"The Temp," released on February 12, 1993, and directed by the acclaimed Tom Holland, is a film that straddles the line between horror and dark comedy, offering a unique take on the thriller genre. Known for his work in classics such as "Child’s Play," "Psycho 2," and "Fright Night," Holland brings his distinct style to this lesser-known gem from the early '90s. Despite its critical and commercial underperformance upon release, "The Temp" has since garnered a cult following for its unconventional narrative and stylistic choices.
The film centers around Peter Durns (played by Timothy Hutton), a marketing executive for a cookie company, who is on the mend after a nervous breakdown. Upon his return to work, he is assigned a temporary assistant, Kris Bolin (Lara Flynn Boyle), who is determined to climb the corporate ladder at any cost. As the plot unfolds, Kris's efficiency extends beyond the office tasks, leading to a series of deadly incidents that clear the way for her upward mobility. Peter, still recovering from his paranoia, finds himself caught in a web of murder and deceit, unsure of where reality ends and Kris's machinations begin.
Tom Holland's direction is a standout aspect of "The Temp." His experience in the horror genre is evident in the film's atmospheric and suspenseful scenes. Holland's stylistic choices veer between horror, mature drama, and erotic thriller, making for a tonally uneven but wildly entertaining experience. The film's climax, set in a cookie factory, is a testament to Holland's ability to create memorable and unconventional set pieces. His direction adds a layer of dark humor to the narrative, which, while divisive among critics, is a refreshing take on the "psycho bitch" sub-genre.
Timothy Hutton delivers a nuanced performance as Peter, effectively portraying a man on the brink of a breakdown. His portrayal of Peter's increasing paranoia and desperation is both believable and engaging. Lara Flynn Boyle's portrayal of Kris is equally compelling. Her character is a sexually charged enigma, a puzzle box that Peter struggles to unlock. The dynamic between the two leads is the heart of the film, with their cat-and-mouse game driving the narrative forward.
"The Temp" has been criticized for its derivative nature, with some critics pointing out similarities to other films in the "conniving woman" sub-genre, such as "The Hand That Rocks the Cradle" and "Fatal Attraction." However, the film's charm lies in its execution and the performances of its lead actors. Despite its familiar ground, the film offers a compelling third act and a world-building that pays off in its bloody conclusion.
The film's reception has been mixed, with some critics finding the film's premise intriguing and its execution commendable, while others felt it was a rehash of familiar themes. However, as with many films that do not immediately find their audience, "The Temp" has found appreciation among fans of '80s and '90s thrillers, who appreciate its unique blend of genres and its commitment to a darkly comedic tone.
In conclusion, "The Temp" is a film that, while not without its flaws, offers a distinctive viewing experience. Tom Holland's direction and the performances of Timothy Hutton and Lara Flynn Boyle elevate the material beyond its familiar premise. The film's blend of horror, drama, and dark comedy, along with its memorable climax, make it a cult classic worthy of revisiting. For fans of the thriller genre and those interested in exploring the less mainstream offerings of the '90s cinema, "The Temp" is a hidden gem that is well worth the watch.
"The Temp," released on February 12, 1993, and directed by the acclaimed Tom Holland, is a film that straddles the line between horror and dark comedy, offering a unique take on the thriller genre. Known for his work in classics such as "Child’s Play," "Psycho 2," and "Fright Night," Holland brings his distinct style to this lesser-known gem from the early '90s. Despite its critical and commercial underperformance upon release, "The Temp" has since garnered a cult following for its unconventional narrative and stylistic choices.
The film centers around Peter Durns (played by Timothy Hutton), a marketing executive for a cookie company, who is on the mend after a nervous breakdown. Upon his return to work, he is assigned a temporary assistant, Kris Bolin (Lara Flynn Boyle), who is determined to climb the corporate ladder at any cost. As the plot unfolds, Kris's efficiency extends beyond the office tasks, leading to a series of deadly incidents that clear the way for her upward mobility. Peter, still recovering from his paranoia, finds himself caught in a web of murder and deceit, unsure of where reality ends and Kris's machinations begin.
Tom Holland's direction is a standout aspect of "The Temp." His experience in the horror genre is evident in the film's atmospheric and suspenseful scenes. Holland's stylistic choices veer between horror, mature drama, and erotic thriller, making for a tonally uneven but wildly entertaining experience. The film's climax, set in a cookie factory, is a testament to Holland's ability to create memorable and unconventional set pieces. His direction adds a layer of dark humor to the narrative, which, while divisive among critics, is a refreshing take on the "psycho bitch" sub-genre.
Timothy Hutton delivers a nuanced performance as Peter, effectively portraying a man on the brink of a breakdown. His portrayal of Peter's increasing paranoia and desperation is both believable and engaging. Lara Flynn Boyle's portrayal of Kris is equally compelling. Her character is a sexually charged enigma, a puzzle box that Peter struggles to unlock. The dynamic between the two leads is the heart of the film, with their cat-and-mouse game driving the narrative forward.
"The Temp" has been criticized for its derivative nature, with some critics pointing out similarities to other films in the "conniving woman" sub-genre, such as "The Hand That Rocks the Cradle" and "Fatal Attraction." However, the film's charm lies in its execution and the performances of its lead actors. Despite its familiar ground, the film offers a compelling third act and a world-building that pays off in its bloody conclusion.
The film's reception has been mixed, with some critics finding the film's premise intriguing and its execution commendable, while others felt it was a rehash of familiar themes. However, as with many films that do not immediately find their audience, "The Temp" has found appreciation among fans of '80s and '90s thrillers, who appreciate its unique blend of genres and its commitment to a darkly comedic tone.
In conclusion, "The Temp" is a film that, while not without its flaws, offers a distinctive viewing experience. Tom Holland's direction and the performances of Timothy Hutton and Lara Flynn Boyle elevate the material beyond its familiar premise. The film's blend of horror, drama, and dark comedy, along with its memorable climax, make it a cult classic worthy of revisiting. For fans of the thriller genre and those interested in exploring the less mainstream offerings of the '90s cinema, "The Temp" is a hidden gem that is well worth the watch.
可爱的唐娜(双峰 Twin Peaks 中劳拉的好闺蜜)扮演蛇蝎美人,所以决定看这部片。
此处列出一些和结局有关的信息:联合编剧 Engelman 提到原本的结局是更喜剧化的,并且应该是一部更直球的惊悚片。意思是没有这么多的反转,那就看看原始的结局吧:Peter和可爱的唐娜最后在工厂里死斗,两人掉到运转的传送带上,纠缠中唐娜的手被机器切割掉了,随后被传送带送到烤箱里,可爱的唐娜变成了可爱的“有毒”饼干。
有趣,真的有趣,或者说太搞了,片中唐娜在工厂测试新品时,提议加入糖蜜。在电影制作过程中通过反馈加以调试也是正常的操作,这一次的 新配料,把本片变成了票房毒药。女老板的扮演者在自传里提到无论新结局如何,也救不了电影,进入最后的工厂片段时,电影已经死了至少1个小时了。似是而非、莫名其妙的新结局是这个“有毒”的工业制品中主要毒害物质吗?因人而异,看豆瓣里的评论,有对剧情和结局的分析,下面也有人表示认同,也不知道这些观众是否知道片外的制作历程。经历过编剧更换和结局重写后的作品,分析剧情,就像看到弗兰肯斯坦拼接好后,分析他的性格和人生历程,感觉有些怪异的趣味。包含本片的片单里,有一个是 资本运作,指的我猜是电影故事,应该不是这块“有毒”的饼干吧?
Lara Flynn Boyle真是美,以至于太过妖艳,而可塑空间狭窄。大半辈子过去了,几乎没有什么以性格塑造的角色。让人记住的大都是精致的面庞、野性的眼神、嘴角的痣、摇曳生姿的步态,专业的“妖精”一枚。
如果仔细看的话,你会发现,一开始和男主角说话的是他的心理医生,这个男主角有很严重的心理问题,并且有双重人格,另一个人格的名字叫“海德”。(这个名字在开头心理访问时,医生说过。在和女秘书酒吧聊天时,男主角自己也提起过)“海德”嫉妒心理严重,怀疑所有的人,即使是身边最亲近的人,往往把事情往最坏的方向考虑,并且有严重暴力倾向。(开头心理访问时,医生说只有当海德真正死了,才能见到雪莉他老婆,他自己也和女秘书说过他和他老婆分手的原因是,他怀疑他老婆和上司有染,踢坏上司的门硬闯,发现他老婆在上司家吃饭,上司的老婆和孩子都在。在影片中只要一有问题,时不时地会看到男主角预约心理医生,给医生打电话,当医生不在时,他情绪波动很难控制,动手打了排在他身后等电话的黑人就能看出)这解释了男主角的心理问题并没有影片开头说的那样痊愈了,当工作压力增大时,高层将要发生变化,让他原有的心理问题又一次迸发,这次显现在工作问题上,在他看来,每个人都是他的竞争对手,都阻碍他升迁的机会,这时进来的一个秘书,工作能力非常强,从他自己的话(我喜欢往最坏的方面去想 ),女秘书也是一个强有力的对手。第一个死掉的男高层,是男主角最不喜欢的,他是被虫叮死的,知道这个信息的不止女秘书一人,在场的所有人都知道包括男主角,更奇怪的是,他死的那辆车正好停在男主角堵车经过的地方,堵车的过程中没有一个人发现死者,却正好是男主角发现,如果是女秘书杀的好像女秘书能预知未来一样,预知那里一定会堵车,预知男主角一定会发现?第二个男高层是上吊死的,在死之前,他把女秘书升迁了,还遭到了男主角和另一个女高层的嫉妒和愤恨,如果是这样为什么女秘书会让他死呢?他死了对她也没好处。如果说是女秘书有把柄在他手中的话,综观影片,女秘书的把柄无非是低学历,没孩子没结婚,这些后来发现最大的女高层也是早就知道并默认的。所以认为男高层死的最大受益人是,男主角和另一个女高层,因为女秘书在食品厂房当着男高层、男主角、女高层的面前的那种专业,让男高层看中了女秘书的能力,她的工作能力让男主角们自愧不如,心理非常害怕她阻碍他们的升迁,男高层和女的最高层越喜欢她越重用她,男主角就越害怕越紧张。男高层最后吊死的地方也是在下班后,公司没有人的地方,男主角第一个发现的,周围一个人都没有只有电脑传来的声音,是男声,这么巧男主角为什么这么晚也不回去。这里再说说男主角的男秘书,男秘书受伤对谁有益?当男主角最需要男秘书帮忙的时候,男秘书的老婆孩子要生了,男主角尽力挽留他帮忙都没留住,他心理很生气,幸亏女秘书来了,帮助他完成了不可能完成的任务,让男主角对女秘书刮目相看,由此产生工作上的依恋(饼干罐的策划都是让女秘书帮忙想的),男主角的内心来讲很需要女秘书的帮忙,但是从情理上来讲男秘书正需要养家糊口,当女秘书提出要留下来时,表面上他拒绝女秘书留下来的要求,实际他内心非常矛盾,尤其听说女秘书将要到他对立面的男高层那工作,心理更加不愿意了,他宁愿不要一个困难之时帮不到忙得男秘书,也不能让得力的女秘书去帮助敌人,因此制造男秘书受伤的只应该是男主角。