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戴夫·查佩尔:胜利最终章  David Chappelle: 栋笃最终回(港)



类型:喜剧脱口秀欧美综艺导演:Stan 状态:1集全 年份:2021 地区:美国 语言:英语 豆瓣ID:35618442热度:720 ℃ 时间:2022-03-27 13:45:27


温馨提示:[DVD:标准清晰版] [BD:高清无水印] [HD:高清版] [TS:抢先非清晰版] - 其中,BD和HD版本不太适合网速过慢的用户观看。

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    "I started a fund for my dead friend daughter...she is very young........I hope to be alive when she turns 21 because I am going to give her those money myself. And by then, by then, I will be ready to had a conversation that I am not ready to have today. That I will tell that little girl. 'young lady, I know your father and he was a wonderful WOMAN ......(关于他自杀的变性男性盆友)


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    nDave Chappelle的演出是这样的。他并不最搞笑的,但他吸引人听他讲话,并引发对他本人的好奇。








    无论是cancel culture/zzzq,还是追求做个“成功人士”,你我都清楚,这不过是表述上的差别。哪里都一样。

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    1) trans community 对此的回应


    2) “Dave Chappelle can kiss my Black gay ass”


    3) 对cancel culture的探讨

    What Goes Up: Dave Chappelle, Transphobi... pastemagazine.com

    4)“the colour of queerness”

    Column: What I want Dave Chappelle to un... latimes.com

    5) 喜剧演员Hannah Gadsby对Netflix CEO 太极拳回应



    7) 貌似是dave自己的一个回应


    8)10.30更新: 前面那个油管主对展开事件的讨论






    其实在喜剧里老老实实遵守所谓的“政治正确”的人从来不是多数人,随便去个喜剧俱乐部里面讲得东西能放得到台面上的也是少之又少。在此次特辑之前,我对Dave的观感也不是很差,无论是他行云流水的控场能力还是一层层掩埋好等待后续再一一解开的伏笔和笑梗,都是在一般表面以及平白直叙的单口喜剧界很新颖的。我自诩还算看过比较多的单口,Dave的冒犯三俗程度在我看来并不是在所有单口喜剧内的巅峰,虽然stick and stone 并不是我个人的GOAT,但我也能欣赏并被Dave的技巧所折服。



    不连贯这点在于整部喜剧的逻辑思维模式。单口喜剧往往是最没有逻辑(比如一些演员们跳跃性,金句式表演)甚至是意识流(提名Dylan Moran),但整体的人设(如果有的话)总归是有连续性的。Dave在此之前一直给我的观感为戏谑的,不拘小节的,有时愤世嫉俗但总体是睿智和尖利的。但这部特辑完完全全将这个印象打碎了,从“LBGTQ”开始我就意识到肯定又哪里不对,再到“I am team TERF”我已经完全懵了。作为一位对酷儿理论以及女权有一定了解的人,我当即的反应就是 “wtf are you talking about Dave”。诚然,这种人设崩塌的观感是非常个人的,每个人对Dave在台上的理解也不同,但我不能理解的是Dave对他自己讲过的笑话的斤斤计较,甚至这特辑的后半场完全就是一场“i am not transphobic because i have trans friend”的虚弱防守。我并不是没有看过“无知”的演员,Jim Jefferies也许是一个比较好的例子,他从不标榜自己是多么的看破世俗以及尖锐,甚至他会自己取笑自己的浅薄,这也使得他对政治的一些洞察更有一种“大智若愚”的感觉。但Dave 在此特辑中展现的是一种居高临下的说教,无论是惊奇状展现“The definition of feminist”还是对LGBTQ群体错误地转称—“LBGTQ”,都透露着一种门外汉的捉襟见肘,听到石墙运动的部分甚至颇有点大腹便便的异性恋中年男人向你解释“什么才是同性恋”的味道。再者就是整体表述的“同理心”主旨。抱歉Dave我真没感受到,假如说《Nannette》意图解构喜剧内核呼唤社会共情的话,此番简直是一场Dave本人没有意识到自己讽刺的讽刺剧。最显著的一点莫过于在大声激呼“Empathy is bisexual, it goes both way”之后,Dave拒绝使用mtf好友的人称代词亦或是其自认为的社会性别,以“Your father, he is a great women”作为结尾。让本人终于因为讽刺而在观看过程中唯一一次放声大笑。


    1) 断章取义

    “Why is it easier for Bruce Jenner to change his gender than for Cassius Clay to change his name?”

    Because it has been 60 years?

    2)Kevin Hart 主持Oscar 事件

    A Complete Timeline of Kevin Hart's Osca... google.com.au


    3)10. 30 更新:Daphne 室友讲述经过




    以下是上面链接内Daphne 原室友的回应:

    "People ask me if she killed herself because of Dave Chapelle (henceforth called DC) mentioning her in his 2019 special because she ended her life just one week after it came out. Daphne met DC at a comedy club while he was performing. He was telling controversial jokes, and she laughed because she always had a dark sense of humor. But Daphne never told racist jokes or punched down on groups of people. Instead, she used humor to heal from pain; she told self-deprecating jokes and used humor to educate people about trans issues. She never used humor to be hateful.n

    Before DC’s 2019 special, he really buttered her up, promising to mentor her and take her under his wings. I was suspicious of his antics and didn’t really appreciate his style of humor, but I was happy for Daphne if she was happy.n

    I watched part of DC’s 2019 special when it came out because Daphne was so excited for it, but I couldn’t even finish it because I felt like it was so offensive to different marginalized groups. But I didn’t want to criticize it because I knew Daphne was excited for the shoutout, even though the mention of her was so quick you could miss it.n

    Then after Daphne died, it was crickets from Dave Chapelle for months and years after it happened. When a group of her theatre/comedy friends threw a memorial for her in San Francisco, DC didn’t say anything. When her funeral in Pennsylvania happened a couple months later, DC’s team hadn’t reached out to her friends or family. When we planned another memorial for her in SF, we didn’t hear anything from his team. It was like if he said something about her, he would admit that he was responsible for her death.n

    I’m not going to say I know for sure 100% that Dave Chapelle making fun of Daphne in his 2019 special is what caused her death. I don’t think it was the leading cause, but who knows. Daphne had PTSD from a life of trauma, and she had battled suicidal thoughts for years. I think the final blow was a combination of her losing custody of her daughter, losing her job, and dealing with a lot of transphobic harassment on the streets of San Francisco. I lived with her, and yet I didn’t know how bad she was feeling.n

    I heard from a friend that Dave Chapelle mentioned her last year in a stand-up comedy routine, and he said how he let her open for one of his stand-up routines but that she “bombed it.” For him to patronize her, demean her, and minimize her talent AFTER her death is cruel and crass. For him to invoke her name as a free pass to continue being transphobic is beyond fucked up.n

    In the latest Netflix special, he starts his piece about trans people with “I’m not saying trans women aren’t women” but then calls trans vaginas “beyond pussy”. And he says he is a TERF and describes himself as transphobic MULTIPLE TIMES. He mentioned the story of when he met Daphne and when he invited her to open for him. He said that he didn’t know she was an amateur. He says she was dressed well for the performance and admitted, “I’m transphobic, and even I think she looked nice.” OKAY, TELL US HOW YOU REALLY FEEL.n

    “This bitch bombed for 45 min straight… that show was terrible… but here’s what impressed me… Any other comedian I’ve ever seen, if they bombed as bad as she did, would have snuck out of the theater and gone on home and cried. But she found a seat right in front… she laughed hard like (she didn’t bomb). She was talking to me while I was performing like she was watching the TV alone, but the crowd didn’t like that shit because she sucked….”n

    And then Daphne told a joke to a heckler, and then they went back and forth and told jokes. DC speaks about a touching moment they had together, but then he says her performance “stunk” again. That’s what 4 times he said she wasn’t funny?! This is how you speak about your dead “friend”? Then he [suddenly] realized she was funny after the performance because she genuinely interacted with the audience. After the show, he said when she hugged him, he pushed her off violently because “I’m transphobic.”n

    DC: “My friend Daphne killed herself…She identifies as a woman _____[Then he describes how she killed herself],___ clearly only a man would do some gangster shit like that!”

    I don’t even know how he found that out because her friends and family didn’t say that publicly. After all, IT’S PRIVATE AND PAINFUL! And beyond that, studies have shown that mentioning how people kill themselves only causes more suicides. But Dave doesn’t care.n

    He continues..“As hard as it is to hear a joke like that, Daphne would have loved that joke” Maybe she would, maybe she wouldn’t, but SHE KILLED HERSELF AND CAN’T DEFEND HERSELF ANYMORE! He goes on to say, “I don’t know what the trans community did for her, and I don’t care because she was my tribe.”n

    He says Daphne killed herself because trans people were criticizing her on Twitter… So he’s blaming trans people for causing her death? WTF. That’s some next-level victim-blaming and gaslighting.n

    He ends his mockery of her by saying he wants to tell Daphne’s daughter, “I knew your father, and HE was a wonderful woman.”n

    Dave Chapelle doesn’t give a fuck about trans people. He deliberately goes out of his way to make fun of us, even making fun of his alleged friend AFTER her death.n

    If you are reading this and made it this far, please take a moment to ask Netflix to remove this hateful special. Not because it might offend trans people, but because it might inspire more people to end their life.n

    Daphne Dorman deserved better."



    最后,我想说,你当然有喜欢这部特辑的权利,从现在的豆瓣评分以及imdb评分来看大部分人并没有觉得这部特辑哪里有问题。这篇长评也不是为了指责或者是cancel Dave本人或者其粉丝。


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    严格意义上讲,我不是 Dave Chappelle 的粉丝,所以对他的新专场并没有太大兴趣。


    在总长 72 分钟的表演里,如果你有耐心听完前面 40 多分钟相对不大好笑的部分,到结尾前那个令人捧腹又心碎的故事开始,你才发现,前面的冗长沉闷,明明是一场密谋的草蛇灰线。

    如果只从喜剧的角度出发,或许有人觉得意识形态表达过多,甚至根本就是演员本人的一碗苦水,但我认为,以当今美国舆论的政治化语境来看,作为 S+ 级(甚至许多人心中史上最伟大)的单口喜剧演员,何苦走这么一遭吃力不讨好的「逆行」?因为谁去扛这只犯众怒的炸药包,谁就要面临断送职业生涯的风险。



    我的感受是,作为 S+ 级的单口喜剧演员、可能是本世代最伟大的喜剧大师,Dave Chappelle 没有沉浸在「众人皆醉我独醒」的失败主义幻梦中,也没有藏在大多数同行选择的机会主义沉默堡垒中自保(没有他们必须出来发声的意思),而是直面当今美国最危险的敌人,用自己毕生所学,以复杂之技艺、以无畏之胆识、以诗意之精神,向其开炮。

    如果言论自由的旗帜终将降下,那么 Dave Chappelle 的这场谢幕表演,是战斗到最后一刻的那颗子弹。

    演出最终在 I Will Survive 中作结,这首片尾曲作为何种主义的化身与立场表达,已不必赘述。


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