The Runner is a very straightforward and powerful film that reflects the social reality in Iran after the Revolution. Almost every subject in the movie symbolizes the long for modernity and the doubt of tradition. For example, the ships, the planes, the train, the ice, as well as the weak women, dumpsters, the handicapped etc. directly show the disparity between modernity and tradition. The director brilliantly uses the kids as observers to approach these hot issues easily without being banned in terms of sexism. The film is beautifully shot, using a lot of silhouettes with strong contrast between light and darkness. The impressive young actor is another essential element that makes the film successful. The climax is at the end when all the kids were competing fiercely, kicking each other, for a piece of ice in the hot dry land and water. They shared the ice afterwards, which makes the film not too sad. However, this film is too intense and straightforward. It may be better if the director could leave some space for the audience. Lead the audience to ponder deeply instead of showing everything apparently.
精彩看点 Harmonican纳得瑞作品的动力往往是痴迷,这没错,但重点或许并不在痴迷本身,而在痴迷的对象。对象不同,人物的命运可能会天差地别。这源于痴迷偶然的方向不同而产生的天差地别不同命运,大约才是纳得瑞影像演绎法的完整风貌。《口琴》的令人不安。这是一个《蝇王》式的儿童寓言,只是主题更集中地指向“口琴”所象征的音乐与艺术。掌握乐器可以魅惑人心,可以奴役人的身体,这是我们太熟悉了的史前文明故事了不是吗?年轻的纳得瑞在阿巴丹的码头上徘徊,想象着去其他地方旅行。在《奔跑的亚军》中,他的另一个自我被纳·京·科尔(Nat King Cole)的《环游世界》(Around the World)和路易斯·阿姆斯特朗(Louis Armstrong)的《世界真奇妙》(What a Wonderful World)吟唱出来,仿佛即将启程前往梦寐以求的新世界。纳得瑞也和“艾米鲁”一样对外国杂志上的图像和摄影着迷,他因此搬到德黑兰,在一家摄影店工作。寻找父亲形象的渴望加上对动态影像日益增长的热情,使纳得瑞开始寻求和成熟的电影导演交流,其中几位后来也确实成为了他的导师。最开始,著名的反叛者、纪录片导演卡姆兰·希德尔(Kamran Shirdel)教授他视觉叙事,使他成为了知名的片场摄影师(set photographer)。当他决定将自己的摄影变成“动态影像”时,他拜访了各类制片人。商业电影(filmfarsi)制片人看中了当时年轻导演们普遍拍摄现实主义街头暴力电影的能力,最终决定给年轻的纳得瑞机会。
随后,纳得瑞拍摄了两部描写德黑兰底层世界的粗粝犯罪片《再见朋友》(GoodbeyFriend,暂译,1971年)和《唐尼亚》(Tangna,暂译,1973 年),但很快他就意识到,商业电影无法让他更靠近自己越来越迫切地想要完成地那类理想作品:在电影俱乐部中欣赏过诸多佳作后,纳得瑞认为电影是无妥协的自我表达。他需要一个能容纳这种创作欲的新空间。他选择前往伊朗的儿童与青少年发展研究所(Center for the intellectual development of child and adolescent,CIDCA,通常被称为Kanoon),这促成了他电影生涯的重大突破。在Kanoon工作期间,他先后拍摄了《口琴》和《等待》(Waiting,1974 年),这两部影片与《奔跑的亚军》共同构成了纳得瑞关于青春期、剥削和欲望的三部曲。
关于片名“Davandeh”一直没查到是什么意思。是波斯语的发音拼写吗?英文片名“The Runner”应该翻译叫“赛跑者”?汉语片名“奔跑的亚军”又是从哪来的???