1991年法国杜维尔电影节观众 1991年圣丹斯电影节荧幕特别奖 1991年圣保罗国际电影节观众奖 高中辍学生玛利亚告诉家人自己怀孕后,父亲倒毙地上,母亲把她踢出家门,男朋友弃她而去。于是她孤零零一个人无家可归。此时她遇上马修。他是个修理电子器械很有天分的高中毕业生,但他有个原则:质量至上,这使得他每份工作都做不长久。当玛利亚接受了马修的帮助,他们便展开一段令彼此发生转变的关系…… When high school dropout Maria Coughlin announces her pregnancy to her parents, her father drops dead on the floor. Her mother kicks her out of the house and her boyfriend dumps her, so Maria is left alone and homeless. This is when she meets Matthew Slaughter. Matthew is an educated high school graduate with a great talent for fixing electronic devices, but he can't hang on to a job because of his principled attitude towards quality. When Maria accepts Matthew's offer to help her, they begin to form a relationship with each other in which both of them begin to change.
A cavalier convo between a high-school drop-out Maria (Shelly) and her divorced elder sister Peg (Falco) in TRUST, US indie hyphenate Hal Hartley’s second feature, gives the gist of the vicious circle that a woman often gets entangled with, and in Hartley’s quirky but roundly unconventional girl-meet-boy yarn, he will ensure that the same fate will not befall upon his protagonist Maria.
Starting from its opening’s drop-dead gambit, TRUST sets its deadpan timbre squarely in the center. Maria naively takes her jock boyfriend’s throwaway promise of marriage for granted and gets pregnant, and obliquely is answer for her father’s sudden shuffling off this mortal coil (she never knows he has a bad heart!), consequentially is frozen out by everyone else, barely getting out of harm’s way from a sex pervert in a liqueur store, she falls in with Matthew (Donovan), a retiring loner but a consummate electronic repairman who has a retrograde affinity of analog over digital and prefers repairing radios over televisions (the latter causes cancer to boot), they hits it off fine, nothing remotely earth-shattering or libido-driven, by choice, Hartley brilliantly teases out the encroaching tenderness which they will grow for each other, a healthier, more humanistic and salutary type of connection between two strangers, which prods both to make some vital decisions: an abortion or keeping the baby, securing a 9 to 5 dead-end job or sticking to one’s ground, getting married or stay as friends on the common ground of their mutual affection and trust.
There is some bad parenting in the mix too, Matthew is in the receiving end of an abusive father (MacKay), that kind would gut-punch his own son without blinking an eye, who still rankles that Matthew’s mother died of giving birth to him (called it narrow-minded or inward-looking is a criminal overstate), from where one can see where Matthew’s inchoate violent proclivity comes. More enigmatically misandrist is Maria’s mother Jean (played by an unknown Nelson with Janus-faced finesse between astuteness and sangfroid), whose confiding moment of the aftermath of her recent bereavement tellingly vouchsafes the heartening fact: Mr. Hartley is devoid of the usual unsavory male-chauvinism in his chromosomes.
The two leads are both excellent, Adrienne Shelly has a cool girl’s composure seeping through her trademark elfin air, totally sympathetic as a hapless misfit whereas a subplot entailing a snaffled infant baby singles out Maria’s learning curve of motherhood and in those moments, she is unassumingly observant and grown-up. On the other hand, Martin Donovan makes great play of a vastly conflicted persona shrouded by antisocial angst but finds fondness with an unlike match, flagged up by the grenade he carries, Matthew’s self-destructive predisposition has only one antidote, a sincere, real human connection based on mutual trust, isn’t that what everyone wants?
Shot in a shoestring budget within a meagre 11-day span, imbued with an antiseptic, blueish hue and blessed with Hartley’s expressive compositions and other winning trimmings, TRUST is whimsical but not cutesy, rapier-like but never doctrinaire, earnest yet at times you can catch its knowing wink: kookiness is the new sexy, and don’t forget, Harley juvenilia is made in 1990.
- “Do you miss your kids?”
- “Yes”
- “Do you hate your ex-husband?”
- “Sure”
- “Do you want to get married again?”
- “Of course”.
A cavalier convo between a high-school drop-out Maria (Shelly) and her divorced elder sister Peg (Falco) in TRUST, US indie hyphenate Hal Hartley’s second feature, gives the gist of the vicious circle that a woman often gets entangled with, and in Hartley’s quirky but roundly unconventional girl-meet-boy yarn, he will ensure that the same fate will not befall upon his protagonist Maria.
Starting from its opening’s drop-dead gambit, TRUST sets its deadpan timbre squarely in the center. Maria naively takes her jock boyfriend’s throwaway promise of marriage for granted and gets pregnant, and obliquely is answer for her father’s sudden shuffling off this mortal coil (she never knows he has a bad heart!), consequentially is frozen out by everyone else, barely getting out of harm’s way from a sex pervert in a liqueur store, she falls in with Matthew (Donovan), a retiring loner but a consummate electronic repairman who has a retrograde affinity of analog over digital and prefers repairing radios over televisions (the latter causes cancer to boot), they hits it off fine, nothing remotely earth-shattering or libido-driven, by choice, Hartley brilliantly teases out the encroaching tenderness which they will grow for each other, a healthier, more humanistic and salutary type of connection between two strangers, which prods both to make some vital decisions: an abortion or keeping the baby, securing a 9 to 5 dead-end job or sticking to one’s ground, getting married or stay as friends on the common ground of their mutual affection and trust.
There is some bad parenting in the mix too, Matthew is in the receiving end of an abusive father (MacKay), that kind would gut-punch his own son without blinking an eye, who still rankles that Matthew’s mother died of giving birth to him (called it narrow-minded or inward-looking is a criminal overstate), from where one can see where Matthew’s inchoate violent proclivity comes. More enigmatically misandrist is Maria’s mother Jean (played by an unknown Nelson with Janus-faced finesse between astuteness and sangfroid), whose confiding moment of the aftermath of her recent bereavement tellingly vouchsafes the heartening fact: Mr. Hartley is devoid of the usual unsavory male-chauvinism in his chromosomes.
The two leads are both excellent, Adrienne Shelly has a cool girl’s composure seeping through her trademark elfin air, totally sympathetic as a hapless misfit whereas a subplot entailing a snaffled infant baby singles out Maria’s learning curve of motherhood and in those moments, she is unassumingly observant and grown-up. On the other hand, Martin Donovan makes great play of a vastly conflicted persona shrouded by antisocial angst but finds fondness with an unlike match, flagged up by the grenade he carries, Matthew’s self-destructive predisposition has only one antidote, a sincere, real human connection based on mutual trust, isn’t that what everyone wants?
Shot in a shoestring budget within a meagre 11-day span, imbued with an antiseptic, blueish hue and blessed with Hartley’s expressive compositions and other winning trimmings, TRUST is whimsical but not cutesy, rapier-like but never doctrinaire, earnest yet at times you can catch its knowing wink: kookiness is the new sexy, and don’t forget, Harley juvenilia is made in 1990.
referential points: Wes Anderson’s RUSHMORE (1998, 7.3/10); John Waters CRY-BABY (1990, 6.2/10); Amy Heckerling’s CLUELESS (1995, 6.6/10).
估计是哈特利这种冷幽默特别对英国人的路子,他的处女作《不可置信的事实》在国际影展上大放异彩后,得到了英国制片公司Zenith Entertainment的资助,到了拍摄《信任》时,英国电视4台的电影投资部门也参与了进来(Channel Four Films),二者在他后来的《小人物狂想曲》(simple men)、《业余者》(amateur)等影片中也都有投资。
相对固定的班底,保证了哈特利影片的质量和风格,《信任》获得了1991年圣丹斯最佳剧本奖及圣保罗国际影展观众奖,《亨利你这个大笨蛋》(Henry Fool)则获得了1998年的戛纳最佳剧本奖,在圈里他素有“冷面笑匠”(the Deadpan Storyteller)之称。
哈特利的戏剧风格如此特殊,演员自是重要,Martin Donovan、Karen Sillas、Robert Burke、Elina Lowensohn及Adrienne Shelly等都是他的长期搭档,能创造出最恰如其分的戏剧效果;据说是在处女作《难以置信的事实》(The Unbelievable Truth)拍摄之后,哈特利非常希望能和Shelly再度合作,所有才有了这部匆忙上马的作品,延续了低成本制作,《信任》仅用了11天和70万美元就完成了拍摄(有人夸赞导演在细小处用心思,比如“两个人相遇之后几乎就没有换过衣服”,窃以为还是受拍摄周期和费用所限的可能性更大),尽管Shelly在里边饰演了一个高中女生,但那时她已经24岁了,青春逼人的面庞,让人不能相信现实生活中,她会在四十岁那年遭遇入室抢劫被杀身亡。
至于霍尔‧哈特利自己,原本就读麻省艺术学院,后转至Purchase的纽约州立大学研习电影,拜师电影创作者Aram Avakian,应算是标准的科班出身。作为美国90年代独立电影人中的佼佼者,他集编剧、导演、演员及作曲者于一身。2000年他在自己的短片《和服情结》(Kimono)中担纲音乐创作,但其实这可不是他学会的新技能——早在《亨利你这个大笨蛋》之前,哈特利就以Ned Rifle这个化名披挂上阵,看来实在是技痒难耐。
原文刊于《看电影 午夜场》
扮演这个女孩的是女演员Adrienne Shelly,与导演Hal Hartley有过多次合作。后来她执起导筒,07年一部声明不小的独立制作[Waitress]便出自她手。是否记得那部电影出现时,就已打上“已故女导演”的标签。我也是在看到[Trust]的这一天才惊奇地发现,2006年底,Adrienne Shelly死于入室抢劫,四十岁。