HK 禅宗天坛大佛1993n宝莲禅寺DhyanaZennL A 西来寺npublic hearing1985
nI don't mean to be disrespectful, but I have some friends who use Buddhism and east religon and east philosophy and they sort of mix that up with the new age. And that's ok, it works for them, that's fine. But my concern is that is that sort of anything goes, you know it's like free market in spirutuality, whatever i am saying or thinking today is fine. Because we have these core teachings in the Buddahism, it keeps us in check, so we don't go to anything that if it feels ok, we are trying to avoid that. This Buddahism gives me discipline without the necessity a god to reward me or punish me.
The buddha's dream 2500 years ago are stil wit us. and they are made incarnates in one of the most tenacious belief systems of all time, and some of the most iconic and beautiful monuments in the world
BC250 阿育王 allynKarma 业nSri LankaTooth relicnNirvanaSamsaraThailand卧佛寺mid 19th centuryn
HK 禅宗天坛大佛1993n宝莲禅寺DhyanaZennL A 西来寺npublic hearing1985
nI don't mean to be disrespectful, but I have some friends who use Buddhism and east religon and east philosophy and they sort of mix that up with the new age. And that's ok, it works for them, that's fine. But my concern is that is that sort of anything goes, you know it's like free market in spirutuality, whatever i am saying or thinking today is fine. Because we have these core teachings in the Buddahism, it keeps us in check, so we don't go to anything that if it feels ok, we are trying to avoid that. This Buddahism gives me discipline without the necessity a god to reward me or punish me.
The buddha's dream 2500 years ago are stil wit us. and they are made incarnates in one of the most tenacious belief systems of all time, and some of the most iconic and beautiful monuments in the world
(1)菩提伽耶(Bodh Gaya)的摩诃菩提寺(Mahabodhi)——印度比哈尔(Bihar)南部伽耶市近郊。
(2)博纳佛塔(Bodanath Stupa)——尼泊尔加德满都市中心以东八公里。
(3)佛牙寺(the temple of the tooth)——斯里兰卡康堤市康堤湖畔。
(4)卧佛寺(Wat Pho)——泰国曼谷市帕那空区。
(5)吴哥窟(Angkor Wat)——柬埔寨暹粒市。
(6)宝莲寺(Po Lin),天坛大佛——中国香港大屿山昂坪。
(7)西来寺(Hsi Lai Temple)——美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶。
主持Bettany Hughes是一名历史学家,她考察了上述地点,并和佛教徒交流,介绍了他们的生活方式以及与佛教相关的核心概念,比如法(Dharma),轮回(Samsara),禅(Chan/Zen),涅槃(Nirvara)。
其次是关于禅的问题,live in this present,这种实现了内心安宁与平静的精神状态,意味着过去和未来都是虚妄(佛教本身就是要将人从时间的束缚中解脱出来)。想到罗汝芳言“所云杂念忿怒,皆是说前日后日事也。工夫紧要,只论目前。……一毫杂念也不生。”我们要做的,只是时时刻刻保有这份平常心。