▍The Opening Life is pretty simple, you know. It's a long period of waits and broken up by brief moments of changes . That's it. That's all it is . You see, here is my fairy : The moments of change, that what give your life its shapes, its form. But it only takes one of them to define you, and that would be the only thing you'd be remembered for. And you know it, in the instance it happenes you sense it. And the world is changed forever, you're forever changed. I don't believe in no fate, no comeuppance, no coincidences, no conspiracy fairies or any of these bullshit. Shit just happenes. And life? That's the shit that happen when you wish you were someone or somewhere else.
▍The Audition You know what's the blocks about? It's about dirt tower stood firm for two generations. And kids will die before they grow old. The groom tower and hopeless kids. And every body know their place in the scheme things. Everything, evey one is in the order of the block. Now some survive because they are strong. And those are weak, they survive because they're in protect by the strong. You see because the circle I live in, I thought I was one of the strong ones. But I'm not. I'm one of the weak ones. The only reason I survive is because I'm being in the protect of the strong. But they're not strong any more. And they can't protect me any more. But in life, you always have an out. The thing is the less you have the higher price you have to pay. I'm clear the price i have to pay to leave my old life behind. Yeah, I am.
Life is pretty simple, you know. It's a long period of waits and broken up by brief moments of changes . That's it. That's all it is . You see, here is my fairy : The moments of change, that what give your life its shapes, its form. But it only takes one of them to define you, and that would be the only thing you'd be remembered for. And you know it, in the instance it happenes you sense it. And the world is changed forever, you're forever changed.
I don't believe in no fate, no comeuppance, no coincidences, no conspiracy fairies or any of these bullshit. Shit just happenes. And life? That's the shit that happen when you wish you were someone or somewhere else.
▍The Audition
You know what's the blocks about? It's about dirt tower stood firm for two generations. And kids will die before they grow old. The groom tower and hopeless kids. And every body know their place in the scheme things. Everything, evey one is in the order of the block. Now some survive because they are strong. And those are weak, they survive because they're in protect by the strong. You see because the circle I live in, I thought I was one of the strong ones. But I'm not. I'm one of the weak ones. The only reason I survive is because I'm being in the protect of the strong. But they're not strong any more. And they can't protect me any more. But in life, you always have an out. The thing is the less you have the higher price you have to pay. I'm clear the price i have to pay to leave my old life behind. Yeah, I am.
不喜欢另外一条线是诸如此类的家庭矛盾太多了 男主人也油腻 看多了就索然无味
为什么喜欢就是因为他一直念叨的那段台词出现在他的人物设定里让我深有感触 他有他应该做的事情 迫于生存或者是他年轻时候的一种选择人就是这样 无时无刻不都在选择 我为什么喜欢 因为我在工作之余也会像他一样思考生命 思考我未来的路应该在什么地方 我想很多人应该也是这样的
朱尔斯的那句话说的很好 通往完美生活的大麻必须灭掉
然后讲讲乔治 如果说金斯利的思考和我很像 那么乔治这个人感觉就和我自己本身很像了 尽管我们发生的事情都不相同 但因为和他有着共通点 在和妻子一起面对公务人员时的无奈 想倾诉 再到意外车祸后面对逝者的丈夫 那种无奈又尴尬的感觉真是一秒钟都不想体验