The first outing of THE ARTIST trio, French director Michel Hazanavicius’ second feature film, an 007 spoof based on the popular novel series penned by Jean Bruce, its protagonist is the French secret agent Hubert Bonisseur de la Bath codename OSS 117 (Dujardin), who is narrow-minded, feather-headed and a hardened skirt-chaser, but has a slick head of hair and optimal luck to land on his feet among silly international intrigues.
So this time he is assigned to Cairo (often stood in by Morocco) to investigate the disappearance of his fellow agent Jefferson (Lefebvre), liaised with the latter’s secretary Larmina (Bejo, grudgingly playacting a Middle East stock and stomaching most of 117’s racially insensitive remarks, until being inexorably overcome by 117’s irresistible potency), he runs afoul of a series of multinational (British, Russian, Belgian, German) espionage, as well as clashing with the local Egyptians, from authority, factional radicals, to the royal princess Al Tarouk (Atika), who just cannot get enough of him, nudge nudge.
Unashamedly ethnocentric, and deficient in intelligence, logic and sensibility, fortunately the film boasts the winning appeal of its star, Jean Dujardin confidently chaperones us through 117’s escapade with his beaming smile, pervasive swagger and faux-naïf blarney, sprinkled with small wonderment: ribbings on 117’s sexuality and the flashback of his beach side bromance never fails to delight, a fez-worn music number of Dalida’s BAMBINO in Arabic ebulliently epitomizes the picture’s frothy nature, to say nothing of its clever opening title sequences paying homage to Saul Bass. OSS 117: CAIRO, NEST OF SPIES shows Hazanavicius’ competence in his craftsmanship, but whether one will find it intoxicating or fatuous squarely depends on your Gallic humor quotient.
referential entries: Hazanavicius’ THE ARTIST (2011, 8.4/10); Guy Hamilton’s GOLDFINGER (1964, 6.3/10); David Kerr’s JOHNNY ENGLISH STRIKES AGAIN (2018, 6.0/10).
The first outing of THE ARTIST trio, French director Michel Hazanavicius’ second feature film, an 007 spoof based on the popular novel series penned by Jean Bruce, its protagonist is the French secret agent Hubert Bonisseur de la Bath codename OSS 117 (Dujardin), who is narrow-minded, feather-headed and a hardened skirt-chaser, but has a slick head of hair and optimal luck to land on his feet among silly international intrigues.
So this time he is assigned to Cairo (often stood in by Morocco) to investigate the disappearance of his fellow agent Jefferson (Lefebvre), liaised with the latter’s secretary Larmina (Bejo, grudgingly playacting a Middle East stock and stomaching most of 117’s racially insensitive remarks, until being inexorably overcome by 117’s irresistible potency), he runs afoul of a series of multinational (British, Russian, Belgian, German) espionage, as well as clashing with the local Egyptians, from authority, factional radicals, to the royal princess Al Tarouk (Atika), who just cannot get enough of him, nudge nudge.
Unashamedly ethnocentric, and deficient in intelligence, logic and sensibility, fortunately the film boasts the winning appeal of its star, Jean Dujardin confidently chaperones us through 117’s escapade with his beaming smile, pervasive swagger and faux-naïf blarney, sprinkled with small wonderment: ribbings on 117’s sexuality and the flashback of his beach side bromance never fails to delight, a fez-worn music number of Dalida’s BAMBINO in Arabic ebulliently epitomizes the picture’s frothy nature, to say nothing of its clever opening title sequences paying homage to Saul Bass. OSS 117: CAIRO, NEST OF SPIES shows Hazanavicius’ competence in his craftsmanship, but whether one will find it intoxicating or fatuous squarely depends on your Gallic humor quotient.
referential entries: Hazanavicius’ THE ARTIST (2011, 8.4/10); Guy Hamilton’s GOLDFINGER (1964, 6.3/10); David Kerr’s JOHNNY ENGLISH STRIKES AGAIN (2018, 6.0/10).
这个电影的一个最大的问题就是为了搞笑而搞笑了。里面的包袱抖得太明显了,感觉这个电影就像是一个一个小品段子拼凑在一起形成的一样,每段看起来都挺有意思,放在一起就味同嚼蜡不知所云了。这好像是法国喜剧片的特点,比如 警察与女兵,也是类似的套路,不过主题比较集中,也还算有趣。但这个片子涉及的前后历史太长,故事的点也太多,几乎每个点都涉及到了,异性关系,同性关系,纳粹,民族主义,恐怖主义,殖民主义等等,凡是能写上一笔的它几乎都没放过,这样的风格让我这样的观众就觉得比较混乱,不知所云,每个地方都有笑点,但到了最后,当电影结束后,脑子里面对于整部电影的主题一片空白。也许这就是法国喜剧电影的特点。但也有不同,虎口脱险 这部电影没有涉及太多的政治热点,在纯喜剧的方面进行了探讨,再加上中文配音,精彩绝伦(不得不说,中文配音极大地增加了这部电影的喜剧特点,也许开罗谍影加了精心的中文配音以后会有不同)。当然这是两种风格的喜剧,我还是偏向于纯喜剧,对于情怀那些,有一些就好,太多了就倒胃了。
本篇导演基本在各个细节上,把法国人个性中最能拎出来让人耻笑的部分都拎出来了。不过正如那些古怪的法国家伙总能在某些方面特别成功一样,117即使是一个在看到女人打架时,兴致勃勃地只记得看撕衣服的热闹,而忘了自己该干嘛,然后还无意识地把人弄死的家伙,但他依然取得了影片最后的胜利,且继续被上司派去其它地方执行更不靠谱的任务。他在下一部片子里会继续他的不靠谱,不过好在即使他是一无所知的 ,但是学习能力还算不错,虽然他完全不知道自己学的东西是什么,但不妨碍他可以迅速学会用阿拉伯语12345怎么数,或者唱一个阿拉伯语小调,然后冲着热爱SM的饥渴公主来一句,我不是很想做。
电影风格采用的是一种老电影的处理方式,学到了完美无缺的制作方法和活泼灵动、开放式的结局。电影的片头采用的黑白线条的处理;在拍摄汽车时精彩地大量使用蓝屏以及在沙漠场景中的景色,看一感觉到后面的背景很不真实;在对口形上有意表现得很糟糕(特别是对于外国演员);还有就是一些道具上,因为影片的背景是在1955年,也顺应了影片这样的处理方式。背景音乐是由Ludovic Bource创作的,是一种怀旧的曲风。这些都使得看电影的时候都觉得他是一部老片子。
电影混合了法式讽刺和故意为之的智慧把法国喜剧的精神再次展现在世人面前。由于詹姆斯邦德007的流行,OSS117有点自己小辈的流行,恶搞007。比如海报中OSS117的pose还有影片中一些模仿詹姆斯邦德的地方,如与埃及公主Al Tarouk在床上的滑稽动作。影片那种风趣幽默很大程度上体现在OSS117的话语上,这些与其他一些西方的喜剧电影不一样的地方。利用一个家禽饲养公司作为遮掩——他们这么做很时髦,当时OSS所有的间谍同行们似乎都在经营家禽。这种背景设置也似乎有点恶搞……
该片在第19届东京电影节上大爆冷门,捧走最佳影片金麒麟奖,并被认为是本届电影节上最具娱乐性的影片之一。导演迈克尔·哈扎纳维希乌斯(Michel Hazanavicius)获奖时也觉得很吃惊。他在新闻发布会上表示:“喜剧获得任何一个奖项都极为罕见,更何况是电影节的最高奖项了。我对我们能获此殊荣吃惊不已,我觉得非常、非常荣幸。” 我一直觉得法国喜剧电影大多很经典,也许以前经常在CCTV-6的星期五看喜剧天地时看到很多很多法国喜剧电影,例如《虎口脱险》等。