Valerie Taylor is a shark fanatic and an Australian icon — a marine maverick who forged her way as a fearless diver, cinematographer and conservationist. She filmed the real sharks for “Jaws” and famously wore a chainmail suit, using herself as shark bait, changing our scientific understanding of sharks forever
1:08:53 nIn the last twenty years, with the increase of the middle-class in China, and the increase in shark fin soup consumption...n在过去二十年里,随着中国中产阶层的增加以及鱼翅消费的增加...(每年约一亿头鲨鱼被捕杀)
1:09:38 nYou can't expect a fisherman on a little island to not catch sharks for their fins, and sell them to Chinese traders. It means good money.n你不能指望小岛上的渔夫放弃捕捉鲨鱼、收割鱼翅、并卖给中国商人。(毕竟)这意味着收入可观。
显而易见,2017年的“Save a shark,eat a Chinese”,到本片上映的2021年仍然没有过去。n大胆猜测,在某些人心里,类似的观点还会持续很长时间,毕竟中国人是最好的背锅侠嘛~
1:08:53 nIn the last twenty years, with the increase of the middle-class in China, and the increase in shark fin soup consumption...n在过去二十年里,随着中国中产阶层的增加以及鱼翅消费的增加...(每年约一亿头鲨鱼被捕杀)
1:09:38 nYou can't expect a fisherman on a little island to not catch sharks for their fins, and sell them to Chinese traders. It means good money.n你不能指望小岛上的渔夫放弃捕捉鲨鱼、收割鱼翅、并卖给中国商人。(毕竟)这意味着收入可观。
显而易见,2017年的“Save a shark,eat a Chinese”,到本片上映的2021年仍然没有过去。n大胆猜测,在某些人心里,类似的观点还会持续很长时间,毕竟中国人是最好的背锅侠嘛~