可是死就死在这要死的转折上。好家伙,一首民歌,女主人公马上开始情绪爆发,逼逼赖赖痛诉了一大堆“啊!我的初恋多好啊!”“啊!老娘伤心死了!”“啊!我的泪止不住的流!”然后就没事一样地睡着。你说这就算了,结果男主人公竟然莫名其妙地跳跃到生死思考???救命啊,请问你是圣三一学院著名哲学系博士生导师吗?这种“高级”的升华在我看来就是无稽之谈。说好听点叫哲思无穷,说难听点就是刚刚宴会吃太饱了想太多。I don't her,thank you next。
nIt is late last night the dog was speaking of you;nthe snipe was speaking of you in her deep marsh.nIt is you are the lonely bird through the woods;nand that you may be without a mate until you find me.
You promised me, and you said a lie to me,nthat you would be before me where the sheep are flocked;nI gave a whistle and three hundred cries to you,nand I found nothing there but a bleating lamb.
You promised me a thing that was hard for you,na ship of gold under a silver mast;ntwelve towns with a market in all of them,nand a fine white court by the side of the sea.
You promised me a thing that is not possible,nthat you would give me gloves of the skin of a fish;nthat you would give me shoes of the skin of a bird;nand a suit of the dearest silk in Ireland.
When I go by myself to the Well of Loneliness,nI sit down and I go through my trouble;nwhen I see the world and do not see my boy,nhe that has an amber shade in his hair.
It was on that Sunday I gave my love to you;nthe Sunday that is last before Easter Sundaynand myself on my knees reading the Passion;nand my two eyes giving love to you for ever.
My mother has said to me not to be talking with you today,nor tomorrow, or on the Sunday;nit was a bad time she took for telling me that;nit was shutting the door after the house was robbed.
My heart is as black as the blackness of the sloe,nor as the black coal that is on the smith's forge;nor as the sole of a shoe left in white halls;nit was you put that darkness over my life.
You have taken the east from me, you have taken the west from me;nyou have taken what is before me and what is behind me;nyou have taken the moon, you have taken the sun from me;nand my fear is great that you have taken God from me!
可是死就死在这要死的转折上。好家伙,一首民歌,女主人公马上开始情绪爆发,逼逼赖赖痛诉了一大堆“啊!我的初恋多好啊!”“啊!老娘伤心死了!”“啊!我的泪止不住的流!”然后就没事一样地睡着。你说这就算了,结果男主人公竟然莫名其妙地跳跃到生死思考???救命啊,请问你是圣三一学院著名哲学系博士生导师吗?这种“高级”的升华在我看来就是无稽之谈。说好听点叫哲思无穷,说难听点就是刚刚宴会吃太饱了想太多。I don't her,thank you next。
Donal Og
nIt is late last night the dog was speaking of you;nthe snipe was speaking of you in her deep marsh.nIt is you are the lonely bird through the woods;nand that you may be without a mate until you find me.
You promised me, and you said a lie to me,nthat you would be before me where the sheep are flocked;nI gave a whistle and three hundred cries to you,nand I found nothing there but a bleating lamb.
You promised me a thing that was hard for you,na ship of gold under a silver mast;ntwelve towns with a market in all of them,nand a fine white court by the side of the sea.
You promised me a thing that is not possible,nthat you would give me gloves of the skin of a fish;nthat you would give me shoes of the skin of a bird;nand a suit of the dearest silk in Ireland.
When I go by myself to the Well of Loneliness,nI sit down and I go through my trouble;nwhen I see the world and do not see my boy,nhe that has an amber shade in his hair.
It was on that Sunday I gave my love to you;nthe Sunday that is last before Easter Sundaynand myself on my knees reading the Passion;nand my two eyes giving love to you for ever.
My mother has said to me not to be talking with you today,nor tomorrow, or on the Sunday;nit was a bad time she took for telling me that;nit was shutting the door after the house was robbed.
My heart is as black as the blackness of the sloe,nor as the black coal that is on the smith's forge;nor as the sole of a shoe left in white halls;nit was you put that darkness over my life.
You have taken the east from me, you have taken the west from me;nyou have taken what is before me and what is behind me;nyou have taken the moon, you have taken the sun from me;nand my fear is great that you have taken God from me!