这是一部以营造气氛见长的经典恐怖片,讲述1630年一个女巫和她情人被她自己的兄弟杀死。两百年后,两人复活,向她兄弟的后代(其中有一个酷似女巫)复仇 跟多数意大利恐怖片一样,本片的故事并不特别,但哥特式的场景阴森难忘。故事灵感来自果戈里小说。女主角一人分饰两角,暗示善恶之间只有一线之隔,演绎起来的样子就像是神情恍惚的肯尼迪夫人。 * * * * * 众多恐怖电影迷们都以为他们的钟爱己在Universal、Hammer、Roger Corman和其他一些著名的恐怖电影制片室和生产商摄制的各类影片中得到了实现。其实只有当你到阳光灿烂的意大利对满布阴霾的意国电影走走看看时,你才算真正经历了经典的恐怖电影。 Black Sunday (1960) 又名 The Mask of Satan:意大利电影制作者再次着手恐怖电影的拍摄已经是四年以后了,在Renato Polselli同样受欢迎的《The Vampire and the Ballerina》(1960)之后,摄影师Mario Bava首次作为导演浮出水面,创作了一部代表性的恐怖电影,这宣告恐怖电影作为一种电影类型从此诞生。 The Mask of Satan是真正意义上的恐怖电影代表作,故事大致源于果戈里的《the Viy》,它讲述一个处死二百年后的巫婆复活人世开始报复当初处死她的人们的后代,然而这个故事相对于Bava那几乎要跳出屏幕般的特殊视觉效果而言稍显次要,他的构图如此复杂,以至于影片的每一帧都可以被放大并挂在墙上,光与影的强烈对比营造出有什于Universal公司早期作品的恐怖效果,Bava创造出一出惊心动魄的神怪故事,充斥了巫婆、幽灵、秘密通道、凄叫的野狗、恶毒的公车司机甚至包括对着路人张牙舞爪的树枝。每一位看完此片的恐怖电影迷都着实大开眼界。 这部影片在意大利取得成功并预示着Bava执导生涯的开始,它在美国经过删改后冠以《黑色星期天》(Black Sunday),同样大受欢迎。虽说它经过了修改,但基本上还是保证了原作的汁味,并一着被能在首映时有幸一睹的美国电影迷们津津乐道难以忘怀。影片取得成功的一大功劳归于片中的影星Barbara Steele,这部作品标志着Barbara Steele演艺生涯的发韧,之后她又在九部义大利恐怖电影中担纲主演,每一部都因她的表现而亮色。她那阴暗的造型、冷淡的情欲使她自然而然地适演恐怖片,由她演出的多数电影取得成功都与她的表现密不可分,她的另外几部意大利恐怖电影为:《The Horrible Dr. Hichcock》( 1962)、《The Ghost》(1963)、《Long Hair of Death》(1964)、《 Castle of Blood》(1964)、《Nightmare Castle》(1965)和《She-Beast》 (1965)、 《Terror Creatures from the Grave》(1966)、《An Angel for Satan》(1966)。
The dark holes on the witch’s face is like a nightmare, and her big eyes and dark circles are unforgettable images. I can clearly remember the opening scene when she were forced to put on a mask with sharp spikes inside and when the empty socket slowly refill to reveal the whites of eyes after the doctor left. This film illustrates Mario Bava’s distinct directorial style — his strong ability to control light and shadow, and to build a haunting atmosphere. Bava’s unique style and “consistency of viewpoint” , makes him so different from other European directors. Although Black Sunday is a black and white film, it is second to none in artistic style, and some of its special effects are considered to be quite good to this day. I think it is even better than some color horror movies. I can strongly feel the bloody Italian-styled gothic romance in Black Sunday. Some of the dialogue attracted my attention, like when Katia says to Andre, “In life? What is my life? Sadness and grave, something destroys it day by day, and no one can rebuild it.” It is terrifying in most of the scenes, but I couldn’t help but laugh at the way Andre is obsessed with Katia, especially when his vision fell upon Katia’s body.
Italian horror maestro Mario Bava’s directorial debut, BLACK SUNDAY - also known as THE MASK OF SATAN, a more literal translation from its original Italian titleremains a gothic mood-enhancer par excellence, much obliged to Bava’s own cinematographic experiences and aptitude, its spooky, gnarly, chiaroscuro-heavy, imposingly ornate scenography substantively trumps up the well-worn story template drawn from Nikolai Gogol’s short story “Viy”.nnSet in the 19th century Moldavia, the corpse of Asa Vajda (Steele), executed (with a mask full of sharp spikes hammered into her face) for witchery alongside her lover Javutich (a menacingly vampiric Dominici) two centuries earlier, is resurrected inadvertently by the blood of passer-by Dr. Kruvajan (a four-square Checchi transiting two worlds apart as the unfortunate enabler-cum-victim) in a sepulchral crypt and immediately she tries to actualize the centuries-old curse hexed upon her demise, to exact revenge on the descendants of her brother who put her on the stake in the first place: Prince Vajda (Garrani) and his two children, son Constantine (Olivieri) and daughter Katia (Steele again, comporting herself with assured commitment in this dichotomous star-turn), a dead ringer of Asa herself, whose corporeal body she intends to possess. nnThe plot courses through Isa’s inevitable resurrection and its equally inevitable debacle - effected by a concerted effort from a young doctor Gorobec (Richardson), who takes a shine to Katia and the God-fearing multitude - with steady assurance (without leaning heavily on gore or cheap scare) by nailing its Christianity-vanquishing-Satanism colors to the mast, and boosting an emphatically compelling score by Roberto Nicolosi, BLACK SUNDAY takes the mantle from earlier Hollywood horror and revitalizes the genre with a spellbound aura of chthonic terror, well-honed inevitability and the legerdemain of special effects (Katia’s rapid-aging process is quite a blinder of the magic-making practice), heralding the heyday of Italian “giallo” in the years to come, in which Bava himself would become quite a pioneer along with his younger compatriots Dario Argento, Lucio Fulci, Umberto Lenzi, just to name a few.nnreferential entries: Carl Theodor Dreyer’s VAMPYR (1932, 7.7/10); René Clair’s I MARRIED A WITCH (1942, 5.8/10).
资料显示这部电影是基于果戈里的小说VIY创作的。科普viy了解,这是过去英国一个名叫 Little Russia 的地方对侏儒精灵老大的称号,传说这位精灵老大的眼睫毛可以拖到地面(是因为矮还是睫毛长就没有兴趣研究了)。然而果戈里的故事精简概括就是一个学生与女巫、魔鬼在教堂的终极战斗。学生因为对魔鬼的恐惧最终死亡,而邪恶力量因为战斗过瘾没有发现天亮了还待在教堂里(太无脑了吧。。。)被永久封印在教堂里,最终教堂被废弃。
Andre: Princess Katia, I hope I did not interrupt you
Katia: No, I just feel so desperate and alone
Andre: I understand, But you must not fear. You must always have faith in yourself, and in life.
Katia: In life? What is my life ? Sadness and grave, something destroys it day by day, and no one can rebuild it.
Katia walk to a stagnant pool
Katia: Here is the very image of my life. Look at it, it is being consumed hour and hour, like this garden.
Abandoned, and purposeless exists.
Andre: If there is the man who abandoned this castle, or even there is... There should be no reason why you should do likewise to your life and to you. Go far away from here, and you will be happy again, Katia. Forgive me if I call you by name. And remember, I am always ready to help you.
Katia: You are very kind man, Andre. But today, everything seems so hopeless. I fear sense of terror, resemblance of death. I am being destroyed by something inside my body. How I wish I could have your faith and strength.
Andre: You must not be despair, I know it's hard for you. But even in here in this garden, the sun will reach the darkness corner, chase away the shadow of the night.
I can strongly feel the bloody Italian-styled gothic romance in Black Sunday. Some of the dialogue attracted my attention, like when Katia says to Andre, “In life? What is my life? Sadness and grave, something destroys it day by day, and no one can rebuild it.” It is terrifying in most of the scenes, but I couldn’t help but laugh at the way Andre is obsessed with Katia, especially when his vision fell upon Katia’s body.
Italian horror maestro Mario Bava’s directorial debut, BLACK SUNDAY - also known as THE MASK OF SATAN, a more literal translation from its original Italian titleremains a gothic mood-enhancer par excellence, much obliged to Bava’s own cinematographic experiences and aptitude, its spooky, gnarly, chiaroscuro-heavy, imposingly ornate scenography substantively trumps up the well-worn story template drawn from Nikolai Gogol’s short story “Viy”.nnSet in the 19th century Moldavia, the corpse of Asa Vajda (Steele), executed (with a mask full of sharp spikes hammered into her face) for witchery alongside her lover Javutich (a menacingly vampiric Dominici) two centuries earlier, is resurrected inadvertently by the blood of passer-by Dr. Kruvajan (a four-square Checchi transiting two worlds apart as the unfortunate enabler-cum-victim) in a sepulchral crypt and immediately she tries to actualize the centuries-old curse hexed upon her demise, to exact revenge on the descendants of her brother who put her on the stake in the first place: Prince Vajda (Garrani) and his two children, son Constantine (Olivieri) and daughter Katia (Steele again, comporting herself with assured commitment in this dichotomous star-turn), a dead ringer of Asa herself, whose corporeal body she intends to possess. nnThe plot courses through Isa’s inevitable resurrection and its equally inevitable debacle - effected by a concerted effort from a young doctor Gorobec (Richardson), who takes a shine to Katia and the God-fearing multitude - with steady assurance (without leaning heavily on gore or cheap scare) by nailing its Christianity-vanquishing-Satanism colors to the mast, and boosting an emphatically compelling score by Roberto Nicolosi, BLACK SUNDAY takes the mantle from earlier Hollywood horror and revitalizes the genre with a spellbound aura of chthonic terror, well-honed inevitability and the legerdemain of special effects (Katia’s rapid-aging process is quite a blinder of the magic-making practice), heralding the heyday of Italian “giallo” in the years to come, in which Bava himself would become quite a pioneer along with his younger compatriots Dario Argento, Lucio Fulci, Umberto Lenzi, just to name a few.nnreferential entries: Carl Theodor Dreyer’s VAMPYR (1932, 7.7/10); René Clair’s I MARRIED A WITCH (1942, 5.8/10).
资料显示这部电影是基于果戈里的小说VIY创作的。科普viy了解,这是过去英国一个名叫 Little Russia 的地方对侏儒精灵老大的称号,传说这位精灵老大的眼睫毛可以拖到地面(是因为矮还是睫毛长就没有兴趣研究了)。然而果戈里的故事精简概括就是一个学生与女巫、魔鬼在教堂的终极战斗。学生因为对魔鬼的恐惧最终死亡,而邪恶力量因为战斗过瘾没有发现天亮了还待在教堂里(太无脑了吧。。。)被永久封印在教堂里,最终教堂被废弃。
Andre: Princess Katia, I hope I did not interrupt you
Katia: No, I just feel so desperate and alone
Andre: I understand, But you must not fear. You must always have faith in yourself, and in life.
Katia: In life? What is my life ?
Sadness and grave, something destroys it day by day, and no one can rebuild it.
Katia walk to a stagnant pool
Katia: Here is the very image of my life. Look at it, it is being consumed hour and hour, like this garden.
Abandoned, and purposeless exists.
Andre: If there is the man who abandoned this castle, or even there is...
There should be no reason why you should do likewise to your life and to you.
Go far away from here, and you will be happy again, Katia.
Forgive me if I call you by name.
And remember, I am always ready to help you.
Katia: You are very kind man, Andre. But today, everything seems so hopeless. I fear sense of terror, resemblance of death.
I am being destroyed by something inside my body.
How I wish I could have your faith and strength.
Andre: You must not be despair, I know it's hard for you. But even in here in this garden, the sun will reach the darkness corner, chase away the shadow of the night.
Katia: Andre, help me. I beg you to help me.