2.Alfie:This shit about to get cray.This shit about to get fifty shades of cray.这家伙会输,这家伙会输的很惨。
3.Time and tide wait for no man.时间和潮汐不等人。
4.Alfie's girlfriend Rosie:Stop that Chrismas music.It's fucking June.
5.I spy with my little eye something beginning with S.Rhymes with Brie. Sea? Correct. .I spy with my little eye something beginning with S again.Rhymes with ... breering wheel. Steering wheel. Correct. Please,put the music on!Put the fucking music back on!
6.Joe:Are your mates always that mean to you? Alfie:It's called character-building,Jo.It's a public school thing.
7.Alfrie:But at least they wanted to hang out with me. Jing:It's always about you,isn't it? Alfie:Always about me?You're the selfish ones for abandoning me.都是因为我?你抛弃我才是自私的。 Black girl:Some more selfish than others. Gay:Get over yourself.I am no accessory.我不是通道(同谋)。
8.警员:Likes falafel.喜欢沙拉三明治。
9.CLA Pasco:They could be tracking us. Alfie:I mean,it has an airplane mode.你可以开飞行模式。I hadn't backed up.我还没备份。
10.Joe's T-shirt:choose your weapon.
11.CLA Pasco:How does a revolution succeed? Alfie:Peaceful negotiation.和谈咯。 Joe:没收军械意味着再造。
12.Fat ganster:I hear the Jihadiwaddys tell their lot they'll get a 72 year old virgin. Alfie:It's 72 virgins.是72个处女。
13.Gay:Are we gonna die,sir? Alfie:Of course not.But just in case we do,I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry.You were right about Atticus and that lot.They aren't my friends.You guys are.And now I'm losing you. Jing:We're all in the same boat,sir.It's not just you.(理智人说的话)We're saying goodbye to each other.(又善)
14.Naughty boy:I'm virgin. Hang on.You all knew?
15.Gay:Hashtag sorry not sorry.标签 抱歉不是抱歉
16.Joe:Smuggler's tunnel down to the beach.去沙滩的秘密通道。Does no-one listen to Alfie?
17.Alfie:I discovered a county that is proud but unhappy,becasuse for too long you guys have been taken for granted by the man.因为你们被那个人压迫了太久了。 But today isn't about building things,it is about tearing shit up!而是拆除。That is why we need to fight.Fight for this love!为这股爱而战。They can take our lives but they will never take! Fat ganster:Our pasties. Mick老头抹眼泪(被英国佬欺负的太久了)。
2.Alfie:This shit about to get cray.This shit about to get fifty shades of cray.这家伙会输,这家伙会输的很惨。
3.Time and tide wait for no man.时间和潮汐不等人。
4.Alfie's girlfriend Rosie:Stop that Chrismas music.It's fucking June.
5.I spy with my little eye something beginning with S.Rhymes with Brie.
.I spy with my little eye something beginning with S again.Rhymes with ... breering wheel.
Steering wheel.
Please,put the music on!Put the fucking music back on!
6.Joe:Are your mates always that mean to you?
Alfie:It's called character-building,Jo.It's a public school thing.
7.Alfrie:But at least they wanted to hang out with me.
Jing:It's always about you,isn't it?
Alfie:Always about me?You're the selfish ones for abandoning me.都是因为我?你抛弃我才是自私的。
Black girl:Some more selfish than others.
Gay:Get over yourself.I am no accessory.我不是通道(同谋)。
8.警员:Likes falafel.喜欢沙拉三明治。
9.CLA Pasco:They could be tracking us.
Alfie:I mean,it has an airplane mode.你可以开飞行模式。I hadn't backed up.我还没备份。
10.Joe's T-shirt:choose your weapon.
11.CLA Pasco:How does a revolution succeed?
Alfie:Peaceful negotiation.和谈咯。
12.Fat ganster:I hear the Jihadiwaddys tell their lot they'll get a 72 year old virgin.
Alfie:It's 72 virgins.是72个处女。
13.Gay:Are we gonna die,sir?
Alfie:Of course not.But just in case we do,I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry.You were right about Atticus and that lot.They aren't my friends.You guys are.And now I'm losing you.
Jing:We're all in the same boat,sir.It's not just you.(理智人说的话)We're saying goodbye to each other.(又善)
14.Naughty boy:I'm virgin.
Hang on.You all knew?
15.Gay:Hashtag sorry not sorry.标签 抱歉不是抱歉
16.Joe:Smuggler's tunnel down to the beach.去沙滩的秘密通道。Does no-one listen to Alfie?
17.Alfie:I discovered a county that is proud but unhappy,becasuse for too long you guys have been taken for granted by the man.因为你们被那个人压迫了太久了。
But today isn't about building things,it is about tearing shit up!而是拆除。That is why we need to fight.Fight for this love!为这股爱而战。They can take our lives but they will never take!
Fat ganster:Our pasties.
18.Alfie:Ah,young love.
Nauhty boy:学勇敢的心露ass
据说好像是电视剧改编还是什么的,我也不太了解,但是这名字我也多少猜到了一些剧情,肯定是与孩子啊老师啊有什么关系,而且还是bad的关系。的确,一上来就出现了好多好多我以前从没听过的脏话,也算是涨了见识,原来这些话还可以那么讲。。至于学生呢,也是挺有特色的,一个小胖、一个gay、一个亚裔女、一个黑人女、一个满脑子荷尔蒙没处使的和一个pretty girl。首先我对那亚裔女生真是没有任何好感啊。。为啥一个高中女生看上去就和30多岁的大妈一样。。导演你真的知道亚裔高中女生长啥样吗?!其他人物的话我就没啥注意的了,中规中矩,没有什么亮点。
老师的话,阿尔菲是有点傻了吧唧的,自诩为是学生们的best friend,但其实学生或多或少都对老师有一定的意见。电影剧情我实在不想讲太多,因为我真的总结不出什么剧情,总感觉就是没事找事,到处乱逛。不过毕竟这部电影是喜剧片,所以那些过于夸张和喜剧的表现也是可以理解的。不过笑点我是真没有看出来多少啊,绝大多数的笑话都是小儿不宜的,你好意思和别人讲吃了包皮的笑话吗?你敢和孩子看一个男的蛋蛋被鹅咬的笑话吗?总之,这种低级幽默的确是有它的一定好处,就是简单易懂,会让一些人真的get到笑点。但是这样就缺少了一定的技术含量。不过导演没有去抄袭笑点也是很不错的,不像某公寓原封不动抄袭《IT狂人》《老爸老妈的浪漫史》,懂的人都懂得。