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  蓝色 / Derek Jarman's Blue



类型:剧情同性传记导演:德里克·贾曼 状态:HD 年份:1993 地区:英国 语言:英语 豆瓣ID:1417428热度:424 ℃ 时间:2022-05-22 13:00:03

简介:详情  导演德里克·贾曼的辞世遗作《蓝》,记录下了他罹患艾滋后的最后岁月。此时的贾曼已经双目失明,面对他的是死亡的颜色——这忧郁的蓝。影片从始至终都是满眼的蓝色,也是唯一的颜色。无画面无情节,也没有对白没有人物,除了诗性的背...

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      导演德里克·贾曼的辞世遗作《蓝》,记录下了他罹患艾滋后的最后岁月。此时的贾曼已经双目失明,面对他的是死亡的颜色——这忧郁的蓝。影片从始至终都是满眼的蓝色,也是唯一的颜色。无画面无情节,也没有对白没有人物,除了诗性的背景音乐和贾曼宁静安详的自白。贾曼用这种极端的“反电影”形式,向我们讲述他最后的岁月:是嘈杂烦躁的医院声,也是岸边孤独深沉的海浪声;是他面对死亡时毫无怨言的沉默,也是他不舍离开深爱恋人的不忍与决绝  他说:“我献给你们这宇宙的蓝色,蓝色,是通往灵魂的一扇门,无尽的可能将变为现实”,这也是贾曼与世长辞时,留给我们最后的“蓝色”。
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    这部电影被构思了将近20年。1974年3月,泰特美术馆展览了法国先锋艺术家伊夫•克莱因(Yves Klein)的作品。在克莱因短暂34岁生命的最后几年,尝试了一系列作品挑战艺术边界的作品表达内心精神内涵。其中包括一系列单色绘画:红色,紫色,橘色,黄色和——蓝色。对于克莱因来说,线条也许能通往无尽,但色彩就是无穷本身。贾曼在参观展览之后,他的一本笔记本上写下:为伊夫•克莱因做一部蓝色电影。贾曼认为克莱因的先锋艺术和他自己的一样,是对后现代“声音的刺耳”和“影像的嘈杂”的对抗。

    克莱因发明了一种方法可以让深蓝色颜料(ultramarine)保持纯净,不仅颜料不会丧失透光性,看起来也有“生命”。而将颜料放在油中后的效果,让他感觉到了“死亡”。他为此申请了专利,成为international klein blue(IKB)。他用这种颜料来做单色画,也把IKB涂在女模特的裸体上,然后将她们的身体印在白纸上。


    1992年,拿到9万英镑的基金后,他终于完成了电影,先在威尼斯电影节和 biennale电影节放映,然后在爱丁堡电影节获奖,也同时在BBC4频道和广播3台同时播放。而那些没有电视的广播听众,可以申请领取一张蓝色明信片,当他们听广播的时候可以看。不过广大观众对他的新创作有自己的见解,4频道接到252个抱怨电话,有10个人以为电视信号有问题,4个人说要红色不要蓝色。不同的人看这部电影一定会有不同的感受,因为必定有人走神,或者仅听自己愿意听的环节,屏幕半被自己的想象、思想所填满。

    如贾曼在台词里所说的“你的心底祈祷中影像中释放”,单一的蓝色荧幕是对影像的不信任,并倚重从听觉而来的信息。1980年代晚期约克现代艺术馆展出艾滋人群的照片时,美国激进团体反对这个展览的口号就是:Stop looking at us:start listening to us。《蓝色》也许正以它独特的形式邀请,甚至胁迫观众去聆听灵魂,而不是将患艾滋病的肉体当作怪物来注视、猎奇。

    对蓝色情有独钟,也许因为贾曼对文艺复兴的痴迷。17世纪炼金术士,也是玫瑰十字会(Rosicrucianism)成员韩德尔(Max Heindel) 相信蓝色是所有颜色总最高级的,代表着精神从物质中解脱出来。17世纪的时候,蓝色是灵魂的颜色,在19世纪的时候象征着梦。20世纪时在世界大战之间,许多电影海报用蓝色去吸引路人的眼睛,也表示邀请人门去电影的幽暗大厅做梦。贾曼的作品与西方艺术从中世纪晚期开始建立的传统有关,他的蓝色展现了无限、灵魂脱离肉体、灵与物的转换。蓝色,象征在死亡中个体性的消失,灵魂逐渐飞向天空。电影里的几句台词:our name will be forgotten , in time, no one will remember out work...sparks through the stubble来自《圣经》次经《所罗门的智慧》。贾曼的作品不仅是电影艺术的实验,同时也植根于一种传统的离经叛道。
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    Derek Jarman和我坐在一起,观赏他的最后一部电影《Blue》。看了大概一刻钟吧,Jarman突然问我,语气平缓,你都看到了什么。没什么,只有一片蓝色而已。哦,那么,他轻轻点点头,你跟我看到的差不多,我只是看到一片黑暗而已。n nnJarman说他拍这部片子的时候已经双目失明好几年了,已经无法捕捉HB头发的光泽。我不知道一个纽卡索人的头发应该是什么颜色,金?墨?亚麻?或蓝。我好奇的问起,HB究竟长什么样,有多好看。他微笑着说,很好看,可是我已经几年没有看过了,他就像蓝色,能把人溶解掉。可是我现在浑身通红,HIV剥掉我的皮肤,撕裂我的肌肉,我成为暗红的一团,溶进蓝色里就会变得黑紫,那样HB就不好看了。所以我只在日记里写,只用耳朵倾听,HB照顾我爱护我冲我发脾气陪我睡觉。我已经不知道HB在用哪种洗发水了,可是他头发的气味从来没有变过,那么好闻。nnn我向他说起对医院的厌恶,或者恐惧。“Hell on Earth is a waiting room . Here you know you are not in control of youself , waiting for your name to be called : “ 712213 “ .Here you have no name”我一走进医院就会莫名的紧张,心跳过速,手心出汗。我害怕那些穿着白衣把有病的身体看作桌上的苹果一般的人,所有的针筒在我看来都有大腿一般粗细。而Jarman说他不害怕,不应当害怕。他的视网膜脱落,肌肉脱落护士甚至找不到他的静脉来注射,可是他不愿做作的自己同情自己。他给我讲了这么个故事:“Lightning flickers through the hospital window , at the door an elderly women stands waiting for the rain to clear . I ask her if I can give her a lift . I’ve hailed a taxi . “Can you take me to Holborn Tube ?” On the way she breaks down in tears . She has come from Edinburgh . Her son is in the ward. He has meningitic and has lost the use of his legs. I’m helpless as the tears flow. I can’t see her. Just the sound of her sobbing .” 我静静的听Jarman讲完整个故事,开始羡慕HB,羡慕他有如此深沉的爱人。屏幕上仍旧是一片蓝色,太纯粹了,纯粹的可以令人平静,令人发狂,令人蒙头歌唱,令人呆坐度过一个下午的时光。音乐一直隐隐约约的呢喃着,Jarman说要带我去参观他的花园,他说他身体还好的时候时常布置花园,他在路上边走还边俯身拾起一些形状或颜色漂亮的小石子,说要带回去洒在围墙脚和花丛根部。我说你的花园五颜六色,很你这部电影很不相像。他说颜色对于我就像一种幸福,可是却不断地从我身边消逝,到今天我已经看不到任何颜色,而我给你们看的还有蓝色,即使只有蓝色,可是却纯粹,你们还有幸福,而我即将离去。nnn我说Jarman你的电影就像让我玩了一场痛快淋漓的打地鼠游戏。那些地鼠头上都挂着块牌子,上面分别写着:男主角,女主角,演技,构图,节奏,叙事,场面调度等等,每冒出来一个我就一锤子敲回去,一个都没漏掉。让那些影评人对其他电影任意说三道四,而对《Blue》他们却不能。我面对屏幕,只能让自己尽力去融入那片深沉的颜色当中,而无法抱着欣赏的态度去看待。就像我读托尔斯泰的《战争与和平》,总会觉得自己站在俄法战争的战场上,走在安德烈公爵的庄园里。你是对所有的人怀有最普遍的同情的。对此,Jarman只是默默递给我一本书,《Smile On the Slow Motion》,他的最后一本日记。我有好几为朋友都因为艾滋病已经去世了,他说,“David. Howard. Graham. Terry. Paul”,不久因为我的缘故,HB也将离我而去。我只想在最后的时间里,告诉他们我爱他们,HB,“David. Howard. Graham. Terry. Paul”。我只是在一个多小时的时间里追逐最后平静。n nnJarman在影片结束前离开了,我知道他不会再回来。他留下了一张纸条,而我把所有七十七分钟的蓝色都咀嚼完,才去看那张纸条,上面只有一句话:“To HB and to all the true lovers”

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       You say to the boy open your eyes
       When he opens his eyes and sees the light
       You make him cry out. Saying
       O Blue come forth
       O Blue arise
       O Blue ascend
       O Blue come in
      I am sitting with some friends in this cafe drinking coffee served by young refugees from Bosnia. The war rages across the newspapers and through the ruined streets of Sarajevo.
      Tania said 'Your clothes are on back to front and inside out". Since there were only two of us there I took them off and put them right then and there. I am always here before the doors open.
      What need of so much news from abroad while all that concerns either life or death is all transacting and at work within me.
      I step off the kerb and a cyclist nearly knocks me down. Flying in from the dark he nearly parted my hair.
      I step into a blue funk.
      The doctor in St. Bartholomew's Hospital thought he could detect lesions in my retina - the pupils dilated with belladonna - the torch shone into them with a terrible blinding light.
       Look left
       Look down
       Look up
       Look right
       Blue flashes in my eyes.
       Blue Bottle buzzing
       Lazy days
       The sky blue butterfly
       Sways on the cornflower
       Lost in the warmth
       Of the blue heat haze
       Singing the blues
       Quiet and slowly
       Blue of my heart
       Blue of my dreams
       Slow blue love
       Of delphinium days
      Blue is the universal love in which man bathes - it is the terrestrial paradise.
       I'm walking along the beach in a howling gale -
       Another year is passing
       In the roaring waters
       I hear the voices of dead friends
       Love is life that lasts forever.
       My hearts memory turns to you
       David. Howard. Graham. Terry. Paul....
       But what if this present
       Were the world's last night
       In the setting sun your love fades
       Dies in the moonlight
       Fails to rise
       Thrice denied by cock crow
       In the dawn's first light
       Look left
       Look down
       Look up
       Look right
       The camera flash
       Atomic bright
       The CMV - a green moon then the world turns magenta
       My retina
       Is a distant planet
       A red Mars
       From a Boy's Own comic
       With yellow infection
       Bubbling at the corner
       I said this looks like a planet
       The doctor says - "Oh, I think
       It looks like a pizza"
      The worst of the illness is uncertainty. I've played this scenario back and forth each hour of the day for the last six years.
      Blue transcends the solemn geography of human limits.
       I am home with the blinds drawn
       H.B. is back from Newcastle
       But gone out - the washing
       Machine is roaring away
       And the fridge is defrosting
       These are his favourite sounds
      I've been given the option of being an in-patient at the hospital or to coming in twice a day to be hooked to a drip. My vision will never come back.
      The retina is destroyed, though when the bleeding stops what is left of my sight might improve. I have to come to terms with sightlessness.
      If I loose my sight will my vision be halved?
      The virus rages fierce. I have no friends now who are not dead or dying. Like a blue frost it caught them. At work, at the cinema, on marches and beaches. In churches on their knees, running, flying, silent or shouting protest.
      It started with sweats in the night and swollen glands. Then the black cancer spread across their faces - as they fought for breath TB and pneumonia hammered their lungs, and Toxo at the brain. Reflexes scrambled - sweat poured through hair matter like lianas in the tropical forest. Voices slurred - and then were lost forever. My pen chased this story across the page tossed this way and that in the storm.
       The blood of sensibility is blue
       I consecrate myself
       To find its most perfect expression
       My sight failed a little more in the night
       H.B. offers me his blood
       It will kill everything he says
       The drip of DHPG
       Trills like a canary
      I am accompanied by a shadow into which H.B. appears and disappears. I have lost the sight on the periphery of my right eye.
      I hold out my hands before me and slowly part them. At a certain moment they disappear out of the corner of my eyes. This is how I used to see. Now if I repeat the motion this is all I see.
      I shall not win the battle against the virus - in spite of the slogans like "Living with AIDS". The virus was appropriated by the well - so we have to live with AIDS while they spread the quilt for the moths of Ithaca across the wine dark sea.
      Awareness is heightened by this, but something else is lost. A sense of reality drowned in theatre.
      Thinking blind, becoming blind.
      In the hospital it is as quiet as a tomb. The nurse fights to find a vein in my right arm. We give up after five attempts. Would you faint if someone stuck a needle into your arm? I've got used to it - but I still shut my eyes.
      The Gautama Buddha instructs me to walk away from illness. But he wasn't attached to a drip.
       Fate is the strongest
       Fate Fated Fatal
       I resign myself to Fate
       Blind Fate
       The drip stings
       A lump swells up in my arm
       Out comes the drip
       An electric shock sparks up my arm
       How can I walk away with a drip attached to me?
       How am I going to walk away from this?
       I fill this room with the echo of many voices
       Who passed time here
       Voices unlocked from the blue of the long dried paint
       The sun comes and floods this empty room
       I call it my room
       My room has welcomed many summers
       Embraced laughter and tears
       Can it fill itself with your laughter
       Each word a sunbeam
       Glancing in the light
       This is the song of My Room
      Blue stretches, yawns and is awake.
      There is a photo in the newspaper this morning of refugees leaving Bosnia. They look out of time. Peasant women with scarves and black dresses stepped from the pages of an older Europe. One of them has lost her three children.
      Lightning flickers through the hospital window - at the door an elderly woman stands waiting for the rain to clear. I ask her if I can give her a lift, I've hailed a taxi. "Can you take me to Holborn tube?" On the way she breaks down in tears. She has come from Edinburgh. Her son is in the ward - he has meningitis and has lost the use of his legs - I'm helpless as the tears flow. I can't see her. Just the sound of her sobbing.
       One know the whole world
       Without stirring abroad
       Without looking out of the window
       One can see the way of heaven
       The further one goes
       The less one knows
       In the pandemonium of image
       I present you with the universal Blue
       Blue an open door to soul
       An infinite possibility
       Becoming tangible
      Here I am again in the waiting room. Hell on Earth is a waiting room. Here you know you are not in control of yourself, waiting for your name to be called: "712213". Here you have no name, confidentiality is nameless. Where is 666? Am I sitting opposite him/her? Maybe 666 is the demented woman switching the channels on the TV.
       What do I see
       Past the gates of conscience
       Activists invading Sunday Mass
       In the cathedral
       An epic Czar Ivan denouncing the
       Patriarch of Moscow
       A moon-faced boy who spits and repeatedly
       Crosses himself - as he genuflects
       Will the pearly gates slam shut in
       The faces of the devout
      The demented woman is discussing needles - there is always a discussion here. She has a line put into her neck.
      How are we perceived, if we are to be perceived at all? For the most part we are invisible.
      If the doors of perception were cleansed then everything would be seen as it is.
      The dog barks, the caravan passes.
      Marco Polo stumbles across the Blue Mountain.
      Marco Polo stops and sits on a lapis throne by the River Oxus while he is ministered to by the descendants of Alexander the Great. The caravan approaches, blue canvasses fluttering in the wind. Blue people from over the sea - ultramarine - have come to collect the lapis with its flecks of gold.
      The road to the city of Aqua Vitae is protected by a labyrinth built from crystals and mirrors which in the sunlight cause terrible blindness. The mirrors reflect each of your betrayals, magnify them and drive you into madness.
      Blue walks into the labyrinth. Absolute silence is demanded to all its visitors, so their presence does not disturb the poets who are directing the excavations. Digging can only proceed on the calmest of days as rain and wind destroy the finds.
      The archaeology of sound has only just been perfected and the systematic cataloguing of words has until recently been undertaken in a haphazard way. Blue watched as a word or phrase materialised in scintillating sparks, a poetry of fire which casts everything into darkness with the brightness of its reflections.
      As a teenager I used to work for the Royal National Institute for the Blind on their Christmas appeal for radios, with dear miss Punch, seventy years old, who used to arrive each morning on her Harley Davidson.
      She kept us on our toes. Her job as a gardener gave her time to spare in January. Miss Punch Leather Woman was the first out dyke I ever met. Closeted and frightened by my sexuality she was my hope. "Climb on, let's go for a ride." She looked like Edith Piaf, a sparrow, and wore a cock-eyed beret at a saucy angle. She bossed all the other old girls who came back year after year for her company.
      In the paper today. Three quarters of the AIDS organisations are not providing safer sex information. One district said they had no queers in their community, but you might try district X - they have a theatre.
      My sight seems to have closed in. The hospital is even quieter this morning. Hushed. I have a sinking feeling in my stomach. I feel defeated. My mind bright as a button but my body falling apart - a naked light bulb in a dark and ruined room. There is death in the air here but we are not talking about it. But I know the silence might be broken by distraught visitors screaming, "Help, Sister! Help Nurse!" followed by the sound of feet rushing along the corridor. Then silence.
       Blue protects white from innocence
       Blue drags black with it
       Blue is darkness made visible
       Blue protects white from innocence
       Blue drags black with it
       Blue is darkness made visible
      Over the mountains is the shrine to Rita, where all at the end of the line call. Rita is the Saint of the Lost Cause. The saint of all who are at their wit's end, who are hedged in and trapped by the facts of the world. These facts, detached from cause, trapped the Blue Eyed Boy in a system of unreality. Would all these blurred facts that deceive dissolve in his last breath? For accustomed to believing in image, an absolute idea of value, his world had forgotten the command of essence: Thou Shall Not Create Unto Thyself Any Graven Image, although you know the task is to fill the empty page. From the bottom of your heart, pray to be released from image.
      Time is what keeps the light from reaching us.
      The image is a prison of the soul, your heredity, your education, your vices and aspirations, your qualities, your psychological world.
       I have walked behind the sky.
       For what are you seeking?
       The fathomless blue of Bliss.
      To be an astronaut of the void, leave the comfortable house that imprisons you with reassurance.
      To be going and to have are not eternal - fight the fear that engenders the beginning, the middle and the end.
      For Blue there are no boundaries or solutions.
      How did my friends cross the cobalt river, with what did they pay the ferryman? As they set out for the indigo shore under this jet-black sky - some died on their feet with a backward glance. Did they see Death with the hell hounds pulling a dark chariot, bruised blue-black growing dark in the absence of light, did they hear the blast of trumpets?
      David ran home panicked on the train from Waterloo, brought back exhausted and unconscious to die that night. Terry who mumbled incoherently into his incontinent tears. Others faded like flowers cut by the scythe of the Blue Bearded Reaper, parched as the waters of life receded. Howard turned slowly to stone, petrified day by day, his mind imprisoned in a concrete fortress until all we could hear were his groans on the telephone circling the globe.
      Mad Vincent sits on his yellow chair clasping his knees to his chest - Bananas. The sunflowers wilt in the empty pot, bone dry, skeletal, the black seeds picked into the staring face of a Halloween pumpkin. He is unaware of Blue standing in the corner. Fevered eyes glare at the jaundiced corn, caw of the jet-black crows spiralling in the yellow. The lemon goblin stares from the unwanted canvasses thrown in a corner. Sourpuss suicide screams with evil - clasping cowardly Yellowbelly, slit eyed.
      Blue fights diseased Yellowbelly whose fetid breath scorches the trees yellow with ague. Betrayal is the oxygen of his devilry. He'll stab you in the back. Yellowbelly places a jaundiced kiss in the air, the stink of pubs blinds Blue's eyes. Evil swims in the yellow bile. Yellowbelly's snake eyes poison. He crawls over Eve's rotting apple wasp-like. Quick as a flash he stings Blue in the mouth - "AAAUGH!" - his hellish legion buzz and chuckle in the mustard gas. They'll piss all over you. Sharp nicotine-stained fangs bared. Blue transformed into an insectocutor, his Blue aura frying the foes.
       We all contemplated suicide
       We hoped for euthanasia
       We were lulled into believing
       Morphine dispelled pain
       Rather than making it tangible
       Like a mad Disney cartoon
       Transforming itself into
       Every conceivable nightmare
      Karl killed himself - how did he do it? I never asked. It seemed incidental. What did it matter if he swigged prussic acid or shot himself in the eye. Maybe he dived into the streets from high up in the cloud lapped skyscrapers.
      The nurse explains the implant. You mix the drugs and drip yourself once a day. The drugs are kept in a small fridge they give you. Can you imagine travelling around with that? The metal implant will set the bomb detector off in airports, and I can just see myself travelling to Berlin with a fridge under my arm.
       Impatient youths of the sun
       Burning with many colours
       Flick combs through hair
       In bathroom mirrors
       Fucking with fusion and fashion
       Dance in the beams of emerald lasers
       Mating on suburban duvets
       Cum splattered nuclear breeders
       What a time that was.
      The drip ticks out the seconds, the source of a stream along which the minutes flow, to join the river of hours, the sea of years and the timeless ocean.
      The side effects of DHPG, the drug for which I have to come into hospital to be dripped twice a day, are: Low white blood cell count, increased risk of infection, low platelet count which may increase the risk of bleeding, low red blood cell count (anaemia), fever, rush, abnormal liver function, chills, swelling of the body (oedema), infections, malaise, irregular heart beat, high blood pressure (hypertension), low blood pressure (hypotension), abnormal thoughts or dreams, loss of balance (ataxia), come, confusion, dizziness, headache, nervousness, damage to nerves (peristhecia), psychosis, sleepiness (somnolence), shaking, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite (anorexia), diarrhoea, bleeding from the stomach or intestine (intestinal haemorrhage), abdominal pain, increased number of one type of white blood cell, low blood sugar, shortness of breath, hair loss (alopecia), itching (pruritus), hives, blood in the urine, abnormal kidney functions, increased blood urea, redness (inflammation), pain or irritation (phlebitis).
      Retinal detachments have been observed in patients both before and after initiation of therapy. The drug has caused decreased sperm production in animals and may cause infertility in humans, and birth defects in animals. Although there is no information in human studies, it should be considered a potential carcinogen since it causes tumours in animals.
      If you are concerned about any of the above side-effects or if you would like any further information, please ask your doctor.
      In order to be put on the drug you have to sign a piece of paper stating you understand that all these illnesses are a possibility.
      I really can't see what I am to do. I am going to sign it.
       The darkness comes in with the tide
       The year slips on the calendar
       Your kiss flares
       A match struck in the night
       Flares and dies
       My slumber broken
       Kiss me again
       Kiss me
       Kiss me again
       And again
       Never enough
       Greedy lips
       Speedwell eyes
       Blue skies
      A man sits in his wheelchair, his awry, munching through a packet of dry biscuits, slow and deliberate as a praying mantis. He speaks enthusiastically but sometimes incoherently of the hospice. he says, "You can't be too careful who you mix with there, there's no way of telling the visitors, patients or staff apart. The staff have nothing to identify them except they are all in leather. The place is like an S&M club". This hospice has been built by charity, the names of the donors displayed for all to see.
      Charity has allowed the uncaring to appear to care and is terrible for those dependent on it. It has become big business as the government shirks its responsibilities in these uncaring times. We go along with this, so the rich and powerful who ****ed us over once **** us over again and get it both ways. We have always been mistreated, so if anyone gives us the slightest sympathy we overreact with our thanks.
       I am a mannish
       Muff diving
       Size queen
       With bad attitude
       An arse licking
       Molesting the flies of privacy
       Balling lesbian boys
       A perverted heterodemon
       Crossing purpose with death
       I am a cock sucking
       Straight acting
       Lesbian man
       With ball crushing bad manners
       Laddish nymphomaniac politics
       Spunky sexist desires
       of incestuous inversion and
       Incorrect terminology
       I am a Not Gay
       H.B. is in the kitchen
       Greasing his hair
       He guards the space
       Against me
       He calls it his office
       At nine we leave for the hospital
       H.B. comes back from the eye dept
       Where all my notes are muddled
       He says
       It's like Romania in there
       Two light bulbs
       Grimly illuminate
       The flaking walls
       There is a box of dolls
       In the corner
       Indescribably grim
       The doctor says
       Well of course
       The kids don't see them
       There are no resources
       To brighten the place up
       My eyes sting from the drops
       The infection has halted
       The flash leaves
       Scarlet after image
       Of the blood vessels in my eye
       Teeth chattering February
       Cold as death
       Pushes at the bedsheets
       An aching cold
       Interminable as marble
       My mind
       Frosted with drugs ices up
       A drift of empty snowflakes
       Whiting out memory
       A blinkered twister
       Circling in spirals
       Cross-eyed meddlesome consciousness
       Shall I? Will I?
       Doodling death watch
       Mind how you go
      Oral DHPG is consumed by the liver, so they have tweaked a molecule to fool the system. What risk is there? If I had to live forty years blind, I might think twice. Treat my illness like the dodgems: music, bright lights, bumps and throw yourself into life again.
      The pills are the most difficult, some taste bitter, others are too large. I'm taking about thirty a day, a walking chemical laboratory. I gag on them as I swallow them and they come up half dissolved in the coughing and the spluttering.
      My skins sits on me like the shirt of Nessus. My face irritates, as do my back and legs at night. I toss and turn, scratching, unable to sleep. I get up, turn on the light. Stagger to the bathroom. If I become so tired, maybe I'll sleep. Films chase through my mind. Once in a while I dream a dream as magnificent as the Taj Mahal. I cross southern India with a young spirit guide - India the land of my dreaming childhood. The souvenirs in Moslem's peach and grey living room. Granny called Moselle, called 'Girly', called May. An orphan who lost her name, which was Ruben. jade, monkeys, ivory miniatures, mah-jongg. The winds and bamboos of China.
       All the old taboos of
       Blood lines and blood banks
       Blue blood and bad blood
       Our blood and your blood
       I sit here - you sit there
      As I slept a jet slammed into a tower block. The jet was almost empty but two hundred people were fried in their sleep.
      The earth is dying and we do not notice it.
       A young man frail as Belsen
       Walks slowly down the corridor
       His pale green hospital pyjamas
       Hanging off him
       It's very quiet
       Just the distant coughing
       My jugs eye blots out the
       Young man who has just walked past
       My field of vision
       This illness knocks you for six
       Just as you start to forget it
       A bullet in the back of my head
       Might be easier
       You know, you can take longer than
       The second world war to get to the grave.
       Ages and Aeons quit the room
       Exploding into timelessness
       No entrances or exits now
       No need for obituaries or final judgements
       We knew that time would end
       After tomorrow at sunrise
       We scrubbed the floors
       And did the washing up
       It would not catch us unawares
      The white flashes you are experiencing in your eyes are common when the retina is damaged.
      The damaged retina has started to peel away leaving the innumerable black floaters, like a flock of starlings around in the twilight.
      I am back at St Mary's to have my eyes looked at by the specialist. The place is the same, but there is new staff. How relieved I am not to have the operation this morning to have a tap put into my chest. I must try and cheer up H.B. as he has had a hell of a fortnight. In the waiting room a little grey man over the way is fretting as he has to get to Sussex. He says, "I am going blind, I cannot read any longer".
      A little later he picks up a newspaper, struggles with it for a moment and throws it back on the table. My stinging eye-drops have stopped me reading, so I write this in a haze of belladonna. The little grey man's face has fallen into tragedy. He looks like Jean Cocteau without the poet's refined arrogance. The room is full of men and women squinting into the dark in different states of illness. Some barely able to walk, distress and anger on every face and then a terrible resignation.
      Jean Cocteau takes off his glasses, he looks about him with an undescribable meanness. He has black slip-on shoes, blue socks, grey trousers, a Fairisle sweater and a herringbone jacket. The posters that plaster the walls above him have endless question marks, HIV/AIDS?, AIDS?, HIV?, ARE YOU INFECTED BY HIV/AIDS?,ARC?, HIV? This is a hard wait. The shattering bright light of the eye specialist's camera leaves that empty sky blue after-image. Did I really see green the first time? The after-image dissolves in a second. As the photographs progress, colours change to pink and the light turns to orange. The process is a torture, but the result, stable eyesight, worth the price and the twelve pills I have to take a day. Sometimes looking at them I fell nauseous and want to skip them. It must be my association with H.B., lover of the computer and king of the keyboard that brought my luck on the computer which chose my name for this drug trial. I nearly forgot as I left St Mary's I smiled at Jean Cocteau. He gave a sweet smile back.
      I caught myself looking at shoes in a shop window. I thought of going in and buying a pair, but stopped myself. The shoes I am wearing at the moment should be sufficient to walk me out of life.
       Pearl fishers
       In azure seas
       Deep waters
       Washing the isle of the dead
       In coral harbours
       Across the still seabed
       We lie there
       Fanned by the billowing
       Sails of forgotten ships
       Tossed by the mournful winds
       Of the deep
       Lost Boys
       Sleep forever
       In a dear embrace
       Salt lips touching
       In submarine gardens
       Cool marble fingers
       Touch an antique smile
       Shell sounds
       Deep love drifting on the tide forever
       The smell of him
       Dead good looking
       In beauty's summer
       His blue jeans
       Around his ankles
       Bliss in my ghostly eye
       Kiss me
       On the lips
       On the eyes
       Our name will be forgotten
       In time
       No one will remember our work
       Our life will pass like the traces of a cloud
       And be scattered like
       Mist that is chased by the
       Rays of the sun
       For our time is the passing of a shadow
       And our lives will run like
       Sparks through the stubble.
       I place a delphinium, Blue, upon your grave
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