Classic Hollywood musical remains a touch-and-go genre for your reviewer, Vincente Minnelli’s Oscar crown AN AMERICAN IN PARIS (1951) is a bête noire whereas Stanley Donen’s timeless SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN (1952) can sweep me off my feet at a heartbeat, so what is the criterion here, a nimble-footed Gene Kelly is delightfully charming in both pictures? To my lights, it all boils down to whether or not, the filmmakers can inject a relatable sense of reality into the pure escapism of tuneage, tap-dancing, stunning costumes and jaw-dropping soundstage production,
In the case of Charles Vidor’s COVER GIRL, which catapults our “Love Goddess” Ms. Hayworth to the stratosphere of stardom, the outcome is much inclined to the plus side, one can legitimately see the movie as a dry run of SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN, with Kelly and Donen overseeing and devising the choreography together for the first time in a studio production, not least the threesome dancing routines between Rusty (Hayworth), Danny (Kelly) and Genius (Silvers) jubilantly foreshadows the Kelly-Reynolds-O’Connor trio in the latter movie.
Here, as a congenial third wheel,“The King of Chutzpah“ Phil Silvers, bestirs himself gallantly to keep up with the virtuosos on feet and otherwise, without forgetting his duty to lighten up the mood or facilitate the plot development; and a fresh-faced Kelly, beaming with his usualboyish handsomeness, ingeniously treats himself with a pas de deux with none other than himself, thanks to the magical trick of superimposition in the post-production, it remains one of the highlights of this superlatively bewitching fluff.
So, judging by its title only, COVER GIRL is, first and foremost, a showcase for Ms. Hayworth, in its Cinderella-light script, chorus girl Rusty is fortuitously chosen to be the cover girl of Vanity magazine by the editor John Coudair (Kruger), exclusively thanks to a past romance between him and her late grandmother Maribelle (also played by Hayworth in the flashback) plus the benefit of uncanny resemblance, in the wake of her newly gained fame, even Broadway is calling, which creates some discord between her and her boyfriend Danny, the owner of the nightclub she works, it is the time-honored dilemma, whether a man could be altruistic and confident enough to let his woman fly high in her career without feeling emasculated or being afflicted by jealousy. The situation is corny, but never loses its relevance, thankfully COVER GIRL tactfully avoids going overboard with emotional ebullition, and eventually let the girl call the shots, instead of making a meal of a man’s wounded ego, that makes a complete difference to today’s audience’s reception.
It goes without saying that Hayworth’s glamor and allure are accentuated maximally by the Technicolor treatment and her dancing credentials are certainly of the first water, but in the acting department, her affectation starts to tell easily, yet, cocooned in such a niche of opulence (bespoke satin gowns and millineries galore, ebullience and mellifluousness, one must be stone-cold cynical not to yield to its upmarket frothiness, and mea culpa, I haven’t even mentioned Eve Arden’s sharp-tongued, utterly effervescent embellishment, what a lollapaloosa!
referential entries: Vidor’s HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN (1952, 6.8/10); Vincente Minnelli’s AN AMERICAN IN PARIS (1951, 6.2/10); Stanley Donen’s SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN (1952, 8.1/10).
Eve Arden扮演出版商的秘书Cornelia "Stonewall" Jackson,拥有一系列不断升级的双重镜头。这部电影几乎所有的大笑声都属于Arden,就像当Kruger梦幻地告诉她“想要一个眼睛里有故事的女孩”时,Arden回答说,客厅,还是吸烟室?《封面女郎》帮助巩固了Eve Arden作为角色女演员的地位,仅凭她的存在就可以使一部电影变得值得。
Phil Silvers扮演Rusty/Danny搭档,一个由于不太明显的原因而被昵称为天才的漫画家。Silvers本人告诉电视作家Mark Evanier,《封面女郎》是“他的第一部好电影”,他的出现增添了一抹杂耍和男性友情。Pin-up传奇人物Jinx Falkenburg正在打扮程序,扮演自己,著名模特Anita Colby也有客串。许多其他模特,其中许多来自传奇的Harry Conover机构,也出现在标题号中,并在虚荣办公室周围,所有这些模特都由Rudolph Mate和Allen M华丽地照亮和拍摄。戴维(曾登上《时尚芭莎》封面的Lauren Bacall声称,她将在这部电影中复制这一壮举,只是她正在做一件名为《拥有和没有》的小东西。)
编剧Virginia Van Upp抓住了在哥伦比亚修补了几个月的故事脊梁,并用它来将最重要的音乐数字串在一起。 音乐是Jerome Kern,歌词是Ira Gershwin,编舞是Gene Kelly和Stanley Donen。因此,大多数歌曲都很精彩,即使是最简单的歌曲,如《Put Me to the Test》,这不亚于Gene Kelly与一个又一个漂亮的女孩跳舞,直到他与Hayworth一起中大奖。这个数字还让Kelly与一个礼服模特一起跳华尔兹舞,七年前弗雷德·阿斯泰尔在皇家婚礼上与一个帽子架合作。
诚然,封面女郎有它的接球和高点。Rusty为了她小时的真爱而放弃百老汇明星的最终决定变得可口,更不用说可信了,只有Hayworth甜蜜的诚意和小时代的人是Gene Kelly这一事实。(不要和我谈论剧透;正如历史学家奥托·弗里德里希所说,“任何百老汇制片人从未让这个女孩出现在任何自尊的好莱坞音乐剧中。”) 这些服装包括一些失误,虽然它们并不重要,但在一部拥有时尚、杂志和形象卡车的电影中确实具有重要意义。这是一个将时髦的西装剪裁与不幸的趋势相结合的时代,将一个漂亮的女人与糖果盒混为一谈,并相应地设计她的连衣裙。 没有任何地方比Cover Gir精美漂亮的情歌《Long Ago and Far Away》更明显,这是电影中唯一一首后来成为标准的歌曲。其中一位顾客(最高号码是特拉维斯·班顿,但格温·韦格林或穆里尔·金似乎是更可能的罪魁祸首)给海沃斯背着一个采用罗宾蛋蓝色的南方贝尔号码,上面有下垂的荷叶边和一些粉红色的玫瑰,坐在网超短裙下。她是有史以来最伟大的美女之一,但即使是海沃斯也无法挽回那个。
海沃斯的光芒可能是现实生活中的原因;她在拍摄期间嫁给了Orson Welles。《封面女郎》也是Gene Kelly的一个里程碑。他是米高梅的借来的,这家工作室一直在试探性地利用他作为Judy Garland在《For Me and My Gal》中的爱情兴趣,以及作为《DuBarry Was a Lady and As Thousands Cheer》中被掩盖的浪漫主角。“为明天让路”、“测试我”和“Alter-Ego”数字揭示了一个令人惊叹和独特的人才。在合同的剩余时间里,米高梅再也没有借出吉恩·凯利。《封面女孩》是一部战争电影,旨在给观众一些必要的消遣,Silvers给了一整首关于食物配给的歌曲(“我会吃洋蓟,直到纳粹党窒息,只要他们不定量,我对你的热情!”) Kelly给出了不在前线的谨慎理由(他在利比亚受伤)。但早在1944年的背景之后,这部电影的美丽和精神继续闪闪发光。
Classic Hollywood musical remains a touch-and-go genre for your reviewer, Vincente Minnelli’s Oscar crown AN AMERICAN IN PARIS (1951) is a bête noire whereas Stanley Donen’s timeless SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN (1952) can sweep me off my feet at a heartbeat, so what is the criterion here, a nimble-footed Gene Kelly is delightfully charming in both pictures? To my lights, it all boils down to whether or not, the filmmakers can inject a relatable sense of reality into the pure escapism of tuneage, tap-dancing, stunning costumes and jaw-dropping soundstage production,
In the case of Charles Vidor’s COVER GIRL, which catapults our “Love Goddess” Ms. Hayworth to the stratosphere of stardom, the outcome is much inclined to the plus side, one can legitimately see the movie as a dry run of SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN, with Kelly and Donen overseeing and devising the choreography together for the first time in a studio production, not least the threesome dancing routines between Rusty (Hayworth), Danny (Kelly) and Genius (Silvers) jubilantly foreshadows the Kelly-Reynolds-O’Connor trio in the latter movie.
Here, as a congenial third wheel,“The King of Chutzpah“ Phil Silvers, bestirs himself gallantly to keep up with the virtuosos on feet and otherwise, without forgetting his duty to lighten up the mood or facilitate the plot development; and a fresh-faced Kelly, beaming with his usualboyish handsomeness, ingeniously treats himself with a pas de deux with none other than himself, thanks to the magical trick of superimposition in the post-production, it remains one of the highlights of this superlatively bewitching fluff.
So, judging by its title only, COVER GIRL is, first and foremost, a showcase for Ms. Hayworth, in its Cinderella-light script, chorus girl Rusty is fortuitously chosen to be the cover girl of Vanity magazine by the editor John Coudair (Kruger), exclusively thanks to a past romance between him and her late grandmother Maribelle (also played by Hayworth in the flashback) plus the benefit of uncanny resemblance, in the wake of her newly gained fame, even Broadway is calling, which creates some discord between her and her boyfriend Danny, the owner of the nightclub she works, it is the time-honored dilemma, whether a man could be altruistic and confident enough to let his woman fly high in her career without feeling emasculated or being afflicted by jealousy. The situation is corny, but never loses its relevance, thankfully COVER GIRL tactfully avoids going overboard with emotional ebullition, and eventually let the girl call the shots, instead of making a meal of a man’s wounded ego, that makes a complete difference to today’s audience’s reception.
It goes without saying that Hayworth’s glamor and allure are accentuated maximally by the Technicolor treatment and her dancing credentials are certainly of the first water, but in the acting department, her affectation starts to tell easily, yet, cocooned in such a niche of opulence (bespoke satin gowns and millineries galore, ebullience and mellifluousness, one must be stone-cold cynical not to yield to its upmarket frothiness, and mea culpa, I haven’t even mentioned Eve Arden’s sharp-tongued, utterly effervescent embellishment, what a lollapaloosa!
referential entries: Vidor’s HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN (1952, 6.8/10); Vincente Minnelli’s AN AMERICAN IN PARIS (1951, 6.2/10); Stanley Donen’s SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN (1952, 8.1/10).
By Farren Smith Nehme 2014
这个特艺纸杯蛋糕是在哥伦比亚电影公司制作的,作为工作室负责人Harry Cohn将海沃斯变成大明星运动的一部分。它起作用了。那年这部电影票房排名第八。(记录在案的是《双重赔偿》排名第六,尽管我仍然想知道Billy Wilder可能对布鲁克林一家夜总会的音乐场景做了什么。) 直到今天,封面女孩仍然是海沃斯形象的基石,只有维多后来在令人愉悦的《肮脏吉尔达》(1946)中对她的方向才黯然失色。
这是一个令人难以置信的迷人的布鲁克林表演女郎Rusty Parker(Hayworth,还有谁?)的故事,她在一家海滨夜总会工作,并爱上了Gene Kelly扮演的常任主角Danny McGuire。她被一家大出版商(Otto Kruger)发现,他想把她放在《名利场》杂志的封面上,然后又被百老汇制片人(Lee Bowman)发现,他想让她成为大明星并亲自娶她。
Eve Arden扮演出版商的秘书Cornelia "Stonewall" Jackson,拥有一系列不断升级的双重镜头。这部电影几乎所有的大笑声都属于Arden,就像当Kruger梦幻地告诉她“想要一个眼睛里有故事的女孩”时,Arden回答说,客厅,还是吸烟室?《封面女郎》帮助巩固了Eve Arden作为角色女演员的地位,仅凭她的存在就可以使一部电影变得值得。
Phil Silvers扮演Rusty/Danny搭档,一个由于不太明显的原因而被昵称为天才的漫画家。Silvers本人告诉电视作家Mark Evanier,《封面女郎》是“他的第一部好电影”,他的出现增添了一抹杂耍和男性友情。Pin-up传奇人物Jinx Falkenburg正在打扮程序,扮演自己,著名模特Anita Colby也有客串。许多其他模特,其中许多来自传奇的Harry Conover机构,也出现在标题号中,并在虚荣办公室周围,所有这些模特都由Rudolph Mate和Allen M华丽地照亮和拍摄。戴维(曾登上《时尚芭莎》封面的Lauren Bacall声称,她将在这部电影中复制这一壮举,只是她正在做一件名为《拥有和没有》的小东西。)
编剧Virginia Van Upp抓住了在哥伦比亚修补了几个月的故事脊梁,并用它来将最重要的音乐数字串在一起。 音乐是Jerome Kern,歌词是Ira Gershwin,编舞是Gene Kelly和Stanley Donen。因此,大多数歌曲都很精彩,即使是最简单的歌曲,如《Put Me to the Test》,这不亚于Gene Kelly与一个又一个漂亮的女孩跳舞,直到他与Hayworth一起中大奖。这个数字还让Kelly与一个礼服模特一起跳华尔兹舞,七年前弗雷德·阿斯泰尔在皇家婚礼上与一个帽子架合作。
对于这个时代来说不同寻常的是,几个数字有助于推进故事情节。除了Hayworth的阴霾之外,这部电影最令人难忘的时刻可能是《Alter Ego》,这是Kelly与自己的晚期电影,展示了他作为踢踏舞者的惊人能力。他跳舞的更好天性(Kelly自己的想法)的叠加图像今天和1944年一样有效。正如西尔弗斯对埃瓦尼尔回忆的那样:“从我坐的地方,吉恩·凯利是负责人。他和他的助手Stanley Donen从他们雇佣的人那里接管了编舞。我不记得他的名字莱瑟·瓦尔·拉塞特或西摩·费利克斯,但他与合唱团女孩一起编排了场景,然后凯利做了其他一切。”当时只有19岁的Donen被允许指挥这个号码,因为Charles Vidor告诉他这做不到。仍然惊人的效果让Kelly透明的内心自我跟踪他的一举一动,甚至在几个地方甚至穿过墙壁。Donen拍摄了两次—Kelly在两个不同的角色Danny和他的良心中表演了两支舞蹈—然后将Kellys结合起来。
早期的数字,《为明天让路》更可爱,因为它神志不清的弹跳喜悦,不需要特效。场景从一个牡蛎酒吧开始,Hayworth、Kelly和Silvers在那里嬉戏,向牡蛎挥手,高呼“来吧,珍珠!”(我渴望在死前自己在多个牡蛎酒吧尝试这个,只是为了看看是否只有一个服务员得到推荐。)然后,哦,魔法,他们在哥伦比亚布鲁克林码头的想法上跳舞,用垃圾桶作为铙钹,用桨和锁臂的模拟排来踢腿,直到他们遇到那些警察之一,每当你在音乐剧中时总是出现,在后台管好你自己的事,只是想跳开你的麻烦。他们离开警察,然后爬上爬下楼梯,打断一对夫妇。然后他们和送奶工一起走了一段时间—现在电影有多穷,从来没有人遇到过送奶工。 Kelly和Donen让工作室拆除设置的分隔线,这样舞蹈就可以在一个蜿蜒的轨道上展开。 这项技术预示着《雨中曲》的标题编号,就像跳舞的Kelly一看到警察就停下来,然后踮起脚尖离开的那一刻也是如此。事实上,快乐跳舞的三重奏后来也在同一部电影的《早安》中得到了回声。
诚然,封面女郎有它的接球和高点。Rusty为了她小时的真爱而放弃百老汇明星的最终决定变得可口,更不用说可信了,只有Hayworth甜蜜的诚意和小时代的人是Gene Kelly这一事实。(不要和我谈论剧透;正如历史学家奥托·弗里德里希所说,“任何百老汇制片人从未让这个女孩出现在任何自尊的好莱坞音乐剧中。”) 这些服装包括一些失误,虽然它们并不重要,但在一部拥有时尚、杂志和形象卡车的电影中确实具有重要意义。这是一个将时髦的西装剪裁与不幸的趋势相结合的时代,将一个漂亮的女人与糖果盒混为一谈,并相应地设计她的连衣裙。 没有任何地方比Cover Gir精美漂亮的情歌《Long Ago and Far Away》更明显,这是电影中唯一一首后来成为标准的歌曲。其中一位顾客(最高号码是特拉维斯·班顿,但格温·韦格林或穆里尔·金似乎是更可能的罪魁祸首)给海沃斯背着一个采用罗宾蛋蓝色的南方贝尔号码,上面有下垂的荷叶边和一些粉红色的玫瑰,坐在网超短裙下。她是有史以来最伟大的美女之一,但即使是海沃斯也无法挽回那个。
一个涉及Rusty的祖母的平行子情节,她曾经不得不做出同样的富人/穷人的选择,似乎是放纵同性恋九十年代怀旧的奇怪电影品味的借口,类似于我们自己对19405怀旧的品味,我假设有时,就像Yankee Doodle Dandy(1942)和The Strawberry Blonde(1941)一样,这个迷你类型效果非常好;其他时候,它就像这里一样令人讨厌。Rusty的祖母不仅没有Rusty那么令人兴奋,奶奶是音乐厅明星的事实也意味着Hayworth必须嘲笑她走过电影中最糟糕的数字,这是一个古老的新奇事物,Kern和Gershwin都与“可怜的John”没有任何关系。据说海沃斯与英国明星格雷西·菲尔兹一起创作了该号码的“科克尼”口音,尽管她正在与玛莎·米尔斯的歌声进行假唱。无论如何,这很痛苦。
海沃斯的光芒可能是现实生活中的原因;她在拍摄期间嫁给了Orson Welles。《封面女郎》也是Gene Kelly的一个里程碑。他是米高梅的借来的,这家工作室一直在试探性地利用他作为Judy Garland在《For Me and My Gal》中的爱情兴趣,以及作为《DuBarry Was a Lady and As Thousands Cheer》中被掩盖的浪漫主角。“为明天让路”、“测试我”和“Alter-Ego”数字揭示了一个令人惊叹和独特的人才。在合同的剩余时间里,米高梅再也没有借出吉恩·凯利。《封面女孩》是一部战争电影,旨在给观众一些必要的消遣,Silvers给了一整首关于食物配给的歌曲(“我会吃洋蓟,直到纳粹党窒息,只要他们不定量,我对你的热情!”) Kelly给出了不在前线的谨慎理由(他在利比亚受伤)。但早在1944年的背景之后,这部电影的美丽和精神继续闪闪发光。