I can't believe not many people in here haven heard or seen this show!
Scrubs isn't just your average sit-com,it's sooooo much more than that, it deals with politics, relationships, religions, social class, and of course, death. Death is one of the main theme in the world of scrubs, and the effect it has on the main characters: what do you do when someone you get close to while treating them die? Can you honestly say you've done the best you could? Or even if you deal with death everyday, how do you cope when someone you love die? It turns out, it never gets easy, and you just have to bite your lips, make fun of it and move on.
The first few seasons were more serious, it focuses on many serious and often heart breaking situations, such as Elliot's nervous breakdown-not literally, but after her dad cut her off, she faced the harsh reality of the real world while trying to make it as a doctor and stand at her own two feet, as well as self-discovery.
However after a few seasons, it became goofier and goofier, and JD became so camp and dorky! I still love it, but I prefer the darker materials when they have the perfect balance of dark humour and silliness.
大家都在评论医务剧,作为一个求学在海外的前医务工作者和医务剧爱好者,小小说几句 不知道为什么豆瓣上大家不喜欢格雷,那个是我最爱,虽然后面实在是太太乱搞了,堪比绯闻女友了都,但是说实话,里面的医院场景绝对是各大医务剧里面最靠谱的!和急症室的故事都有比。 其次就是这个scrubs,格雷可以说是女生的最爱男生的噩梦,至今没见过几个男生看格雷,但是scrubs是不论学医与否都爱!因为是真的轻松,真的很可爱的一部剧。以上两部是我正在看并且觉得是能学要医学词汇的。 最忍不得就是豪斯,确实是很有技术含量,太TM有了!刚开始我以为是在看csi或者FBI传奇。。擦!有那么牛B的么!都没边了,who do u think u r?! 还能一而再再而三进别人家搜索可疑毒物来源,我了个去!而且里面人物等级设定很奇怪,医生那么经常出现在那个医院,那么那个医院绝对是教学性质的公立医院,但是即使是那样,作为一个consulting级别的医生(豪斯绝对是),他和那几个医生出现的也是不正常的频繁。还有关于里面检验的问题,一般医生,确切的说基本上所有的医生都是让实验室的人去化验,然后等化验结果发送到电脑上就可以了,医生能做的就是不停的刷新。。。顶多打电话问问!像豪斯里面医生亲自去做化验的。。我只能说相似场景在CSI里面真的很熟悉。。您是在拍医务剧吗真怀疑。。 回归scrubs还是。。 很有爱。。从第一集JD用泡泡做各种造型就知道。轻松25钟。。breezy~~~ 可惜演员长得,不是说不养眼,而是有点小奇怪,不过看久了就好了。。
我知道这个片子在中国不算红,因为都么啥人做字幕的。不过我可以毫不客气的说这个片绝对是one of the best.剧情好,演员好。尤其是演员,阴险的院长,坏脾气的Dr.Cox,可爱的JD,老是欺负他的janitor等,每一个的演的非常出彩。剧情也非常搞笑,尤其是每次JD的想象,太搞笑了。而且在搞笑的同事也带出社会问题等严肃的问题。实习医生格雷在国内很红,我也看,但是说实话,里面的男女或者女女关系已经超过医务剧的核心内容了。在这方面,我觉得scrubs做得比grey's anatomy要好。总之一句话,绝对是非常好的片子
顺便提一句,英雄里扮演中村广的Masi Oka在该片里面也有客串,第四季11集里那个端着好几杯尿,一面唱着首很猥琐的歌,一面昂首走向化验室的眼镜男就是他~~
Scrubs isn't just your average sit-com,it's sooooo much more than that, it deals with politics, relationships, religions, social class, and of course, death. Death is one of the main theme in the world of scrubs, and the effect it has on the main characters: what do you do when someone you get close to while treating them die? Can you honestly say you've done the best you could? Or even if you deal with death everyday, how do you cope when someone you love die? It turns out, it never gets easy, and you just have to bite your lips, make fun of it and move on.
The first few seasons were more serious, it focuses on many serious and often heart breaking situations, such as Elliot's nervous breakdown-not literally, but after her dad cut her off, she faced the harsh reality of the real world while trying to make it as a doctor and stand at her own two feet, as well as self-discovery.
However after a few seasons, it became goofier and goofier, and JD became so camp and dorky! I still love it, but I prefer the darker materials when they have the perfect balance of dark humour and silliness.
最忍不得就是豪斯,确实是很有技术含量,太TM有了!刚开始我以为是在看csi或者FBI传奇。。擦!有那么牛B的么!都没边了,who do u think u r?!
斑比的脑洞超级大,被清洁工挂上旗杆, 镜子里的自己自杀 ? 各种疯狂。
女主角一直自卑, 人际关系不好,后边看开了,做最真实的自己。
几年前看见zach 在网上筹款拍续集,但不知结果。