猎人:死亡符文是由Rasmus,Tirzitis执导的一部拍摄于2019年动作,惊悚,恐怖片在其它上映,主演由Moa,Enqvist,Stefansdotter,Yohanna,Idha,Viva,Östervall,Lyngbrant,Andreas,Rylander,Peter,Mörlin,Urban,Bergsten,Andrea,Larsdotter,Tommi,Korkeamäki领衔。 811 AD, a family, isolated in their home, deep in the woods a few days travel from Birka. They are poor. The hunting and fishing has been bad for some time, and the father, Joar, takes the desperate measure of going on a Viking raid. Joar does not return for a long time, and the family starts to fear he never will. Runa, the oldest daughter, takes over her fathers chores in his absence. She misses him dearly and nourishes a tender hope that he, once again, will return to them. But in her heart, somehow she knows, that the suffering of the family has just begun. There is something in the air, something in the water, the wind and in the soil. Runa is becoming aware of something vile, something dangerous out in the forest. One day when she is out hunting, she finds a bleeding man, a warrior, almost unconscious. She brings him inside and the family tend to his wounds. As he heals, she realizes he is sent to protect the family from an approaching evil. And he brings news of her father
1星,影片成本太小,拍不出什么东西来。但可以从片中看出很多北欧的古代元素。 维京武士外出打猎,掠夺,挖坟,交易。 而家中女人满怀期待的等男人们归来。冒险远征,亦商亦匪,追逐财富,这是维京人的文化传统,但舍命不舍财的后果,就是被同样追寻财宝的恶人反噬。看来北欧人还挺怀念这些的。毕竟是他们的历史,但这个片子实在是太小意思了。