特里普(马修·麦康纳 Matthew McConaughey 饰)是个标准规格的王老五,虽然不再是二十多岁的翩翩美少年,却不失成熟男子的魅力,成功的事业和不赖的长相一应俱全。但他几乎和男女私情绝缘,整天喜欢在家中和父母混在一起,成为情感上的“啃老族” 这当然让父母着急。两老为了帮儿子早点拍拖结婚,想尽各种点子。在发现特里普似乎对金发碧眼的美女十分感兴趣时,他们的好主意便成型了——他们找来一名叫波拉(莎拉·杰茜卡·帕克 Sarah Jessica Parker饰)的美女,让她完成任务给她报酬,目的就是:让特里普发现异性的吸引,从此计划恋爱的事儿。怎料,特里普在迷人的波拉面前不堪一击,防线瞬间崩溃,堕入情网。这不仅令波拉也有点情迷意乱,还印证了“计划赶不上变化这句老话”……
Went to see Failure to Launch last night... I haven't been to the movies for so long, so I was really looking forward to see this, even though it was trashed by most critics.
Matthew McConaughey plays a 35-year old man named "Trip", who still lives with his parents. His parents hires Paula(Sarah Jessica Parker), who is a specialist at getting grown men to move out of their parents' homes, to help them get rid of Trip. The way Paula works is that she will first get men to fall in love with her, boost up their self-esteem, then motivate them to move out of their parents' house.
The story is absolutely ludicrous, the dialogs are bad, the editing is not very good, and overall the movie kinda sucked. However, I did have a good time. Just watching McConaughey was fun enough for my girl friend and I. We were totally kicked back, relaxed, and giggly throughout the entire movie. There were a lot of laughs, a lot of "oooooo"s and "awwww"s too, so I guess it can be count as a satisfactory romantic comedy. But then, the margaritas we gulped down just before the movie must have helped a lot too. :)
很喜欢Sarah。同在<how to lose a guy in ten days>中差不多,Matthew又演了一位魅力王老五。很浪漫的片子。但是编剧上还是有些破绽。感觉特里普的朋友(不是与kate在一起的那位)本来是个没有必要的角色,从剧情上看,他其实没有出现的必要。也许是某些商业因素的原因吧,毕竟那是位大帅哥,而偏偏他太阳光了,不适合演kate的男友。大概导演又不舍不让他出演,于是有编造了一个角色出来。
Matthew McConaughey plays a 35-year old man named "Trip", who still lives with his parents. His parents hires Paula(Sarah Jessica Parker), who is a specialist at getting grown men to move out of their parents' homes, to help them get rid of Trip. The way Paula works is that she will first get men to fall in love with her, boost up their self-esteem, then motivate them to move out of their parents' house.
The story is absolutely ludicrous, the dialogs are bad, the editing is not very good, and overall the movie kinda sucked. However, I did have a good time. Just watching McConaughey was fun enough for my girl friend and I. We were totally kicked back, relaxed, and giggly throughout the entire movie. There were a lot of laughs, a lot of "oooooo"s and "awwww"s too, so I guess it can be count as a satisfactory romantic comedy. But then, the margaritas we gulped down just before the movie must have helped a lot too. :)