n年前看的,喜剧电影里几乎算是最喜欢的一部了。可惜好不容易买到的碟片居然被人借了无还了。nn男猪是sex and city的jessica parker的 cutie老公。没想到这么一个cutie演技居然这么高超。nn里面的对话都很smart ass,比方:nnA: what do you recommend me to read if I want to become a writer.nB: the entire third floor of new york public library.n------n(自言自语) 'this is hot, Africa hot, even Tarzan can't stand it.'n------n(教官训斥兵)'you need 3 promotions to be an asshole'nn可以把你笑疯,但是绝对不浅薄(到底Neil Simon是得过普利策奖的。 )。
n年前看的,喜剧电影里几乎算是最喜欢的一部了。可惜好不容易买到的碟片居然被人借了无还了。nn男猪是sex and city的jessica parker的 cutie老公。没想到这么一个cutie演技居然这么高超。nn里面的对话都很smart ass,比方:nnA: what do you recommend me to read if I want to become a writer.nB: the entire third floor of new york public library.n------n(自言自语) 'this is hot, Africa hot, even Tarzan can't stand it.'n------n(教官训斥兵)'you need 3 promotions to be an asshole'nn可以把你笑疯,但是绝对不浅薄(到底Neil Simon是得过普利策奖的。 )。