You believe that you will always feel that pain And it starts to slip away, you seek it out again Didn't you? You won't let it kill you, but you won't kill yourself. 坚信,痛感常在 但当悲伤渐行渐远 你却不自主地,撕开伤疤 悲痛,不会令人致死 受苦人却总难自断 or whoever is joined with all of the living, there is hope. Surely, a live dog is better than a dead lion. Hope, is your weakness. You want it gone because you don't deserve it. Nora, you do deserve hope. 孕育于生命 活狗胜死狮 隐含着脆弱 无求即失去 凡人皆可得 希望
“It all makes sense now. Virgil (the older Black man in the trailer), was actually Erika's father, and not John's. Virgil sexually assaulted Evie when she was around 10 years old, and her mother Erica did not want to believe it was happening (perhaps she was also abused by him as a child, and so she was in denial about his predatory nature). Still in denial about the abuse, Erika did not do anything to protect Evie, and this is why Evie felt detached from her family and resentful towards her mother... and eventually why she decided to join Meg and the Guilty Remant, because she bonded with Meg for having a similar hatred for their mothers. This is also why Evie wrote on the bridge that her mother understood why she was doing all this (because of Erika's apathy and denial during Evie's childhood abuse). 6 years ago, John found out about Erika's father abusing Evie and then shot him, and so then John went to prison for the attempted murder of his father-in-law. John had been filled with rage ever since... not just towards Virgil (his father-in-law) for the abuse... but also towards Erika (his wife) for not doing enough to protect their daughter from Virgil. Erika was so detached and disallusioned from that tragedy, that she was going to leave her family and take off because she just couldn't deal with everthing (she told Nora about this during her departure interview). Meg initially joined the Guilty Remnant last year because she was disallusioned with her life and just totally lost... but during her time there, she saw the truth, in that the Guilty Remnant was actually a bullshit cult and wrong about everything, and that the loving bond of family was the ONLY thing that truly mattered. Laurie, indirectly, helped Meg see this by the strong feelings she couldn't hide that she still had for her daughter Jill (the G.R. was teaching everyone the opposite, in that they said nothing mattered, as the world had ended on 10/14). Meg figured out that the G.R. was a fraud and decided to take control of her branch of the group and do things her own way, and it was then that she planned this grand gesture in Jarden Texas to get people to wake up and see what really mattered to them... and she did this thru the bomb scare on the bridge...and by doing so, she also enabled all the lost people trapped in the campgrounds to have the freedom to move into the town as they had been so desperate to do for as long as they had been there (she hated the hypocrisy of the privileged town's people). She made a similar gesture towards Tom earlier in the season, as she tried to scare him back into caring about what really mattered to him (his family), when she raped him (to get him "pregnant", by planting the seed of realization of the truth), and by scaring him to death, by pretending to douse him with gasoline. She did all these thngs to scare people out of their tortured misery and apathy, and back into the reality of what really mattered - the love for the people most close to them in their lives (their family). If the series is renewed for a 3rd season, then I fully expect it will focus primarily on the Murphys (John, Erika, Michael, and Evie), and less on Kevin and his family, as his demons have been vanquished. He literally went to Hell and back again (twice) to find his way back home to his family, and so his story is finally resolved. Kevin finally feels grounded and at peace with what happened on 4 years earlier on October 14th, and so he is no longer suicidal or afraid... and finally able to allow himself to love, and be loved in return. He has been reborn.”
K:Would you believe me?
N:I would believe you.
K:And would you come back?
N:I'd like that.
这部剧涉及到的东西真是非常多,而且很多根本无解,不是你努力就可以解决的,也不存在最好的方法,只能靠每个当事人自己去摸索去受伤,结果如何不确定。结婚之前是Meg这一对的问题,未婚妻非常想跟她结婚,她开始怀疑退缩,到现在我也不知道Meg想干啥…真气质独特。孩子还小的时候照顾孩子和家务如何平衡,两个孩子都读幼儿园了, Nora找工作,看看老公做了啥,根本不帮助。等孩子长大了要离开家了,夫妻之间出问题,这是Laurie主角一家以及John一家,看起来其乐融融的一家,暗地里已经暗流涌动,只等某一个时机分崩离析。结婚多年没有孩子,自己的事业拼尽全力也没有保住的时候要怎么面对,这是Matt一家,真是超级坚强的人。
很喜欢 Holly Wayne 对 Nora 说的一段话:
You believe that you will always feel that pain
And it starts to slip away, you seek it out again
Didn't you?
You won't let it kill you, but you won't kill yourself.
or whoever is joined with all of the living, there is hope.
Surely, a live dog is better than a dead lion.
Hope, is your weakness.
You want it gone because you don't deserve it.
Nora, you do deserve hope.
此时,能够提供一个使命感给你的人,都可以轻易地控制忙于疗伤的你,这就是为什么剧里 Guilt Remnant 可以大行其道的原因。
目前有两个情节非常震撼人心,第一个是第一季末 G.R. 所发起的“集体回忆录”行动,将所有 Departed People 在现场还原成人偶,Nora 的演员演技大爆发,直到最后的全民围攻G.R.总部,他们的这种坚信“悲痛不可忘”的信仰令他们已完全忘记自身行为的对或错,以及对于别人造成的伤害。
你会诧异于为何人会无情至此做出如何残忍之事,“集体回忆录”行动所带来的伤害,某种程度上比 Departure 本身更大。
疯狂只是假象,正是剧中多次描述的“丛林疯狗”一样,你觉得它们是因为 Department 而发疯,但其实也许仅仅是外来的野狗而已。
另外一个是第二季第3集末 Laurie & Tommy 的对话,Laurie 问了一个终极的问题:
Why are we losing?
#部分评论来自公众号 DramaMatters#