Phallus, you stab into me. Release, but no peace. I fight the monolith with angry moist folds of my soul. How can you understand me when you are so dense? How can you see me with but one eye? You propel forward, ever restless, ever relentless. But the answer is right beside you. I circle around with my engorged thoughts, my languid lust. But you can't fuck because I'm already fucked, You can't find me because I'm already lost. You can't teach me because I'm already gone. But if you love me I'll fall into your arms.
又看完了Hung s2,原来ray很帅很man,他ex-wife站在河边简直美爆了,从s3到s2,往回看,一切都那么美,就如现实。tanya在下半场fucked up了三个人的信任,不过最终又回头是岸,不像邪恶的lenore。tanya跟ray可能是世界上最善良最纯情的pimp和male whore。没有之一。我说人生,就是不断的fuck和fuck up
Release, but no peace.
I fight the monolith
with angry moist folds of my soul.
How can you understand me when you are so dense?
How can you see me with but one eye?
You propel forward, ever restless, ever relentless.
But the answer is right beside you.
I circle around with my engorged thoughts, my languid lust.
But you can't fuck because I'm already fucked,
You can't find me because I'm already lost.
You can't teach me because I'm already gone.
But if you love me I'll fall into your arms.