Everything went downhill when that obnoxiously loud servant girl join in.
My queer self was expecting some gay sub-narrative but everything turned out to be perfectly cliche (and freaking damn heterosexual). However, I don’t think me being queer really was the problem, because the punchlines are as glib and shallow as an expired cream cake. This movie showed perfectly how structurally oppressed females were during that time - they are expected to fit into certain dress and behavioural codes, and only for male’s pleasure; their lives are terribly limited. And the filmmaker never thought of challenging it even a tiny bit in the film. He certainly had NO feminist thinking at all when he established so many binary gender dynamics. The female characters were coy and shallow, while the male characters were vulgar, impolite and greasy.
In a word - the concept of all the “disguised as male” idea is indeed fascinating and, with certain mindset, it could have turned out to be deep and meaningful. But the filmmaker ruined the beautiful potential of exploring/revealing gender norms, let alone surpass it.
The plot was rubbish too. Don’t even make me start. Skip this film and you won’t miss a thing - I recommend Notorious, even The Philadelphia Story if you’re into comedies.
Everything went downhill when that obnoxiously loud servant girl join in.
My queer self was expecting some gay sub-narrative but everything turned out to be perfectly cliche (and freaking damn heterosexual). However, I don’t think me being queer really was the problem, because the punchlines are as glib and shallow as an expired cream cake. This movie showed perfectly how structurally oppressed females were during that time - they are expected to fit into certain dress and behavioural codes, and only for male’s pleasure; their lives are terribly limited. And the filmmaker never thought of challenging it even a tiny bit in the film. He certainly had NO feminist thinking at all when he established so many binary gender dynamics. The female characters were coy and shallow, while the male characters were vulgar, impolite and greasy.
In a word - the concept of all the “disguised as male” idea is indeed fascinating and, with certain mindset, it could have turned out to be deep and meaningful. But the filmmaker ruined the beautiful potential of exploring/revealing gender norms, let alone surpass it.
The plot was rubbish too. Don’t even make me start. Skip this film and you won’t miss a thing - I recommend Notorious, even The Philadelphia Story if you’re into comedies.
電影在1936年初推出後,銷聲匿跡多年,直到50年代,開始享有地下電影的盛譽,轉變成小眾Cult movie,持續地在藝術電影院,或懷舊影展中放映.
庫克後來自我解嘲,他的電影就是要花很多年才會受到欣賞.他一直認為這部片最能代表自己的原創性 (most personal original films),所以他最喜歡別人讚美: "Sylvia Scarlett" was ahead of its times. 超越時代之作.