Lloyd Dobler: She's gone. She gave me a pen. I gave her my heart, she gave me a pen
[Lloyd's letter to Diane] Dear Diane, I'll always be there for you. All the love in my heart, Lloyd.
Lloyd Dobler: I'm gonna take Diane Court out again. Corey Flood: Well, that's unlikely. Lloyd Dobler: Is the movies a good second date? You know, as a date? Corey Flood: Well, you never had a first date. Lloyd Dobler: Yes we did. I sat across from her at a mall. We ate together. We ate. That's eating. Sharing an important physical event. Corey Flood: That's not even a scam. Lloyd Dobler: What's a scam? Corey Flood: Going out as friends. D.C.: No, it's not. Scam is lusting. Corey Flood: I'm sorry, it's just that you're a really nice guy and we don't want to see you get hurt. Lloyd Dobler: I want to get hurt!
Lloyd Dobler: Why can't you be in a good mood? How hard is it to decide to be in a good mood and be in a good mood once in a while?" Constance: Gee, it's easy.
Lloyd Dobler: I don't want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career. I don't want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed. You know, as a career, I don't want to do that.
Diane Court: I just can't have any social life right now. Lloyd Dobler: Don't worry about it. We're just having coffee. We'll be anti-social. Diane Court: Be friends? Lloyd Dobler: Yeah. With potential.
Lloyd Dobler: I got a question. If you guys know so much about women, how come you're here at like the Gas 'n' Sip on a Saturday night completely alone drinking beers with no women anywhere? Joe: By choice, man.
Lloyd Dobler: You probably got it all figured out, Corey. If you start out depressed everything's kind of a pleasant surprise.
D.C.: Lloyd, why do you have to be like this? Lloyd Dobler: 'Cause I'm a guy. I have pride. Corey Flood: You're not a guy. Lloyd Dobler: I am. Corey Flood: No. The world is full of guys. Be a man. Don't be a guy.
Lloyd Dobler: What I really want to do with my life - what I want to do for a living - is I want to be with your daughter. I'm good at it.
Lloyd Dobler: Just knowing that a version like that exists, knowing that just for a minute she felt that and wrote "I can't help loving you". That has to be worth something.
Lloyd Dobler: Oh... you must think I'm a dick. Diane Court: No, Lloyd, we shared the most intimate thing two people can share... Lloyd Dobler: You shared it with a dick.
Lloyd Dobler: [leaving the last of a series of messages on Diane's answering machine] "Maybe I didn't really know you. Maybe you were just a mirage. Maybe the world is full of food and sex and spectacle and we're all just hurling towards an apocalypse, in which case it's not your fault. I'm been thinking about all these things and... you're probably standing there monitoring. And one more thing - about the letter. Nuke it. Flame it. Destroy it. - It hurts me to know it's out there. Later."
从Lloyd一句“I want to get hurt!”开始,我开始为他和Diane的爱情担惊受怕。 Diane是那种典型的优等生,保守、谨慎、自卑。其实大家喜欢她,只是不敢言表。 于是一个叫Lloyd的男生出现了,他心里没有那么多道理,只是知道我喜欢那个女孩,那个叫Diane的女孩。于是他在与Diane的第一次通话时就对她说:“Let’s go out!”,幸福其实就是这样不期而至。于是有了第一次约会后街边浅浅的拥抱,他穿着长风衣运动鞋,她光着脚丫穿着雪白的礼服。 Lloyd这样的男生是透明的,爱就是爱,没什么好掩饰的。 他却是长辈眼中的“distraction”,话说回来,这样的男生怎么能不让你distract。喧闹的舞会上,即使不在一起,他也会时时刻刻check up on她;清晨闲聊的街头,一句“watch out for the glass”,他踢开玻璃,然后轻轻拉她绕过。他冒冒失失,他絮絮叨叨,他在饭桌上那一番关于“买卖加工产品”之类翻来覆去的言论实在是有趣。看了那么多电影以后我突然发现一件事,原来我喜欢“话痨”一样的男人。从《缘分天注定》里的Jonathan到这部电影里的Lloyd。 非常喜欢琴行里那一幕,他抱着吉他,脸上挂着掩饰不住的喜悦,女死党们告诉他要送花写信以示尊重,他只是平静的掏出那封蓝色的信说:“I already did.”,那句“I will always be there for you, all the love in my heart”已经足够。而我们也只有像他的那两个女死党一样,用一种沉醉却又失落的眼神看着Lloyd,说出那句酸酸的“I have never got one(letter) like this. Have you?”“I dream about it.”而这一幕,也正好对应了前面,几个女死党在一起讨论“If you were Diane, would you fall for Lloyd? ”那一幕,现在看来,答案自不必说。 16周,他只是想好好的陪着她。就像他对Diane的父亲说的“what I want to do for a living is be with your daughter, I am good at it.”目的单纯,所以才会心碎。分手后,Lloyd一个人开着车,他用力的眨了一下眼睛,用手掌抹了一下眼泪,若无其事的看着前方,那种空洞的眼神,被那时的John Cusack演绎得恰到好处。他在电话亭里打电话,那件大衣湿漉漉的贴在身上,他苦笑着说:“I gave her my heart, she gave me a pen.”让人心疼。他跑去和一群男孩聊天,男孩们说着自己多了解女人,说着为了一个女孩不值得之类的话。而Lloyd歪着头眯着眼睛蹦出一句“if you know about women, how come you are at a Gas’n Sip on a Saturday night drinking beers with no women anywhere?”。好聪明的小桥段,比起让一个女人说出这句话,让一个男人说出来显然更是一击响亮的耳光,扇在那些男人们脸上。 在我看来Lloyd和Diane感情始终就好像一场情感不同步的爱情,你永远感受不到对方撕心裂肺的痛苦。当女主角在拳击场一遍又一遍的说着“我爱你”时,我只觉得厌恶,同样想问Lloyd问的问题“Are you here because you need someone?”。Lloyd一句“Forget it, I don’t care.”谈何容易。 “Ding”的一声,戛然而止,他们的爱情呢?他们会长久吗? 我的答案是——“不会”
Lloyd Dobler: She's gone. She gave me a pen. I gave her my heart, she gave me a pen
[Lloyd's letter to Diane] Dear Diane, I'll always be there for you. All the love in my heart, Lloyd.
Lloyd Dobler: I'm gonna take Diane Court out again.
Corey Flood: Well, that's unlikely.
Lloyd Dobler: Is the movies a good second date? You know, as a date?
Corey Flood: Well, you never had a first date.
Lloyd Dobler: Yes we did. I sat across from her at a mall. We ate together. We ate. That's eating. Sharing an important physical event.
Corey Flood: That's not even a scam.
Lloyd Dobler: What's a scam?
Corey Flood: Going out as friends.
D.C.: No, it's not. Scam is lusting.
Corey Flood: I'm sorry, it's just that you're a really nice guy and we don't want to see you get hurt.
Lloyd Dobler: I want to get hurt!
Lloyd Dobler: Why can't you be in a good mood? How hard is it to decide to be in a good mood and be in a good mood once in a while?"
Constance: Gee, it's easy.
Lloyd Dobler: I don't want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career. I don't want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed. You know, as a career, I don't want to do that.
Diane Court: I just can't have any social life right now.
Lloyd Dobler: Don't worry about it. We're just having coffee. We'll be anti-social.
Diane Court: Be friends?
Lloyd Dobler: Yeah. With potential.
Lloyd Dobler: I got a question. If you guys know so much about women, how come you're here at like the Gas 'n' Sip on a Saturday night completely alone drinking beers with no women anywhere?
Joe: By choice, man.
Lloyd Dobler: You probably got it all figured out, Corey. If you start out depressed everything's kind of a pleasant surprise.
D.C.: Lloyd, why do you have to be like this?
Lloyd Dobler: 'Cause I'm a guy. I have pride.
Corey Flood: You're not a guy.
Lloyd Dobler: I am.
Corey Flood: No. The world is full of guys. Be a man. Don't be a guy.
Lloyd Dobler: What I really want to do with my life - what I want to do for a living - is I want to be with your daughter. I'm good at it.
Lloyd Dobler: Just knowing that a version like that exists, knowing that just for a minute she felt that and wrote "I can't help loving you". That has to be worth something.
Lloyd Dobler: Oh... you must think I'm a dick.
Diane Court: No, Lloyd, we shared the most intimate thing two people can share...
Lloyd Dobler: You shared it with a dick.
Lloyd Dobler: [leaving the last of a series of messages on Diane's answering machine] "Maybe I didn't really know you. Maybe you were just a mirage. Maybe the world is full of food and sex and spectacle and we're all just hurling towards an apocalypse, in which case it's not your fault. I'm been thinking about all these things and... you're probably standing there monitoring. And one more thing - about the letter. Nuke it. Flame it. Destroy it. - It hurts me to know it's out there. Later."
Cameron Crowe的导演处女作,这个炮制了《香草的天空》《甜心先生》《伊丽莎白镇》的导演对于情感变化的拿捏还真是细腻。可能是因为他早年做过音乐杂志编辑的经历,他的电影里,音乐总是和故事结合的天衣无缝。再说一句,他真的很喜欢用帅哥演员。
这个故事本身并没有什么太多的跌宕起伏,它讲的只是美国高中生的爱情,像所有的青春爱情电影一样,它讲述的无非是爱与被爱,青春期的张狂与叛逆。而一切却在这部电影里用一种看似散散的方式道来,连歇斯底里都是轻轻的,像一段心底的回忆,泛着让人不忍触碰的美好。男女主角一句接一句的爱情箴言在电影里像星火般散落,那样的闪闪动人。而从电影里我们又可以看到其对以后同类电影的影响,小到甚至人物的一个眼神一个动作。Lloyd高举录音机的那一幕早已经经典的不能再经典。让我觉得特别有趣的就是男主角Lloyd回答为什么他能约到Diane时,他挑着眉毛说着:“I’m Lloyd Dobler.”完全就是多年以后《绯闻女孩》里的那句“I’m Chuck Bass”的古董级版本。
从Lloyd一句“I want to get hurt!”开始,我开始为他和Diane的爱情担惊受怕。
于是一个叫Lloyd的男生出现了,他心里没有那么多道理,只是知道我喜欢那个女孩,那个叫Diane的女孩。于是他在与Diane的第一次通话时就对她说:“Let’s go out!”,幸福其实就是这样不期而至。于是有了第一次约会后街边浅浅的拥抱,他穿着长风衣运动鞋,她光着脚丫穿着雪白的礼服。
他却是长辈眼中的“distraction”,话说回来,这样的男生怎么能不让你distract。喧闹的舞会上,即使不在一起,他也会时时刻刻check up on她;清晨闲聊的街头,一句“watch out for the glass”,他踢开玻璃,然后轻轻拉她绕过。他冒冒失失,他絮絮叨叨,他在饭桌上那一番关于“买卖加工产品”之类翻来覆去的言论实在是有趣。看了那么多电影以后我突然发现一件事,原来我喜欢“话痨”一样的男人。从《缘分天注定》里的Jonathan到这部电影里的Lloyd。
非常喜欢琴行里那一幕,他抱着吉他,脸上挂着掩饰不住的喜悦,女死党们告诉他要送花写信以示尊重,他只是平静的掏出那封蓝色的信说:“I already did.”,那句“I will always be there for you, all the love in my heart”已经足够。而我们也只有像他的那两个女死党一样,用一种沉醉却又失落的眼神看着Lloyd,说出那句酸酸的“I have never got one(letter) like this. Have you?”“I dream about it.”而这一幕,也正好对应了前面,几个女死党在一起讨论“If you were Diane, would you fall for Lloyd? ”那一幕,现在看来,答案自不必说。
16周,他只是想好好的陪着她。就像他对Diane的父亲说的“what I want to do for a living is be with your daughter, I am good at it.”目的单纯,所以才会心碎。分手后,Lloyd一个人开着车,他用力的眨了一下眼睛,用手掌抹了一下眼泪,若无其事的看着前方,那种空洞的眼神,被那时的John Cusack演绎得恰到好处。他在电话亭里打电话,那件大衣湿漉漉的贴在身上,他苦笑着说:“I gave her my heart, she gave me a pen.”让人心疼。他跑去和一群男孩聊天,男孩们说着自己多了解女人,说着为了一个女孩不值得之类的话。而Lloyd歪着头眯着眼睛蹦出一句“if you know about women, how come you are at a Gas’n Sip on a Saturday night drinking beers with no women anywhere?”。好聪明的小桥段,比起让一个女人说出这句话,让一个男人说出来显然更是一击响亮的耳光,扇在那些男人们脸上。
在我看来Lloyd和Diane感情始终就好像一场情感不同步的爱情,你永远感受不到对方撕心裂肺的痛苦。当女主角在拳击场一遍又一遍的说着“我爱你”时,我只觉得厌恶,同样想问Lloyd问的问题“Are you here because you need someone?”。Lloyd一句“Forget it, I don’t care.”谈何容易。
影片在IN ANY SECOND 中结束,或许,你会恐慌会无助,但是你知道IN ANY SECOND光明会来到 。因为有希望,因为有他/她在。