【Season 4 Episode 1】 「I'm a single mother. My son is 18. He's having a lot of emotional problem right now and, uh, you know, it's hard being a woman alone with no one to turn to for help. I bet you could help me. Won't you please see him? ↓ I'm gay.」
【Season 4 Episode 2】 「I knew this was the best way to get you... to ignore you. That you'd start worrying about me. Because you do love me. That's the heartbreak of it all.」
「We just don't belong in this world anymore, mother. We're broken. We've tried. We want peace and happiness, but the world just won't allow it. So let's take ourselves out of the equation. Because whatever there is after this, we will have peace. And we will be together.」
【Season 4 Episode 3】 「Sometimes, a person might think someone needs help because they are actually the one that needs help.」
「Parents. Can't live with 'em, can't live without.」
【Season 4 Episode 4】 「The world has gone mad, but I'm not.」
「I don't know... how I got here or what happened before. I just black out, and maybe because... it's because I'm crazy or something. I don't know, but I can't do this anymore, because I am tired and scared. I'm so scared, and I don't trust what I think is real, and so, if you could help me, then, yes, please, please. I'll do anything you say. Please, please, help me. Please.」
【Season 4 Episode 5】 「Is it possible your mother wasn't here yesterday? ↓ You're asking me to consider that I made up my mother being here? ↓ No, not that you made it up, but that it didn't happen like how it felt.」
「Do you want to be out of integrity with yourself, Norma?」
【Season 4 Episode 6】 「What was this person like? This person in me who's my mother? ↓ Actually, she's charming. 」
「It's amazing what we can do when we have to do it.」
「I can't get Caleb killed, and I can't kill you, so I'm screwed. I'm screwed! You got me! All I wanted was my freaking window fixed, and now you're gonna destroy my life! So just go right ahead. Just go right the hell ahead!」
「You never know what you're capable of until you're tested. ↓ What are you saying? Are you saying that we all have things "hidden" inside us? secrets we don't want anyone to know, things that other people might know and hold over your head, even though you personally have done nothing to them? Go ahead, tough guy. Come on, do what you're gonna do. Okay, break the woman in half. But you know what? I'm not broken. I am still standing. So go ahead. Do your best, you giant, lame asshole! ↓ I hope you enjoy your new window, Norma Bates.」
「Just go pack your bag. → Okay. Where we going?」
【Season 4 Episode 8】 「I will always be grateful for your friendship, Emma. For you being the first real friend that I ever had. ↓ We will always be good friends. No matter what.」
「You can be married to her. You can be sleeping with her. But you're never gonna get in between us. ↓ Norman, there's room in the human heart for more than one person, doesn't diminish the love that's already there. ↓ Oh, really? Imagine that we are on a ship at sea. The ship is going down. And there is one tiny boat and room and provisions for two. Who are you gonna put in that boat with you? ↓ It's ludicrous. We're not in a sinking ship. We are in a big beautiful warm house, and we're all fine. ↓ You are such a hypocrite, Mother. My whole life, you have kept me so close to you that I couldn't breath without you. You never wanted me to have a girlfriend or even a good time. I gave up everything. Everything for you, Mother. And I did it gladly, because I understand the bond between us, the cord. I understand that it is huge and sacred and unique. And now you want to tell me that doesn't matter. Now, all of a sudden, there' s room for someone else. Well, there isn't, and you know it. This is our world. Our world, Mother! And that's what love is. Real love. Not this pale corpse you're trying to put in its place, and you never will be able to. You are setting yourself up, and he is making you think that it's possible! ↓ Get this through you head! No one is making me do anything! I am a grown woman. I love him. He loves me. And that is it. And you have to deal with it.」
【Season 4 Episode 9】 「No one knows Norman like I do. We are two parts of the same person. There's no possible way he could ever, ever in any way hurt me, ever.」
其实此剧并非没有来头,作为希区柯克大神的经典之作《惊魂记》的前传,本剧对Norman Bates——这个美国电影史上最著名的精神病患者形象——的少年时代展开了一番想象。
Norman 是一个带有艺术气息的纤弱少年,家庭的不幸使得Norman的性格越发的敏感而脆弱,对相依为命的母亲Norma产生了深深的爱恋。尽管这世界上对于恋母这件事有成千上万种解释,对于我而言,Norma和Norman之间则是彻头彻尾的爱情。夜色下的湖面上一叶扁舟中,Norman对Norma吟诵的是《简爱》里面的诗句;Norma与Norman会依偎在床上一起看电影,空虚寂寞冷的时候会相拥而睡,也会把冷漠作为对对方最好的报复;面对对方与异性交往,都会醋性大发,不搅黄对方恋情不会善罢甘休。种种小性子、小心机、欲说还休、欲罢不能,“你是我的唯一,你是我的整个世界”,“你和我是一体的,我们之间存在着某种联系,你死了,我也会死”, “你是我睡前想起的最后一个人,你是我醒来时想起的第一个人。”这绝对是赤裸裸的情侣模式。
然而上天给了她这样的风情,却没有给她这样的命运。Norma从小生长在一个不幸的家庭,哥哥借机侵犯她,这一切构成了Norma的童年阴影,长大之后更是所托非人,时常遭受丈夫的家暴。其实Norma是一位非凡的女性,剧中很多紧要关头,Norma都展现出了不逊于男性的过人的胆识与智慧,与几位权贵过招也毫不逊色。Norma本可以成就一番事业,但终究心比天高,命比纸薄。除去命运机遇的因素,性格上的缺陷或许也是原因。稍微“正常”点的人都懂得人在屋檐下,不得不低头,但Norma却几次三番不合时宜地向强权发起挑战。即使深知自己背负血债也能坚称无罪,并要与警方斗争到底,一个无门无派的女性也能胆大到手握机密u盘跟大毒枭讲价钱。难怪不喜欢她的观众会大吼一句no zuo no die。Norma曾对Norman说过,“我对你的教育并不是希望你仅仅做一个普通人”。Norma的强人主义以及超强的控制欲在正常的环境中或许能成就非凡的事业,然而当时运不济时,这些无疑种下了悲剧的种子。
母亲的强势却让Norman倍感压力,用他自己的话说,Norma不让他找女朋友,不让他参加娱乐活动,他为母亲牺牲了自己的一切。母亲的强势与神经质使Norman根本无法拥有正常的情感生活。在Norman爱上校花Bradly的时候,母亲便“语重心长”地告诫“漂亮而放荡的女孩都是惹祸精,根本不值得爱”。在Bradly第一次来访的时候,Norma一口回绝了Bradly对Norman的邀请,根本没有给儿子说话的机会,并一眼看出其“放荡”的本质。在Emma第一次来访的时候,Norma同样没有给予好脸色,不仅警惕其找儿子的目的,更对别人的生理缺陷问了一些并不算友善的问题。之后Norma对Emma的态度倒是好了很多,并“貌似”很高兴Norman和Emma交往,其实这并不代表Norma真正放手让儿子拥抱自己的生活,很大程度上是因为体弱多病的Emma比起Bradly对自己并不会构成实质威胁,更主要的是Norma心里清楚Norman根本不爱Emma。在得知Norman与Emma要出去郊游的时候,Norma直接了当地对Norman交代不可以与Emma发生关系,当然Norma的理由冠冕堂皇,是怕Emma虚弱的身体无法接受,事实上Emma早就与那位大麻小哥云雨过了。可以说Norma的粗暴干涉直接使得这次约会不欢而散。即便是身体健康的Bradly,Norman与其共度春宵后,Norma也同样大发雷霆,在Norma的心中根本无法接受儿子与另外一个女人亲密。对于这一点,貌似局外人的Emma却看得最为透彻,Emma曾经对Norman说“你的母亲无法接受你长大。”接下来的话更加意味深长,Emma问Norman“你愿意做Peter Pan吗?”Norman的回答是:“如果你愿意做我的Wendy”,而Emma的回应是“Perter与Wendy之间没有性”。这段对话也折射出了Norman的内心,他似乎对纯洁、忠贞有着一种执念。这种执念或许是天生或许是母亲潜移默化的影响。从这方面来说,母与子之间存在着高度的精神契合。但是母与子同样面临表里不一的内心困境。双方都在要求对方守贞,却又无法战胜自己内心的欲望。Norman在血气方刚的年龄会对Bradyly有幻想,会在Emma换上短裙时多看几眼,也会偷窥性感女房客换衣服。虽然儿子才是一生的情人,但是Norma既无法逾越道德伦理的界限,也无意做圣母,Norma作为一个单身女人的情欲往往要在其他男人身上得到实现,但是各种牵绊、各种天意或巧合使得Norma始终无法与这些男人保持长久稳定的情感关系。这无疑给Norman带来了困惑。在和与Norma有露水姻缘的心理学教师对话时,可以看出,即便“开放如美国”,Norma的这种一夜情行为仍被Norman定义为“淫荡”。大儿子Dylan在未与Norma和解时也认为她是“whore”。
Norma走了,留下Norman一个人带着母亲的幽灵,徘徊在罪恶的深渊。其实两人都曾想过挣脱对方,悲剧并非不可避免,两人在不涉及对方的事情上表现得都很正常。但各种机缘巧合又像潮水一样将彼此向对方推去,不得不相互取暖。如果Bradly当初答应了Norman的求爱,王子和公主幸福地生活在一起了,或许Norman就不会领悟母亲的“谆谆教导”是多么正确,一头转向母亲的怀抱,也不会有后来病情发作杀害老师,然而现实没有如果。就像王菲歌里唱的:“有生之年,狭路相逢,终不能幸免。”人与人之间的影响从来都是双向的,Norma控制不了与自己同样强势的Dylan而Dylan就算家庭不幸也不会甘于做mammy's boy。而身心都纤细软弱的Norman在遭受外界打击下却很容易将不离不弃的母亲视作自己的第一女神,而对于Norma来说Norman天真无邪的面孔可谓我见犹怜。可以说双方身上都有某种“特质”让对方着迷。
如果要说此剧小众的原因,个人认为此剧的题材对于美国的观众尤其是年轻的观众来说太老了,想象一下中国观众面对西游记各种翻拍时是怎样萎靡不振的心情。小众的另一部分原因有可能是它并没有满足一部分重口味观众的需求。提到贝茨旅馆这个题材,观众首先想到的是惊悚、凶杀、恋母、精神分裂。本剧主演Freddie highmore在肥伦秀上也被肥伦问到此剧是不是很creepy,可见奔着以上看点的观众并不是一个人。但事实上此剧的实际表达并未跟上广大观众雄浑的想象,惊悚止于悬疑,恋母止于精神暧昧,血腥与香艳指数止步不前,满心期待的B级片其实只是一出复古小清新。此剧的另一个小众性在于此剧流露出的那种东方主义气质。Norma与Norman的感情是隐忍的,缠绵悱恻的,这种曲径通幽的感觉让人觉得不那么“美国”。
比起电视剧电影的容量太过单薄,所以为了扩容,编导安排了黑帮仇杀以及警长、Dylan与Emma这样的主角朋友圈支线。个人觉得此剧的失败之处在于众多支线削弱了主线,架空了主角。原本Norman Bates是令人闻风丧胆的变态杀人狂,但讽刺的是,观众会在此剧中看到,比起Norman,警长与Dylan才是真正训练有素、技术娴熟的战士。剧中Dylan相继解决了对Norma和Norman构成威胁的副警长和黑帮老大,而警长游走于黑白两道之间,左右逢源,关键时刻干净利落地把大毒枭做掉。相比之下,Norman的杀人是精神疾病发作时的行为,无论在法律上还是道德上都会得到宽容。Norman在家被母亲压迫,在外因为不善长社交被人嘲笑,男性荷尔蒙分分钟被其兄碾压,Norman简直是悲情宝宝。观众困惑的是谁才是真正的可怖之人。或许编导有更高的追求,在这个小镇上,黑帮横行,毒品泛滥,官僚腐败,吃人的也许是这个社会。
高考前的那个暑假偷偷摸摸追完了《Bates motel》,因为要防备爸妈突然走进书房,练就了一番房门紧闭也能时刻洞察外边动静的绝技。
我一直不确切明白究竟是什么感动了我,but sometimes it all comes back to me.
当时不明所以地瞬间泪目。没有为《Bates Motel》里的谁谁掉过泪,可是这一幕,至今想来依然会觉得真实得心痛。
没有imaginary friends,只有无言之物契合着心灵律动的节拍在静滞的光影中旋转舞蹈。
「I'm a single mother. My son is 18. He's having a lot of emotional problem right now and, uh, you know, it's hard being a woman alone with no one to turn to for help. I bet you could help me. Won't you please see him?
I'm gay.」
【Season 4 Episode 2】
「I knew this was the best way to get you... to ignore you. That you'd start worrying about me. Because you do love me. That's the heartbreak of it all.」
「We just don't belong in this world anymore, mother. We're broken. We've tried. We want peace and happiness, but the world just won't allow it. So let's take ourselves out of the equation. Because whatever there is after this, we will have peace. And we will be together.」
【Season 4 Episode 3】
「Sometimes, a person might think someone needs help because they are actually the one that needs help.」
「Parents. Can't live with 'em, can't live without.」
【Season 4 Episode 4】
「The world has gone mad, but I'm not.」
「I don't know... how I got here or what happened before. I just black out, and maybe because... it's because I'm crazy or something. I don't know, but I can't do this anymore, because I am tired and scared. I'm so scared, and I don't trust what I think is real, and so, if you could help me, then, yes, please, please. I'll do anything you say. Please, please, help me. Please.」
【Season 4 Episode 5】
「Is it possible your mother wasn't here yesterday?
You're asking me to consider that I made up my mother being here?
No, not that you made it up, but that it didn't happen like how it felt.」
「Do you want to be out of integrity with yourself, Norma?」
【Season 4 Episode 6】
「What was this person like? This person in me who's my mother?
Actually, she's charming. 」
「It's amazing what we can do when we have to do it.」
「I can't get Caleb killed, and I can't kill you, so I'm screwed. I'm screwed! You got me! All I wanted was my freaking window fixed, and now you're gonna destroy my life! So just go right ahead. Just go right the hell ahead!」
「You never know what you're capable of until you're tested.
What are you saying? Are you saying that we all have things "hidden" inside us? secrets we don't want anyone to know, things that other people might know and hold over your head, even though you personally have done nothing to them? Go ahead, tough guy. Come on, do what you're gonna do. Okay, break the woman in half. But you know what? I'm not broken. I am still standing. So go ahead. Do your best, you giant, lame asshole!
I hope you enjoy your new window, Norma Bates.」
「Just go pack your bag. → Okay. Where we going?」
【Season 4 Episode 8】
「I will always be grateful for your friendship, Emma. For you being the first real friend that I ever had.
We will always be good friends. No matter what.」
「You can be married to her. You can be sleeping with her. But you're never gonna get in between us.
Norman, there's room in the human heart for more than one person, doesn't diminish the love that's already there.
Oh, really? Imagine that we are on a ship at sea. The ship is going down. And there is one tiny boat and room and provisions for two. Who are you gonna put in that boat with you?
It's ludicrous. We're not in a sinking ship. We are in a big beautiful warm house, and we're all fine.
You are such a hypocrite, Mother. My whole life, you have kept me so close to you that I couldn't breath without you. You never wanted me to have a girlfriend or even a good time. I gave up everything. Everything for you, Mother. And I did it gladly, because I understand the bond between us, the cord. I understand that it is huge and sacred and unique. And now you want to tell me that doesn't matter. Now, all of a sudden, there' s room for someone else. Well, there isn't, and you know it. This is our world. Our world, Mother! And that's what love is. Real love. Not this pale corpse you're trying to put in its place, and you never will be able to. You are setting yourself up, and he is making you think that it's possible!
Get this through you head! No one is making me do anything! I am a grown woman. I love him. He loves me. And that is it. And you have to deal with it.」
【Season 4 Episode 9】
「No one knows Norman like I do. We are two parts of the same person. There's no possible way he could ever, ever in any way hurt me, ever.」
【Season 4 Episode 10】
「Mother, we're home. We're finally together. → Yes, honey, forever and ever.」
可怜的警长一夜没怎么睡 太无奈的原因只是警长真的爱上了诺玛
所谓只用心去感受 只相信自己的内心
可怜她从小也没有被得到过好好的对待 没有得到过正常的亲情爱情吧
在作死的道路上甩起来狂奔 带着儿子一起(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨
小情人艾玛和迪伦真是养眼的不行 能不能顺利去西雅图啊?
这不是要棒打鸳鸯母子的节奏么 越拆越紧啊
当迪伦抱着诺曼说再见的时候请注意迪伦背后精品好妈妈诺玛的悚人的神态 癫狂的眼睛....
果然进屋后他两又仔细好好抱了一番哭了一把 深情告白我爱你
根据第四集,他们这对情侣能搬迁到西雅图去发展,自然更好,可是剧情一旦如此发展,这条线也就断了,所以西雅图之行的可能性不大,能把他们拖回Bates Motel的应该是Dylan的爸爸和那位山上瘸腿的武器商。
3.第四集的结尾Norman终于意识到了自己的Black out症状,作为一名地区优秀的精神病医师,爱德华医生在Norman配合的情况下,也肯定能够对症下药,极大地缓解Norman的精神病症状。个人认为第四集后Norman的病情将进入一个先抑后扬的发展。
1.母亲死之前,Norman本体占大部分,“母亲”只在行凶时出现,角色转换会有black out出现。