In the realm of detective fiction, Philip Marlowe is an iconic figure, a hard-boiled private investigator created by Raymond Chandler whose adventures have been immortalized in print and on screen. The character has been portrayed by various actors over the decades, each bringing their unique touch to the role. In the 2022 film "Marlowe," directed by Neil Jordan and starring Liam Neeson, we see yet another iteration of this classic character.
"Marlowe" is based on the novel by John Banville, which itself is a continuation of Chandler's Marlowe stories. The film follows the eponymous detective as he navigates the murky waters of a complex case involving a missing person, blackmail, and the dark underbelly of society. The story is a classic noir, filled with twists and turns that keep the audience guessing until the very end.
Liam Neeson, a seasoned actor known for his roles in action thrillers such as the "Taken" series, takes on the role of Marlowe with a certain gravitas that comes with age and experience. His portrayal is marked by a world-weary resignation, fitting for a character who has seen the worst of humanity and yet continues to fight for justice. Neeson's Marlowe is less of a physical force and more of a thinker, a man who uses his intellect to outwit his adversaries.
The supporting cast is equally strong, with each actor bringing depth to their respective roles. The chemistry between Neeson and his co-stars, particularly Diane Kruger, adds a layer of complexity to the narrative, hinting at a past that has shaped Marlowe's character.
Neil Jordan, the director of "Marlowe," is no stranger to the crime genre, having directed films such as "The Crying Game" and "Interview with the Vampire." His direction in "Marlowe" is characterized by a keen eye for detail and a respect for the source material. Jordan's vision of the film is one that pays homage to the classic noir style while also bringing a modern sensibility to the story.
The cinematography is atmospheric, capturing the gritty reality of the film's setting. The use of shadows and dim lighting adds to the suspense and mystery, creating a sense of unease that permeates throughout the film.
The reception of "Marlowe" has been mixed. Some critics have praised Neeson's performance and the film's adherence to the noir genre, while others have found it to be a less than stellar addition to the Marlowe canon.
One reviewer wrote, "Let those who don't understand be disappointed, let those who understand be utterly disappointed." This sentiment reflects the divide in audience reception, with some feeling that the film failed to capture the essence of Marlowe as a character and the spirit of Chandler's original stories.
"Marlowe" is a film that attempts to revive the classic detective genre with a modern touch. Liam Neeson's portrayal of the iconic character is a thoughtful and mature one, bringing a different dimension to the role. However, the film's mixed reception suggests that it may not have fully resonated with audiences or lived up to the legacy of its source material.
In the end, "Marlowe" is a film that will appeal to fans of the noir genre and those who appreciate a more contemplative and less action-oriented detective story. For others, it may be a film that leaves them wanting more from the character and the story.
Whether one views "Marlowe" as a worthy successor to the legacy of Philip Marlowe or a misstep in the character's journey, it is a film that invites discussion and reflection on what makes a detective story truly great. It is a testament to the enduring appeal of Chandler's creation and the timeless nature of the noir genre.
In the realm of detective fiction, Philip Marlowe is an iconic figure, a hard-boiled private investigator created by Raymond Chandler whose adventures have been immortalized in print and on screen. The character has been portrayed by various actors over the decades, each bringing their unique touch to the role. In the 2022 film "Marlowe," directed by Neil Jordan and starring Liam Neeson, we see yet another iteration of this classic character.
"Marlowe" is based on the novel by John Banville, which itself is a continuation of Chandler's Marlowe stories. The film follows the eponymous detective as he navigates the murky waters of a complex case involving a missing person, blackmail, and the dark underbelly of society. The story is a classic noir, filled with twists and turns that keep the audience guessing until the very end.
Liam Neeson, a seasoned actor known for his roles in action thrillers such as the "Taken" series, takes on the role of Marlowe with a certain gravitas that comes with age and experience. His portrayal is marked by a world-weary resignation, fitting for a character who has seen the worst of humanity and yet continues to fight for justice. Neeson's Marlowe is less of a physical force and more of a thinker, a man who uses his intellect to outwit his adversaries.
The supporting cast is equally strong, with each actor bringing depth to their respective roles. The chemistry between Neeson and his co-stars, particularly Diane Kruger, adds a layer of complexity to the narrative, hinting at a past that has shaped Marlowe's character.
Neil Jordan, the director of "Marlowe," is no stranger to the crime genre, having directed films such as "The Crying Game" and "Interview with the Vampire." His direction in "Marlowe" is characterized by a keen eye for detail and a respect for the source material. Jordan's vision of the film is one that pays homage to the classic noir style while also bringing a modern sensibility to the story.
The cinematography is atmospheric, capturing the gritty reality of the film's setting. The use of shadows and dim lighting adds to the suspense and mystery, creating a sense of unease that permeates throughout the film.
The reception of "Marlowe" has been mixed. Some critics have praised Neeson's performance and the film's adherence to the noir genre, while others have found it to be a less than stellar addition to the Marlowe canon.
One reviewer wrote, "Let those who don't understand be disappointed, let those who understand be utterly disappointed." This sentiment reflects the divide in audience reception, with some feeling that the film failed to capture the essence of Marlowe as a character and the spirit of Chandler's original stories.
"Marlowe" is a film that attempts to revive the classic detective genre with a modern touch. Liam Neeson's portrayal of the iconic character is a thoughtful and mature one, bringing a different dimension to the role. However, the film's mixed reception suggests that it may not have fully resonated with audiences or lived up to the legacy of its source material.
In the end, "Marlowe" is a film that will appeal to fans of the noir genre and those who appreciate a more contemplative and less action-oriented detective story. For others, it may be a film that leaves them wanting more from the character and the story.
Whether one views "Marlowe" as a worthy successor to the legacy of Philip Marlowe or a misstep in the character's journey, it is a film that invites discussion and reflection on what makes a detective story truly great. It is a testament to the enduring appeal of Chandler's creation and the timeless nature of the noir genre.
影片中母女针锋相对、风言醋语的场面颇有看点,令人欣慰。当然作为伟大的母亲对于女儿的危机也不是置若罔闻。不管怎样,杰西卡·兰格Jessica Lange饰演的多萝西·卡文迪什都是这部电影的MVP。前不久看过她和杰克·尼科尔森主演的《邮差总按两次铃》,真的像该片的另一个译名:欲火焚身!杰西卡·兰格和杰克·尼科尔森在厨房餐桌上的性爱场景注定会成为影史上经典的最诱人时刻,虽然没有裸体,却让你血脉贲张、欲罢不能。就像《一曲相思情未了》中米歇尔·菲佛一袭红裙,俯卧在钢琴上引亢高歌《Makin' Whoopee》的片段,注定会是影史上最性感的歌舞桥段之一一样!这是我的短评。
不过塞德里克,那个毒贩老板卢·亨德里克斯的得力助手兼司机,在影片最后说的话也发人深省:汽车不仅仅是交通工具,还是个封闭的忏悔室,藏着很多秘密,这个城市不光产汽车,也生产汽车里的秘密…… 这多像每家看似温馨的窗帘背后都隐藏着肮脏龌龊,也可能是千疮百孔……