“ Whether it's a smooth purr, a massive head, or a sweet little snore, the reasons we love certain animals or as diverse and different as the animals themselves. Every comic movement, oversized feature, and wonderful sound tells a story of evolution and survival.”n“无论是因为抚慰人心的声音,又大又圆的头,或者甜蜜可爱的‘鼾声’,我们喜欢这些动物的原因和这些动物本身一样,形形色色且大相径庭。每一个滑稽的动作、过大的特征和美妙的声音都讲述了一个关于演化和生存的故事。”nn我们总是很容易会依据第一眼看到的外部特征来给对方下论断,有时甚至能一下判出喜恶来。尽管说这是人的本性使然,人类本无过错,但有多少人会仅就着自己有失偏颇的刻板印象拒绝接受对方的其他特性呢?
1. Pandas' big round heads help them to hold big jaws to chew bamboo. And their balck spots around eyes enlarge eyes which can terrify their enemies in wild.2.Loris are nocturnal creatures.They have huge eyes. They are the only venenous primates in the world.3.Fennecs' gaint ears help keeping cool.4.Sea otter's fur provide heat and floatage. They use tools. people wear masks in case of being mistaken as orphans' moms. 5.It's not easy to use trunks for young elephants.6.Penguins swing a lot when walking. It's not inefficient as we thought.it helps to save energy. 7.Koalas like cuddling trees which can help them to keep cool. 8.Apes'laughter indicates the evolution of our language.9.Desert rain frogs'funny sound are always furious.10.Hummingbirds snore when coming into torpor.11. Cats pur when they relax as well as get pain. A pur is also a command to people.
“ Whether it's a smooth purr, a massive head, or a sweet little snore, the reasons we love certain animals or as diverse and different as the animals themselves. Every comic movement, oversized feature, and wonderful sound tells a story of evolution and survival.”n“无论是因为抚慰人心的声音,又大又圆的头,或者甜蜜可爱的‘鼾声’,我们喜欢这些动物的原因和这些动物本身一样,形形色色且大相径庭。每一个滑稽的动作、过大的特征和美妙的声音都讲述了一个关于演化和生存的故事。”nn我们总是很容易会依据第一眼看到的外部特征来给对方下论断,有时甚至能一下判出喜恶来。尽管说这是人的本性使然,人类本无过错,但有多少人会仅就着自己有失偏颇的刻板印象拒绝接受对方的其他特性呢?