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待绽蔷薇  小明星(港台) 明日女优 小星星



类型:剧情情色导演:肖恩·贝克 状态:正片 年份:2012 地区:美国 语言:英语 豆瓣ID:10522066热度:881 ℃ 时间:2024-08-15 12:59:52

简介:详情  简(德丽·海明威 Dree Hemingway 饰)是一名二十一岁的妙龄少女,心中怀揣着成为演员的梦想,她来到了位于加州的圣费尔南多谷。可是,成为演员哪里是这么简单的事?没过多久,简便和大多数来此打拼的女孩一样,默默...

温馨提示:[DVD:标准清晰版] [BD:高清无水印] [HD:高清版] [TS:抢先非清晰版] - 其中,BD和HD版本不太适合网速过慢的用户观看。

      简(德丽·海明威 Dree Hemingway 饰)是一名二十一岁的妙龄少女,心中怀揣着成为演员的梦想,她来到了位于加州的圣费尔南多谷。可是,成为演员哪里是这么简单的事?没过多久,简便和大多数来此打拼的女孩一样,默默无名并且身无分文。在简的生活圈里来往的,大多数是不靠谱的朋友们,而其中最值得信赖的,竟然是她那只名叫斯嘉丽的吉娃娃狗  在老太太桑迪(贝塞德卡·约翰森 Besedka Johnson 饰)家举办的跳蚤市场上,简偶然发现了一个塞着一大捆钞票的老古董,这巨额的财产让囊中羞涩的简无法不在意,她打起了这笔巨款的主意,为此她开始特意的接近桑迪。没想到,简的这一举动彻底的改变了她的生活。
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          一次偶然,Jane 发现了买的热水瓶里有1万块钱,经过一阵挥霍后,她打算把钱换回去,但遭到Sadie的拒绝。经过一系列努力,她终于和Sadie成为了朋友。
          Sadie在丈夫去世后,独自生活了40年。他丈夫在世是是职业赌徒,而且是一个good one,赢了很多钱,但是Sadie从来没去过巴黎。她的花园有很多花,但是有一种荒草丛生的感觉,就像年老的Sadie一样,活一天过一天,她已经没有太多精力去整理花园了。
         吉娃娃走失后,Sadie满大街步履蹒跚地哭着找它,是因为她害怕再次失去亲人。她披头散发抱着小狗坐在门口,冲着 Jane重复喊道:“I just can not handle this anymore!”
           Jane 终于熬不住,买了去巴黎的机票,想圆了老人的梦想,一切顺利进行,可是她的坑爹的室友因为没把钱花在她身上,告密了。
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    突然穿插的AV 拍摄镜头令人大吃一惊





    老太太知道了jane 靠近她和她做朋友的原因

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    剧情再度转折,Jane的朋友发现了这笔意外之财,她认为Jane应该与她,这个最好的朋友分享。但Jane却要和她口中的老婊子同去巴黎,愤怒的她找到Sadie,告诉她,Jane之所以对你好是因为她通过你不知道的方式得到了你的钱,对你有愧疚感。Sadie的表情并不强烈,她只是把本来和Jane一起挑选的,要去巴黎穿的衣服拿出来,丢到衣柜里,但她内心的情感变化,想必非常剧烈。就如同上次在超市门口没有等到Jane一 样,她感到自己再一次被抛弃了,这次更加彻底,痛苦。看到这里我就在猜编剧会怎么安排,Sadie是会消失?痛斥Jane?他选择了理解与原谅。


    整个片子节奏平缓,但几处情感的波折都能打动人心,不同世界的两个人如何褪去坚硬的保护外壳,逐渐走进对方内心,互相理解,互相取暖。缺失母爱的Jane生活拮据但充满了梦想,她善良,热爱自己的工作,幻想着某一天能成为明星,她从Sadie处找到了家人的感觉,重新找到一个女儿的身份。在千篇一律的乏味生活中等待死亡的Sadie则在Jane这里重新建立了与其他人的联系与存在感,唤起了生活的热情与希望,点燃了久已熄灭的梦想,也像一个母亲。也许她们都想对对方说一 句,谢谢你的成全。
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    很喜欢这部片子和Dree 转载访谈,帮助理解片子台前幕后,没看错av场面果然是替身然后剪得真不错。好有趣的制作过程耶,原来去参加色情业展会是真的,使用隐藏拍摄,很多人以为女主就是pornstar然后各种~~ 哈哈,不过no judgement也是棒棒哒。dree也聊到很多关于自己家族的事情,喜欢她的低调单纯,而且做出了一部好片子,这是我看她的第一部,很偶然找到的。翻译就不做了,我觉得最直接的理解是看原文,给几个关键词,有兴趣的自己理解。
    body double 替身;improvisational 即兴的;scatterbrained

    The young actress talks to THR about her burgeoning acting career as well as how she copes with bearing the last name of one of the world's most famed writers.

    As much as she'd probably like to avoid it, the first line in Dree Hemingway's biography probably would note that she is the great-granddaughter of famed writer Ernest Hemingway and the daughter of actress Mariel Hemingway. But with a few more movies like Starlet, her first leading feature role, that just might change.

    Hemingway, 25, plays Jane, a flighty, listless woman in her early 20s living in Los Angeles with her friend and the friend's boyfriend. She flits about through her days, smoking weed and shopping and taking her Chihuahua wherever she goes. She might seem like a low-rent Paris Hilton, but she has more depth than it appears at first glance.

    Film Review: Starlet

    When she buys a thermos for a dollar at a yard sale from an old woman, she finds $10,000 rolled up inside. After trying to return the thermos to the cantankerous octogenarian, who refuses, she decides to at least befriend the lonely widow, Sadie. This is easier said than done, though the two eventually form an odd relationship. It is one built partially on lies; Jane doesn't tell Sadie about the money, or the fact that she works as a porn actress -- something kept from the audience through much of the movie, as well.

    THR recently spoke to Hemingway about the film and her famous bloodlines.

    The Hollywood Reporter: What happened in your interview with director Sean Baker?

    Dree Hemingway: I’m so passionate about this character, but a lot of it was how I perceived her and who I thought she was and to clarify if I’d do the porn scene. And really wanting to assure me that they’d use a body double and just wanting to make sure I’d be comfortable with the whole situation. And everything he was saying about the character was something I had thought of, and there were things that I wanted to bring, and it was really nice. And what really hooked it was the communication between us.

    THR: So you weren’t uncomfortable with the porn thing?

    Hemingway: I mean, it freaked me out, I’m not going to lie. I think I was so passionate about the whole story that it’s kind of something that it needed. It freaked me out, but also knowing that it wasn’t me was kind of OK for me -- although I’m not in denial that people are going to think it’s me because a lot of people don’t watch the end credits, and it’s really well cut. But as much as it scares me, and is such a scary thing to do, it’s such a neat film that I think that one ending scene is kind of the most perfect ending for any movie, and I just love it. … I’m not a huge fan of porn, but I really wanted to embrace the world from a different perspective, where it’s not a tragedy, it’s not coming from a tragic place.

    VIDEO: Starlet Trailer

    THR: How much of the film was improv?

    Hemingway: Most of it was improvisational, to be honest. It was like, we were given some lines, and you always had to know where you were going to end up in the scene, but a lot of it was improvisational. A lot of it was scary in a way that you can’t really craft. But it’s actually one of the most fun things I’ve ever done. You really have to be present in the situation that you’re in because a lot of time you were working with real people, who didn’t know until they were done working with us that they were on film and working with actors.

    THR: Which points were that?

    Hemingway: The whole entire porn convention. We had a hidden camera. I had a hidden mic. People thought I was a real porn star at a real booth. All those people talking to me.

    THR: So they were just big porn enthusiasts.

    Hemingway: They all kept coming up to me and saying: “I really love your movies. I want to work with you.” And I was like, 'Let’s go!' It’s so weird and crazy. And all those people playing bingo, we just stood in the bingo hall.

    THR: Was anyone upset about being caught on camera?

    Hemingway: A lot of people at the porn convention were really upset that they were on camera. Some of them were like parents, and some of these guys were like, “I’m a schoolteacher.” And you’re like, OK. … But the thing is, there is no judgment on them because they are just the ones that have the balls to get their asses off the computer and go to an actual porn convention. Which I have to say is kind of hilarious and really fun.

    THR: Really?

    Hemingway: Yeah. It’s an adult amusement park.

    THR: It’s like a Comic-Con but for porn.

    Hemingway: Exactly! It’s just like Comic-Con. You get some whacked, crazy people, but it’s so much fun. I think if you come to it from a point of not taking it seriously -- a lot of these people go, and they’re there to see one porn star whom they’re obsessed with -- but if that’s not your basis, it is a fun time. It’s hilarious.

    THR: What would you do if you found that money, in that situation?

    Hemingway: Oh, I’m such a guilty person, I’d totally give it back.

    THR: No hesitation?

    Hemingway: I mean obviously, I think that part of me would want to keep it in a way because it’d be like, oh I found it, and it’s -- what is that saying? Finder's keepers? But no, even if I’d try to do that, I’m too guilty. I remember when I was 14, I stole a little bracelet from a vendor, like an outside cart vendor, it was me being rebellious, and I had a lot of friends who loved to steal ChapSticks and little things, and so it was me trying to include myself in the situation. So I stole this bracelet. And I had it for a full day, but I couldn’t wear it because I felt so guilty. So when I wasn’t with my friends, I went and brought it back.

    THR: So you are Ernest Hemingway’s great-granddaughter? Did you ever feel pressure to be a writer?

    Hemingway: I would never write, ever. I might as well exile myself.

    THR: Why?

    Hemingway: Because it’s like, if I were related to Monet, I don’t know if I would be comfortable becoming an artist because it’s too much, the comparison. If I wrote a book and put it out, the comparison to my great-grandfather, the comparison would be hilarious. Every critic, it would be their dream, they’d tear me apart. I’m just not a confident writer, either. I feel like I can’t make sense of things in a way. I’m so scatterbrained when I write.

    THR: Do people ask you to?

    Hemingway: People ask me all the time. And my mother is an actress, and my aunt Margaux was a model. And it’s funny, as much as I’m all about I’m my own person, and I’m making my own name for myself, I have grown up in a world where most of these people who are like me are children of famous parents. So it’s easy to become the socialite and be famous for that. But my whole thing was, as much as I was inspired by what my parents do, and growing up on film sets, watching that made me really want to do that. I am my own person, and I think that the only thing with the Hemingway name is that it has gotten me in the door. But once you’re in there, I know I’m under a huge microscope, and everything you do, people are going through it with a fine-toothed comb and picking at you.

    So it’s great, it gets you in there, but once you do, you’ve got to f---ing prove yourself. The modeling, I think it’s different because they don’t give a f---, it’s harder to get in there with a name already, and I think I had to prove myself, and it didn’t matter who I was. But I don’t feel like I’m competing against anything in my family; I’m so honored to be a part of it, but I also know I am my own self, and I’m not riding anyone’s coattails because I know I really worked for something.
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