观念。所以,Barry选择了一条自己特有的路,在电影的最后给出了自己的答案“I live here.”,他要改变自己的命运,而不是让别人来改变他的。