我已经记不清是什么时候开始看这部剧的了,就这么一路追着也看到了第七季。ted、marshall、lily、robin、barney,这几个人就像自己的老朋友,每每随着剧情与人物同呼吸共命运,每次在ted遇到靠谱的女孩的时候真心希望这次是他的真命天女,和marshall和lily一起祈祷造人成功,发自肺腑地热爱barney,但是也爱robin,所以恨不能完美的nora赶紧消失好成全这一对…… 前几天又看第一季,觉得好像笑点也不是特别多,费解我为什么能一直看到现在,又回忆起robin刚出场的时候,似乎也不是特别喜欢她,同样不喜欢的还有ted,觉得这货略娘,而且优柔寡断。 这些都不重要,你生命中真正重要的人,你哪一次开始就记住了你们的第一次相遇,你有几次是第一眼就爱上了他?那些真正重要的人,都是在不知不觉中接纳了他习惯了他最后离不开他。 这部剧里的每一个人都是普通人,他们有着和你我一样的大众脸和平常心,从事着正常的职业,有一些朋友之间才知道的怪癖和缺点,也有对事业和爱情的理想,也要面对苦逼的现实,也会在日常生活的点滴中升华出对人生和生活的喟叹。 我赞成Hyden的说法,这剧和<friends>相比更接近我们现实生活。<friends>太carefree了,老爸老妈们则不仅要面对生活的A面还要面对生活的B面,对于这群人来说,生活对于他们来说和对你我是一样的,无论是美国青年还是中国青年一样要面对工作恋爱结婚生子这样的事情,可是他们就能生活得这么有滋有味,确实是羡煞我等旁人。 羡慕他们什么呢?羡慕他们在routine life中总能寻找到亮点,能自嘲,敢犯二,欢乐时有人分享,失意时有人安慰,低谷时有人能体会你的心情鼓励你坚持梦想,磕磕绊绊往前走的时候知道身后有一盏灯还为你而亮。 我庆幸我身边也有这样的朋友,虽然可能即将天各一方,但是又有什么关系呢,天涯若比邻。(对吧?) 我始终相信the world is what you believe in,想交到真正的朋友,那么也必须把自己毫无保留地交出去,发自肺腑地去相信他人,这也许正是ted这个形式男主身上最大的亮点所在,在追了这剧这么久之后,我才真正懂得欣赏ted身上这种执着,无论这世界上是否真的有真爱这种东西,无论人们怎么质疑它的存在,他仍能孜孜以求,最后呢,编剧们也会受不了,给他一个真爱。 于是我们世人怀着一颗孜孜以求的心,老天爷最终也会受不了,给我们一个幸福的所在。
Ted: I'd go to the bagel place, see a pretty girl in line. Reading my favorite novel, whistling the song that's been stuck in my head all week and I'd think, "Wow. Hey, maybe she's the one." Now I think,"I just know that bitch is gonna take the last whole-wheat everything bagel."
Robin: You've just been focused on work.
Ted: No, it's more than that. I've stopped believing. Not in some depressed, "I'm gonna cry during my toast"Way. No in a way I even noticed until tonight. It's just, every day, I think I believe a little less and a little less and a little less. And that...sucks.
第二集结束语: Kids, you can't talk yourself into falling in love. It doesn't take days of deliberation. When it's real, you know pretty quickly, and with absolute certainty. I had forgotten that. But I was about to be reminded.
第八集Ted想去和Naomi说分手的时候: ....when it's just not there, you can't force it.
第十集Ted看到三个人跳舞的时候: Wow, music really does bring people together.
第十二集Robin和Barney刚发现怀孕的时候: Robin: I'm pregnant. Barney: ........ Barney: Are you sure you're not just getting fat? 。。。 Barney: pregnant? seems nobody told your boobs...
第十三集关于Puzzles的小曲: Ted: Puzzles is a place when people go/ To feel like they belong Barney: Gonna take advantage of dumb drunk girls Ted: No, we're not. Barney: Bro. Ted: That would be wrong. Ted: A place where wit and wisdom bloom Barney: A place to bang chicks in Ted's room Ted: Not gonna happen. Barney: We'll talk about it. Ted & Barney: At Puzzles, we all fit together Kevin:And I'm the bartender! Ted & Barney: ...... Kevin: I'll go get the other kegs. Ted: Probably a good idea. Barney: We got to work out some harmonies. Ted: And coz when I'm up here Barney: And I'm right here... Ted: No, you actually........... . . Background: At Puzzles, we all fit together On sunny days or stormy weather So pull up a chair and sit folks We laugh and share and stories to tell Puzzles is a place where everyone feels at home Barney: And we bang chicks in Ted's room.
第十四集在strip club: Ted: Barney! Barney: Wh...what Ted: I'm allowed to miss them, okay? They're my two best friends. Barney: I'm your two best friends! Ted:......
第十五集Ted的旁白: Kids, someday you're gonna throw a party, and you might find yourself worrying if something's gonna go wrong. Well, don't. What you should worry about is everything going wrong. And what's really scary is how quickly that can happen.
羡慕他们什么呢?羡慕他们在routine life中总能寻找到亮点,能自嘲,敢犯二,欢乐时有人分享,失意时有人安慰,低谷时有人能体会你的心情鼓励你坚持梦想,磕磕绊绊往前走的时候知道身后有一盏灯还为你而亮。
我始终相信the world is what you believe in,想交到真正的朋友,那么也必须把自己毫无保留地交出去,发自肺腑地去相信他人,这也许正是ted这个形式男主身上最大的亮点所在,在追了这剧这么久之后,我才真正懂得欣赏ted身上这种执着,无论这世界上是否真的有真爱这种东西,无论人们怎么质疑它的存在,他仍能孜孜以求,最后呢,编剧们也会受不了,给他一个真爱。
Ted: I'd go to the bagel place, see a pretty girl in line. Reading my favorite novel, whistling the song that's been stuck in my head all week and I'd think, "Wow. Hey, maybe she's the one." Now I think,"I just know that bitch is gonna take the last whole-wheat everything bagel."
Robin: You've just been focused on work.
Ted: No, it's more than that. I've stopped believing. Not in some depressed, "I'm gonna cry during my toast"Way. No in a way I even noticed until tonight. It's just, every day, I think I believe a little less and a little less and a little less. And that...sucks.
Kids, you can't talk yourself into falling in love. It doesn't take days of deliberation. When it's real, you know pretty quickly, and with absolute certainty. I had forgotten that. But I was about to be reminded.
....when it's just not there, you can't force it.
Wow, music really does bring people together.
Robin: I'm pregnant.
Barney: ........
Barney: Are you sure you're not just getting fat?
Barney: pregnant? seems nobody told your boobs...
Ted: Puzzles is a place when people go/ To feel like they belong
Barney: Gonna take advantage of dumb drunk girls
Ted: No, we're not.
Barney: Bro.
Ted: That would be wrong.
Ted: A place where wit and wisdom bloom
Barney: A place to bang chicks in Ted's room
Ted: Not gonna happen.
Barney: We'll talk about it.
Ted & Barney: At Puzzles, we all fit together
Kevin:And I'm the bartender!
Ted & Barney: ......
Kevin: I'll go get the other kegs.
Ted: Probably a good idea.
Barney: We got to work out some harmonies.
Ted: And coz when I'm up here
Barney: And I'm right here...
Ted: No, you actually...........
Background: At Puzzles, we all fit together On sunny days or stormy weather So pull up a chair and sit folks We laugh and share and stories to tell Puzzles is a place where everyone feels at home
Barney: And we bang chicks in Ted's room.
第十四集在strip club:
Ted: Barney!
Barney: Wh...what
Ted: I'm allowed to miss them, okay? They're my two best friends.
Barney: I'm your two best friends!
Kids, someday you're gonna throw a party, and you might find yourself worrying if something's gonna go wrong. Well, don't. What you should worry about is everything going wrong. And what's really scary is how quickly that can happen.