I read the book 6-7 years ago, I loved it. However I didn't know there's already a movie until last week, after I re-watched another Rachael's picture "about time", (Rachael McAdams, one of my favorite actresses. ), Douban guessed I like her, and raised “The Time Traveler’s Wife” on the same page, that was a surprise. Of course, I watched it in the weekend, it’s good but too short. Again, Douban showed me the series, 6 episodes. IMDB 7.7, DB 8.1.
Rose Leslie, acts as Clare in the TV series. I knew her face but can’t recall where I saw her. Douban reminded me again, she acted as a maid in Downton Abbey, grew up to an independent secretary with support from Lady Sybil. Which Clare is better? I do say both are great. As a big fan of Rachael, I always like her (what’s pity, movie should have been much better if it were with double time), but Rose did great too, I must admit she acts the one who’s close to Clare in the book, sensual, smart, brave, and strong, she needs strong otherwise can’t suffer his sudden disappearing all time.
A few words about Henry, I like Theo’s Henry more! TV series gives him long enough time to build a Henry when he keeps crossing time river to past or to future. Henry 36 visited Clare 6, or Henry 28 visited Clare 29 on the shoes polish day – the wedding day.
I love this novel so much; thanks HBO made it on the TV. I heard there’s no season 2, a little bit pity, but I think whole story ends on the wedding day, probably the perfect timing, the rest part is too tragic.
First time write down these words in English, it’s funny, just like Henry 16 visits himself at the same age, try to prove something ridiculous. Take it easy, make some funs.
I don't know whether it's right or not, but for me, if you do LOVE someone, you are supposed to love him the way he is at this very present moment. Not someone you are picturing that he will become in the future.
Steven Moffat的剧本在剧情节奏和言语修辞上毫无疑问是顶级的,但看完整部剧以后我还是不能理解,这两人到底为什么会在一起。男主和女主的第一次 date 堪称骗炮,女主也一直在说她爱的是那个记忆里陪了她 8 年的“future Henry”。如果两个人在一起的理由只是“未来我们会在一起”的话,well, 世界很大,未来很远,真的不用在还觉得对方还是个“asshole”和“possessive bitch”的时候在一起。哪怕是被 time traveller 肯定多的人生轨迹,也不用那么将就吧。
整 6 集最打动的我的反而是被男主出轨了的前女友的那句:but baby, I love you for who you are being now.
第二集的录音带对话是目前已播出的五集中最令我感动的改编,Clare随口问出的那个问题,早在她出生前就被Annette回答,录音带让这两个女人隔空相见并对话。Annette告诉她:Just get the hell on with it. Henry为这句话笑了出来,随即掩面而泣。”It’s just a while”,但就像第五集中他所说的,过去是没有杀死你的,未来是必定会杀死你的,而唯一重要的只是他们所拥有的这个“现在”。
原著为人所诟病的一点是多少有些说不出的grooming气味(换成东亚语言就是养成系。第一集Henry和童年Clare的对话实在是太好笑的编剧自嘲:Why are you brushing your horse? I'm not BRUSHING her, I'm GROOMING her. 屏幕上的Henry一脸无奈,屏幕外的我捶桌狂笑)。剧集在当下的改编其实是有些“危险”的,所幸魔法特的一支笔(或者我应该说,一块键盘?)竟然能把这一点处理得巧妙。老年的Clare说:what does a decent man say, 当你未来的妻子以13岁的模样,问你她会是你的谁?书里的描写停留在少女Clare的哭泣:我以为你的妻子会是我。而剧里的Clare说:A decent man lies of course. 我太喜欢这一段的改编了,少女Clare和中年Henry的对手戏演绎也太棒了。
I read the book 6-7 years ago, I loved it. However I didn't know there's already a movie until last week, after I re-watched another Rachael's picture "about time", (Rachael McAdams, one of my favorite actresses. ), Douban guessed I like her, and raised “The Time Traveler’s Wife” on the same page, that was a surprise. Of course, I watched it in the weekend, it’s good but too short. Again, Douban showed me the series, 6 episodes. IMDB 7.7, DB 8.1.
Rose Leslie, acts as Clare in the TV series. I knew her face but can’t recall where I saw her. Douban reminded me again, she acted as a maid in Downton Abbey, grew up to an independent secretary with support from Lady Sybil. Which Clare is better? I do say both are great. As a big fan of Rachael, I always like her (what’s pity, movie should have been much better if it were with double time), but Rose did great too, I must admit she acts the one who’s close to Clare in the book, sensual, smart, brave, and strong, she needs strong otherwise can’t suffer his sudden disappearing all time.
A few words about Henry, I like Theo’s Henry more! TV series gives him long enough time to build a Henry when he keeps crossing time river to past or to future. Henry 36 visited Clare 6, or Henry 28 visited Clare 29 on the shoes polish day – the wedding day.
I love this novel so much; thanks HBO made it on the TV. I heard there’s no season 2, a little bit pity, but I think whole story ends on the wedding day, probably the perfect timing, the rest part is too tragic.
First time write down these words in English, it’s funny, just like Henry 16 visits himself at the same age, try to prove something ridiculous. Take it easy, make some funs.
I don't know whether it's right or not, but for me, if you do LOVE someone, you are supposed to love him the way he is at this very present moment. Not someone you are picturing that he will become in the future.
Steven Moffat的剧本在剧情节奏和言语修辞上毫无疑问是顶级的,但看完整部剧以后我还是不能理解,这两人到底为什么会在一起。男主和女主的第一次 date 堪称骗炮,女主也一直在说她爱的是那个记忆里陪了她 8 年的“future Henry”。如果两个人在一起的理由只是“未来我们会在一起”的话,well, 世界很大,未来很远,真的不用在还觉得对方还是个“asshole”和“possessive bitch”的时候在一起。哪怕是被 time traveller 肯定多的人生轨迹,也不用那么将就吧。
整 6 集最打动的我的反而是被男主出轨了的前女友的那句:but baby, I love you for who you are being now.
但 Moffat 把这姑娘写死了,Fine.
改编自Audrey Niffenegger的同名小说,讲述Clare及Henry之间复杂、科幻的爱情故事。Henny的演员是西奥·詹姆斯(Theo James),是一位不错的英国演员,身材也不错。
西奥·詹姆斯(Theo James)饰演的Henny男主别有魅力,还有就是男主自身有穿越能力。
好像已经很久没有因为一部剧集产生写影评的冲动。目前这部HBO Max新剧的播放进度仅是5/6,而我作为一名彻底的原著党,已经忍不住想来写下自己对它的喜爱。
高中三年里不知重读了多少遍人民文学出版社那个封面很“小言”的版本,以至于自己动手包的书皮都被摩挲得起了毛。打动一个少女的一切它都包括——伪科幻的外衣下,是“我爱你,永永远远,时间没有什么了不起”;对芝加哥这个遥远的城市的描写,令人神往的生活方式,糅合了音乐、诗歌、纸艺的气息。09年的电影版有我爱的Rachel妹子——钦定“时间旅行者的妻子”,但Eric Bana和我想象中的Henry相去甚远,他太精致文弱,有希腊雕塑般的美感,却不像是原著中那个会如野兽奔跑的时间旅行者。更不用提电影时间所限,太多书中的细节无法展现,结尾更是删去了最为催泪的重逢和Henry的信,令我怨念已久。
第二集的录音带对话是目前已播出的五集中最令我感动的改编,Clare随口问出的那个问题,早在她出生前就被Annette回答,录音带让这两个女人隔空相见并对话。Annette告诉她:Just get the hell on with it. Henry为这句话笑了出来,随即掩面而泣。”It’s just a while”,但就像第五集中他所说的,过去是没有杀死你的,未来是必定会杀死你的,而唯一重要的只是他们所拥有的这个“现在”。
原著为人所诟病的一点是多少有些说不出的grooming气味(换成东亚语言就是养成系。第一集Henry和童年Clare的对话实在是太好笑的编剧自嘲:Why are you brushing your horse? I'm not BRUSHING her, I'm GROOMING her. 屏幕上的Henry一脸无奈,屏幕外的我捶桌狂笑)。剧集在当下的改编其实是有些“危险”的,所幸魔法特的一支笔(或者我应该说,一块键盘?)竟然能把这一点处理得巧妙。老年的Clare说:what does a decent man say, 当你未来的妻子以13岁的模样,问你她会是你的谁?书里的描写停留在少女Clare的哭泣:我以为你的妻子会是我。而剧里的Clare说:A decent man lies of course. 我太喜欢这一段的改编了,少女Clare和中年Henry的对手戏演绎也太棒了。
从目前来看,第一季的6集完全不足以改编全书的故事,我猜final集会结束在他们的婚礼?情感更复杂深邃的婚姻故事,一人血书求HBO Max继续和魔法特合作拍下去!